First significant snowstorm of the season targets northwestern US, Northern Plains in an early sign of winter

A surge of cold air and deep moisture will spread from Washington and Oregon through much of Montana on Tuesday before a potent storm drops into the Northwest on Tuesday night.


محمود فتحي then there is no need for you to post your propaganda on CNN Facebook page. ........ If you don't want Palestine to be bombed, oust Hamas terrorist from Palestine. Hamas launches missiles at Israel from INSIDE Palestinian cities among innocent civilians. Israel has no choice but to bomb those missiles to prevent more missiles attacks on Israel. ......... Another thing, Hamas missiles killed AMERICANS and Hamas terrorists kidnapped AMERICANS. All your posts will be ignored or made fun of............ Did you forget America is sending humanitarian aid to Palestine? But that aid WILL end up in the hands of Hamas for their OWN use. Hamas doesn't care about Palestinians, they use them as human shields to protect them from Israel's bombs.

Your Excellency President Joe Biden, did you know that millions of people in the world are screaming and praying to God and saying: “You are an unjust ruler who wants to destroy the world in the name of freedom, democracy and human rights,” and you are far from that. My question is: Do the people of the United States of America agree with the actions of His Excellency the President? I am a citizen who is desperate for life and for the many injustices. It is one of the largest countries in the world in which most of the world's population wants to live, but it has become clear to everyone that these are false slogans.

Don W. Pierce Oh silly you can't be serious? He left America Equipment when he withdrew from Afghanistan while 13 Americas died and he left hundreds of Americans still their. Then he watched as his family business partner gathered troops to invade Ukrain. THEN he asked for money to assist Ukraine in fighting them but won't allow Poland to provide aircrafts to bomb Russina and defend Ukraine. Recently, HE asked us to spend 105 Billion more to fight the war he ignored. Then after taking office he reversed all of Trump santions against Uran - allowed Iran to sell oil to Russia and China - making money so iran could fund the terrorists who invaded Egypt causing war #2. Dude you need to stop watching the VIEW for your news. Biden harris 2024 continue the chaos!

Where is the Pope of the Vatican in the bombing of the Church of Saint Porphyrius?!!! The second oldest church in the world and a number of Christians and Muslims who were seeking refuge in it were killed!!!

The Pope who rises up and the world behind him, if a Christian is injured in a quarrel in an alley in the world, does not do anything to bomb a historic church and kill and wound many Christians and Muslims who were there!!!

Because the perpetrators are the Zionists, therefore it is necessary to remain silent outwardly, and perhaps support inwardly!!!

Palestinian families, are writing
each child’s name, on each of
the body parts/limbs of that child,
so they can find all the parts/limbs
after they are blown up!!!


With no where to go.
They know they are going to die
and likely be dismembered.
So they write the names,
hoping whomever buries them
can put the body parts
in the same grave!

— are being used to commit these —


The ongoing persecution of the Palestinians
has been going on for years.

Israel could have stopped it’s persecution.

But far right zionists
would not let them live in peace,
and cut off supplies, water, etc.
Raided their homes, shot the Palestinians, allowed settlers to attack the Palestinians.

Eventually you can beat a dog so long, while it is on it’s chain.

But if the chain breaks, all that anger that was fomented over years will be released.

This is directly a result of netanyahu smotrich bengvir ongoing persecution.

And the current Genocide
is merely a continuation of
extermination and expulsion
from the land.

This IS Ethnic Cleansing, an Atrocity
that JEWS should be against.

And while hundreds of thousands
of Jews all over the world
are Protesting against ISRAEL,
and saying these Genocidal Crimes
shall not be committed in their Name,

the Israeli Right Wing Butchers
are slaughtering human beings
that have been place
in a concentrated area,
have no where to run or hide,
and they are dropping
American Made BOMBS
on their defenseless flesh,
ripping them to shreds.

Over 20,000 Injured
Over 5,000 Killed

To the point that parents
are writing the names of each child,
on to each arm and leg, and torso,

because they want to be able
to bury the body parts together,
knowing they have little chance
for survival.


And anyone that says
this is DEFENSE
has NO Sense of Humanity!

Anyone who can cheer on
the destruction of,
and the shredding of the limbs
off of children with bombs
can not then claim they have
any moral compass on which
to base any claim of defense.



