Billionaires pay almost no tax. A global levy of just 2% could raise $250 billion | CNN Business

Billionaires’ personal tax in the United States is estimated to be close to 0.5% and as low as zero in otherwise high-tax France, the EU Tax Observatory said.


Rodney Mibbs low income earners spend all or most of their income just surviving ,while high earners invest or bank most of it so it still rewards the rich. Most flat tax sysyems set the tax rate at 10-20% a family earning $10,000 would therefore pay $1000 leaving them just $9,000 to live on for a year, while someone earning $100K would only pay $10K, leaving them $90,000 to live on. This inequality would no doubt increase crime and unrest ,plus, it would never produce the revenue that any major government needs for even the bare necessites.The resultv would be that states and cities who would no longer get handouts from the fed would have to drastically increase their taxes. That would mean that taker states would no longer be able to surive, which is most of the Southern states. Think what that would do to the country!!!

People just don't understand the tax code. Almost every single billionaire out there that owns a company does not take a salary from that company. They take minimal a few hundred thousand, then the rest of what they take in is all investments. And that's taxed at a much lower rate than income is. This is not that hard to figure out! Anyone who has any sort of investment income and who's ever done their own taxes can see this. This isn't some sort of mystery. Billionaires aren't screwing the taxpayers it's the tax code written by your favorite Congress people!

Stop it with this fair share crap

Kevin Rosenbaum What if the government stopped giving handouts to the rich and did, oh, I don't know, what they should be doing like attacking problems with our infrastructure ,instead of kicking the can down the road ??? Biden is doing what he said he would do, and guess what? he won convincingly, despite what Trump would have the public believe. It isn't even about the amoount spent because that doesn't take into account what Bidens taxes on those making over $400k would bring in, and don't try and pull that old " the rich already pay more than their share of taxes" routine. As a percent of income they don't even come close to what the rest of the country pays in taxes !!!

Lisa Lee , Yes, Lisa, because the world doesn't revolve around you. If you "come into money" it will likely be because of the opportunitues afforded you by this country. That alone should require those who have the most to progressively contribute a greater percentage of that acquired wealth in the form of taxes. Unfortunately that isn't what has happened, mainly because the majority of our representatives are not representative of the majority of citizens, and so they poass laws , not beneficial for the majority of citizens , but benefitting their own social class. For that reason the wealthy get tax cuts that the rest of the citizenry don't, and that allows them to keep more of their wealth on the backs of the less well off!!!

Ralph Ackerman you are a clown
Biden has done nothing but catapult the Federal Deficit and the Middle Class and poor will suffer the most because of his policies.

If you aren’t seeing this perhaps you need to remove your Trump Deranged hat.

The Dollar has lost 17% of its purchasing power in the last 3 years.

And that is if you believe the CPI is accurate. Most people know if it intentionally underreporting inflation. So the loss in purchasing power is actually much more than 17%.

Is your salary up 25% in the past 3 years? if not, you are probably poorer.

These wars are at the feet of Joe and whoever is running Our government. We have unelected extremists who are globalists and hate our country making the calls. It’s a devastating disaster for America. And they feel ‘righteous’. Oh and remember: the biggest danger we face is CLIMATE CHANGE and MAGA. Over 10 million have crossed our border illegally since joe sat down in the White House. We watched 5 battleground states stop counting at the same time on election night. President trump was way ahead at that time. Please stop with the election was legit. No. The 2020 election was part of the globalist corrupt plan. To destroy America. To destroy israel. Pray for Israel. Pray for America. ️

Why does the western world values the Israeli lives more than the Palestinian lives !!?stop the double standards!,last night I went to sleep with the number at 4650 dead Palestinians in Gaza (2250 are children ) !, just woke up with the number being at 5200!! ..
Since Israel started its aggression against Gaza 5100 Palestinians killed with 25000 injured in Gaza so far , plus Israel took over another 4500 Palestinians prisoners ( this is a part from the 6500 already in in Israeli Nazi camps for resisting the occupation!) as well only in the last 2 weeks of the start of this criminal barbaric war against Gaza !!!, doesn’t this make headlines…!!!?

The Palestinian genocide is being marketed as Israel defending itself !,you will find out later that it’s just about real estate and ethnic cleansing. The Iraq war was marketed as fighting terrorism !We found out later It was all about oil and money !!
don’t be on the wrong side of history. Every country has the right to defend itself but starving and bombing 2 million people is not defense , it’s masssacre.
