Biden administration highlights efforts to address antisemitism on college campuses | CNN Politics

The Biden administration is announcing new actions aimed at combating a dangerous scourge of antisemitic incidents on college campuses across the country in the wake of the Hamas terror attacks on Israel.


It could have been better to try to stop the war instead. I didn't support any country that was trying to develop nuclear weapons before, but now I can see why every country needs one for peace... look at Russia and North Korea. After all these years, these two countries have denied the West's narratives, and no nation dares to attack them. If they had been weak with no nuclear or super military forces, you know they would have been knocked down a long time ago. But since Palestine is a nation with no military, even if they cough, you will see the West and their so-called friends flexing their wings like never before. Maybe it's time for the weak countrys to invest in some cough drops for their peace... such an unfair world we living in!

Matt Sinclair You clearly ask those questions with the assumption that I must laugh at every ill happening in the world. Why would I answer just so you can make more assumptions and projections? If you feel your time is wasted, you can always want to reply but clearly that is too difficult for you. Snow flakes always need other people to take action for them, Like you want me to move on instead of you Just not replying and moving on yourself Just because you feel I am wasting your time. If you feel your time is wasted, then you need not reply, buddy.

In a video showing a message addressed by the occupation prisoners in Gaza to Netanyahu and the Zionist government:-
"Benjamin Netanyahu Hello, we have been in Hamas captivity for 23 days... Yesterday there was a press conference for the families of the prisoners, and we know that there was supposed to be a ceasefire, and you were supposed to release us, you should have released us, and I promised. To release us. However, we are suffering from your political, security and military failure, because of the “failure” that you caused on the 7th of October, because no soldier was in the place and no one came to us, and no one here defended us, and we are innocent and naive citizens، Citizens who pay taxes to the State of Israel, we are now in captivity under “no conditions” conditions. You are killing us. Do you want to kill us all? You want the army to kill us. Isn’t it enough that you slaughtered everyone? Isn’t it enough for you that there were Israeli citizens killed? Release us now. Release their citizens and prisoners now (meaning the Palestinians).
The day before yesterday, there were discussions about a ceasefire and the release of everyone, but Netanyahu backed down. Release us. Release Everyone, we deserve to go back to our families, now now now (shout out loud)"

Moshe Dor I don't think much of this actually has anything to do with terrorist organizations although I am sure they are definitely involved as well.  I think there are bigger forces behind a lot of the social media and social video platforms out there.  They are forces out there who want to tear the world apart and then particular they want to tear the US apart.  These forces see the west has something standing in their way to destroy democracy.  but you're right this virus is being spread throughout social media and it has derailed itself into peoples heads with anti-Semitic  viewpoints that would never have had them before this.  It's really shocking even to the point of infecting universities like Cornell at Harvard… Unbelievable!!!! 

Lahcen Lamghari the oldest civilizations including the Egyptians and late Babylonians even know better.

Why is it more Muslim nations recognize and in military alliance with Israel than "Palestine "? Because most of the Muslim nations even recognize the truth. Their only care is its their fellow Muslims.

Gtf outta here. There's no such thing as a "Palestine " there was never any such thing. All made up identity. And either way they started this, the Israelis are going to finish it. And this time they won't leave until an internationally installed interim government takes charge in Gaza and the west bank

Andy Arnett it’s actually a combination. There’s those who hate the democrats and realize the dems have done a terrible job fighting antisemitism on their own side for years and what we’re seeing now is the natural conclusion to that, and therefore think that any action the dems try to take will be useless or half measures (not saying I agree or disagree with this, just that some of the folks laughing follow this mindset). The other ones laughing are the true antisemites, you know the ones who would comment on a Jewish person’s page with “Free Palestine,” even if that person person isn’t saying anything related to the conflict but simply because they’re Jewish

Avi Posner Come on pal, stop with the copy and paste nonsense talking points. We all can sniff it from a mile away. Let me ask you this, do you condemn the killings of women, children and humanitarian crisis as a result of Israeli indiscriminate carpet bombing? (Btw even the UN and all of the international human rights organizations, including Israeli’s human rights condemned this).

Btw, there are hundred’s of videos showing Israelis dancing and mocking the dead Palestinians using strong hateful & racist languages, I am smart enough to understand that they do not represent Jews people across the globe. But you are keep mentioning small groups as they represent an entire population.

Kathleen Witte Havent read it?? I just Quoted it. Look... i understand this can be a complex and emotional issue, but I shall attempt to make this simple.....

Anyone threatening to harm Jewish students should be arrested. Anyone protesting Israeli policy has the Constitutional Right of freedom from Government interference.

Also concerning is the idea being pushed by many Jewish students and indeed Jewish peoples in general, that Complaining and criticizing Israeli Government Policy is somehow anti-Jewish (I will never say Anti-Semetic, because Arabs are indeed Semetic....) That is fanning the flames, and the Government has no place attempting to Quiet that Discussion.

"Criticism of the policies of Israeli governments is not necessarily antisemitic. For instance, anyone is free to reject or criticise the political decisions of Israeli governments concerning the Palestinian territories – this is not uncommon in Israel itself. However, denying the State of Israel’s right to exist does constitute antisemitism."

Obama immediately played after rose garden presser stating journalist beheaded. Surely you can remember that. It’s not so much the time off, it’s the time off during crisis.
Since joe in office, crisis after crisis, vacation after vacation. Since Joe has done so well, why do the people think he is doing poorly., even democrats. Inflation rising again along with gas. Crime unbelievable. Even democrats complaining about the border. I agree, people didn’t like trump but they respected him when he held his ground. Allie’s are not thrilled with joe, Canada, Mexico and the Allie’s he screwed in Afghanistan. You seem to forget those countries. It might be time to take off your rose colored glasses. Things are not good on the home front or internationally.

10ºBrian C Snipes I will bet you that Ashleigh Shaw isn't Palestinian and doesn't care about any of that. Facebook has been so infected with fake accounts and trolls whose only purpose is to post garbage like this. Sometimes I wonder if it's Facebook employees themselves, just trying to get people to engage with Facebook. Or it's one of several organizations in this country who run troll farms on behalf of those who want to tear this country apart. Shame on you Facebook for making it so easy for this to happen. social media is directly at fault for this new wave of antisemitism. 
