Maryland posthumously admits state’s first Black lawyer to the bar, more than 165 years later | CNN

The Maryland State Supreme Court has posthumously admitted Edward Garrison Draper to the bar, making him the state’s first Black lawyer.


The very first step in self-realization is realizing one’s identity as separate from the body. “I am not this body but am spirit soul” is an essential realization for anyone who wants to transcend death and enter into the spiritual world beyond. It is not simply a matter of saying “I am not this body,” but of actually realizing it. This is not as simple as it may seem at first. Although we are not these bodies but are pure consciousness, somehow or other we have become encased within the bodily dress. If we actually want the happiness and independence that transcend death, we have to establish ourselves and remain in our constitutional position as pure consciousness.

People are mistakenly identifying themselves with religion, nationality, name, job etc but these things can change.. people change religions, nationalities, names, jobs etc but what doesnt change is our consciousness and only on this spiritual platform can we see the spiritual unity among not just people but every living entity.

Consciousness cannot be denied. A body without consciousness is a dead body. As soon as consciousness is removed from the body, the mouth will not speak, the eye will not see, nor the ears hear. A child can understand that. It is a fact that consciousness is absolutely necessary for the animation of the body. What is this consciousness? Just as heat or smoke are symptoms of fire, so consciousness is the symptom of the soul. The energy of the soul, or self, is produced in the shape of consciousness. Indeed, consciousness proves that the soul is present. This is not only the philosophy of Bhagavad-gītā but the conclusion of all Vedic literature.

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