Shooting leaves 1 dead, 3 wounded in Tacoma, Washington | CNN

At least one person was killed and three others wounded in a shooting early Sunday morning at a business in Tacoma, Washington


Mike English true there is an interpretation with all law. Luckily, the “right to bear arms” is pretty clear. As said before the prefatory clause referred to in working order - to place a modern interpretation on this phrase would be inappropriate. However, you may argue that then the “arms” should only be limited to that of the time. However, the Court has already found that rights are not limited by the technology of the time. Furthermore, a stronger argument is that not only did rifle, repeating muskets/rifles, machine guns, and firearms with ammunition capacity existed at the time - the leadership promoted improvement on these firearms.

Erik Groen you just finally answered the question and admitted the problem. “Deranged lunatic” combined with a lack of “standards and values”, i will also add morals for you. Since I have none of those problems I should not have to give up my rights for those that do. The US has literally tons of laws on the books in regards to gun ownership and possession, and if those laws were fully enforced and criminals were dealt with accordingly there would be a lot less problems, however, the failures of the legal system to do their job is the reason I will continue to protect myself. Have a great day.

Note that Rappers literally "incite violence" with their rap music that romanticizes gun violence, glamorizes criminal activity, disrespects women, idolizes career-criminal-deadbeat-dads, and worse.
Worse yet, are the parents and communities that honor, worship, and idolize career criminals like Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd, and Daunte Wright.
Now you will call me "racist" too for speaking the truth as you will also call the black former Police Officer Brandon Tatum who describes the "stupidity" of those (black and white) who "Worship" career criminals in his video precisely at the time given in the link below:
Also see the TRUTH at

Scotty Lewis Great that you take the opportunity to put yourself and your sense of standards on a stage. Even if you had spent 100 years in the military, there is something very wrong with those same standards without values. Sad that you can always and only hide behind "my 2nd Amendment constitutional rights." And then also call yourself a law-abiding citizen.

That amendment does not tell you that you MUST carry guns man. You guys are so blinded and selfish by your own shooting hobbies that you don't care that many mindless idiots in your country can use your "rights" to vent their deranged frustrations on the lives of innocent children and the elderly. I hope for your sake that the day does not come when one of your loved ones runs into such a deranged lunatic.

If people actually did their research, they would see that mass shootings only became a problem after synthetic drugs were introduced into our society by the CIA between the 1950s until the 1980s to fund covert operations and illegal wars, assassins and overthrows during the Cold war. They actually sold everything from PCP to Crack Cocaine on our streets while at the same time our political leaders were passing laws that turned our doctors into dope dealers and allowed the Pharmacial Industry to sell synthetic based drugs that are no different than the crud sold in the back alley. It is a proven fact that long term use of these drugs have mind altering effects.

90% of all violent crime in the US is directly tied to the failed war on drugs.

Erik Groen your level to be able to answer the simple question must not go beyond the first grade level, however, I am sure that in your “highly educated” mind you believe you know everything about the subject. As a law abiding citizen I will continue to legally concealed carry and buy firearms and ammo according to my 2nd amendment constitutional rights which I have served over 20 years in the US military to support and protect. Feel free to stick your head back in the sand and live the life of a sheep. While your head is buried in the sand be thankful there are people like me to protect the sheep on your “level”.

Erik Groen you missed the part on what it takes to get an actual “automatic assault weapon”. Media has blurred the lines and portrayed certain weapons as other weapons of a whole different category through misinformation. The laws and processes of getting actual “automatic assault weapons” takes lots of money, paperwork, and very thorough background checks. You’re demanding laws that are already in place so politicians can make you an empty promise to get your vote. They say vote for me and I’ll ban automatic weapons, but they are in fact already banned without proper process and approval, which the government absolutely will not change due to the automatic and yearly $200 tax per firearm. They ban guns they stand to lose massive amounts of money per your numbers.

Shawn Daudel Cops do what they are instructed to do. Depending on the governmental agency they work for will determine what they do. Example, Chicago police arrest many repeat gun offenders but the liberal prosecutor drops or reduces the charges because she doesn't want to be a meanie. Chicago police are not allowed to conduct foot chases in many situations. Chicago police have to be aware of how a filthy animal will fall before they can deploy their Tazer. In other words, if said animal is about to bash an officer's head in with a bat, he/she has to look around the area to make sure the animal doesn't fall and land on a rake or hit its head on the concrete before deploying the Tazer. So yeah, blame the cops.

احمد متولي طه
Oooh you want history

Cause it didn't magically start in 1948 ....

Isreal is the homeland of the Jewish people since 1200 BCE ...

700 years before the word Palestine was ever made up by the Romans (in reference to the philistines in modern day Syria)...

1100 years before Jesus...

1800 years before that pithy lil pedo Muhammad made up the Muslim religion...

2700 years before the Ottoman empire attacked...

And yet the Jews endured and were still the majority population there as late as 1860....when the were again attack and run out ..

Then the British conquered and took control later give the land back to its indigenous peoples....

There is no "occupation" and They didn't take anyone's land fuctard...

They simply got their lands back ...

And since their return home......

Not once has Israel ever been the assessor or struct first . Not once...

Literally Every single conflict that has started there and every action taken by Israel since 1948 has been preceded or started by attacks against them first....

History doesn't miraculously change to be what you want it to be just because you only cherry pick the part you want , interpreting then the way you want to....

10ºChuck Collins
The statistical facts regarding black men, as reported by many sources, are that 6% of the people in the U.S.A. are black men who account for 44% of all murders and 50% of all violent offences in this country.
Those are the statistical facts regarding black men and no one is being hateful or racist by simply giving those statistical facts.

The statistical facts regarding pit bulls, as reported by many sources
(e.g. as reported at,
are that 6% of the dogs in the U.S.A. are pit bulls who account for more than half of the fatal attacks on women and girls in this country.
Pit bulls are the number one canine killers of children, killing more than half of the children killed by a dog.
Those are the statistical facts regarding pit bulls and no one is being hateful or racist by simply giving those statistical facts.

If a reasonable person is taking a walk in a dark alley and is approached by a pit bull, is that person hateful or racist by being just a little bit concerned?

The reasonable solution to this "Public Health Crisis" is for black fathers to not abandon the mothers of their children and to discipline their children to become law abiding citizens.