Collision that formed the moon also created alien blobs inside Earth, study says

Scientists say they’ve finally found remnants of Theia, an ancient planet that collided with Earth to form the moon.


Dominion Chibuzor You know the Bible is mans created stories of handed down stories from others . Some of them have been translated from many languages and some have been written from centuries past . It's mostly conjecture and not factual information. Especially in the beginning when earth was formed and man created only your own mind accepts this based only on your faith.
In reality it has no basis for factual truth. And by the way GOD wasn't a forgiving deity who created mankind and destroyed it thru his vengeance against others who were deemed not worthy.
Too many holes in this book .

If you are using biblical terms and measurements of civilization you already lost the argument. The bible is nothing more than a poorly written roughly 3000 year old story book with NO connection to events that have occurred over geological time. The Theia impact occurred around 4.5 BILLION years ago, it would be another billion years before any life would appear on earth, and another 3 billion before the first animals. Even then it would be almost the entire history of our ancient ancestors before the relatively new invention of written language would appear around 3500 years ago. It is beyond impossible that there are any records that predate the moon. The closest thing we have to recorded history before writing is primitive cave drawings and the oral traditions of the Aboriginal peoples of the Australian mainland and Tasmania. They have tales of ancient supernova and solar events, but nothing about the Moon just "showing up" one day.

David J. Bridbury everything has a purpose in the creation even evil, for Can good exist without evil? The good “news” is SEWN in All directions NORTH South East West. And that is that we are in a dream world, all of us carry the all all spark in our hearth chackra our connection to the all source wherein your incorruptible soul resides. Careful what you think and what you feel for the powers and principalities use you as part of a feed back loop to creat their desired outcome which feeds their them through our suffering. Imagine in the mind the reality you want to have here and affirm it everyday together with some breath work, always keep this in your mind and you will see true creative power we were granted for Jesus said have i told ye not that ye are gods?

Stien Rogers CNN provides sources which are often listens at the bottom of the article as well as the authors credentials. I’m getting a “I don’t believe anything I read so it can’t be true” vibe from you and an overuse of a certain emoji. I generally see this from people without any sort of background in the sciences. You’re welcome to email and speak with the scientists cited in the article. They know a lot and are exceptionally educated in the field. The burden of proof isn’t on me… it’s on the scientists cited in the article and those scientists are happy to share their work with you if you can understand it.

Rastislav Brodziansky I'll just ignore the second part of your comment because it's completely erroneous. But you're right, we don't have samples of those blobs. We can, however, see them with a sort of earth ultrasound. When an earthquake occurs it sends shock waves in all directions through the earth. Pressure and shear waves move through different materials and densities at different speeds (or not at all for shear waves in liquid. You can't shear a liquid). Because we have seismographs all around the world, we can combine their data of a particular event to create a map of the insides of the earth based on distance vs speed for these waves. We know how fast they move in different materials, so when we come across an anomaly it stands out clearly.

End people of double standard
All western media are under pressure from Zionist interest groups to hide Israel’s war crimes and make us believe that Israel is the only victim of this conflict. But the reality is the opposite of what the media show us of this conflict.The real victims of this conflict that has lasted 75 years are Palestinian.The narrative used by the media is propaganda designed to prepare people to accept genocide, that of the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and the forced displacement of the survivors to the Arab countries of the region. It is the plan fomented by the West and Israel that is a real war crime.This media manipulation consists of a first step, the demonization and dehumanization of the Palestinians because they are Arab and Muslim their lives would not matter.

Evadna Lyons i did study physics In school as a deep sea commercial diver, without physics, there’s no way i could work the depth of the ocean that no human beings in their right mind dared to work.  I’m not doubting science but all I’m saying is somethings aren’t adding up, take evolution for example! Have you asked yourself why mankind isn’t going through stages as said by the theory of evolution? It make sense to me that God said because of Eve sin against him, her punishment will be to give birth to human beings  and she may lost her life in the process instead of him making man of the the dust of the Earth.

Marshall Law if you look at the days of creation, there is a connection between days
1 & 4,
2 & 5, and
3 & 6.
Day 1 he separated the light from the dark and called it day and night (along with the water filled earth). It wasn’t physical light made by photons like we see today. It’s talking about the creation of time itself. Day 4 he created the sun, moon, and stars to physically mark the passage of time. Day 2 the water and sky were separated for the sea creatures and birds that were created on Day 5. Day 3 dry land and plants were created, for the land animals and humans created on Day 6. By making these connections, we can easily understand what was created on Day 1.

for those that dont know there is an asteroid belt between mars and jupiter that they believe was a planet that collided with another planet. also most people dont realize that pluto takes 248 years to orbit the sun and there are those that believe there is another planet in our solar system that takes 1500 years to orbit. there are beliefs that planet holds the truth to the beginning of mans existence. my point to this post is this is going to strengthen some of their arguments. while i am skeptical of it they do have more proof than religion does.

10ºEvadna Lyons — You’re up against a lot of religiosity and people who take the Bible literally. For them, any kind of hypotheses or theory about the formation of the earth is a denial of God — so just forget about them in this context. You also have a lot of people who don’t try to understand the scientific method, or they have a simplistic understanding. The scientific process is not linear, it is messy and complex and involves changing ideas, revision, creativity, and collaboration. Some of the most exciting discoveries have been products of chance and unintended results. People looking at from the outside, think, “Well, they used to say THAT, now they say THIS!” They see it as incompetence or lying instead of recognizing it’s a process of learning and understanding. At the same time, people who say “trust the science” don’t get it either and are just as naive. Obviously, if big corporations and/or politicians are involved it’s a different thing. But it’s not that hard to see when there’s an agenda and it’s usually about $$$$ or CYA. But you can read these comments and see people are just throwing ALL science under the bus. There’s no discernment or curiosity. There’s no agenda behind a hypothesis about how the earth was formed, but for some weird reason, you’ve got people who think someone is trying to pull the wool over their eyes. I suspect they’re the people who are laughing and saying “you think scientists are ALWAYS right!” Oh well…