Biden announces $16 billion for Amtrak rail improvements in Northeast Corridor

“I know how much it matters,” he said, describing an aging system in dire need of upgrades and repairs.


Ask me why there is $33.7 T national debt.
Ask me why every hour of every day there is a new record high set for the national debt.
Ask me why NYTimes wrote:
"U.S. Deficit, Pegged at $1.7 Trillion, Effectively Doubled in 2023"
Here is one reason.
$16 B for Amtrak which "has never earned a profit and it consumed more than $50 billion in federal subsidies over five decades to 2020. In fiscal year 2021, Amtrak had revenues of $2.1 billion, expenses of $4.1 billion, and a loss of $2.0 billion.
Washington Times writes:
"Taxpayer-supported Amtrak loses money but pays some executives over $700,000 salaries:

The Democratic Fascist Neo Liberal Joe Biden showed America who he works for.... He forced the stiking 100,000 plus Union railroad workers back to work....The 100,000 plus railroad workers werent able to get any consessions that they were on strike for....Definition of FASCISM a political philosophy, movement or regime (such as that of a fascisti) that exalts nation often race above and stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictorial leader, severe economic and social regimination and forcible suppression of opposition always siding with Corporations....Your record speaks for itself self proclaimed Fascist Professor Biden....You talk a big game but don't walk the big game you've done the same thing for 50 plus years now.... Your nothing more than a Fascist Authoritarian Neo Liberal Corporate Schill....God Save The Queen Man

Everyone should listen to this. This is good. ''Israel said through one of their officials that Hamas used residents as human shields and cut off the southern road from them.'' These ridiculous, superficial allegations would not be believed by a child. ''No one is using humans in this war or blocking the road except Israel. I imagined the presence of Hamas inside hospitals and schools. “Hamas has no need for that at all. They have enough roads in which they can hide.” “Israel has cut off roads for the residents of Gaza since 2007 and besieged them.” “And now it is obstructing the population’s direction to the rest of the cities inside Palestine and the southern roads that claimed to be a safe corridor for the owners of the country to deliberately flee to it. An entire family was killed on its way to the south. The displacement corridors and an entire residential complex was struck after the displacement. “Who are the ones who used humans as shields??? And who blocked the road?
Hamas is the army of Palestine, and they have the right to respond. We have been waiting for decades for a two-state solution on Arab land. Decades of massacres against the Palestinians. Israel has used internationally banned weapons. They have no accountability. They are upset when Hamas responds or resists this occupied country, which has been demilitarized. They have the right to defend themselves in times of war. Where are the human rights that we hear about in your country among your children who grow up in their families in peace?? And you are the ones who created the Arab Spring, Al-Qaeda, and ISIS to destroy the Arab peoples. “Israel has the right to strike any neighboring country without any right.” Why did it strike Syria and the Golan in the past months? “Do we not have the right to respond?” Yes, we will respond.
It has become a cemetery for children. Our homelands have been destroyed according to Western plans and dreams that will not happen. They must stop immediately, and everyone must respect human rights, the freedom of others, and the freedom to live in peace like other countries.” Otherwise, Zionist Israel will return to Europe and America will live among their families. We know that they They are not the owners of the land and there is no other original homeland, so let them return to it and live in your countries in peace and other countries live in peace.” “Because this war will not end unless these ridiculous plans to destroy the Middle East and this continued hatred for the development of our countries end.” You must care. Only in your state, and you must respect the freedom and rights of others, the right to survive, and our right to live in peace as your children live.” Otherwise, there will be a new world war in which everyone will lose. “Stop this immediately.” For decades, we have been violating humanity in our country because of your plans. Everyone must respect each other Matteo Salvini Giorgia Meloni Chris Murphy Emmanuel Macron Joe Biden Donald J. Trump President Joe Biden Barack Obama Piers Morgan Uncensored
