بين الإفراج الجماعي أو على دفعات.. ما مصير الأسرى بين حماس وإسرائيل؟

بين الإفراج الجماعي أو على دفعات.. ما مصير الأسرى بين حماس وإسرائيل؟ #حرب_غزة #الجزيرة_مسارات



What Israeli spokespeople and leaders say are all lies about the actual work of the Israeli army in Gaza. They say in the media that they avoid the crimes committed. So why not support to bring back the children who are suffering? If you need to evacuate, emergency services will come to help them move. Do not let people in the hospital areas evacuate. Israeli media only talks about one side of the Israeli army. And with statements of the emic ministers, the IAEA should investigate Israel for possessing unauthorized nuclear weapons and the United Nations should issue a legal document indefinitely embargoing Israel. a war in which civilians are killed and injured thousands of times more than the Hamas that the Israeli army caused. Even the headquarters of the International Criminal Court (ICC) should also investigate the war crimes that Israeli military leaders and commanders ordered in the massacres. in the jabalia refugee camp. hospitals and schools like in al ahli. their statements are enough evidence that cannot justify the crime
