Live updates: Red Cross says 11 hostages have been received on the fourth day of releases from Gaza, according to IDF

JUST IN: Red Cross says 11 hostages have been received on the fourth day of releases from Gaza, according to IDF.


Why do we not see American media correspondents in Gaza and show the amount of destruction and deaths now under the rubble? They did not find the means to get them out. Why do we not see interviews with testimonies of children, women and doctors?
Is this the free, independent and honest media that shows both sides, or is it the American media that shows Israel’s crooks and shows Gaza images from Israel’s side?
It is a media controlled by Ben Gvir and Netanyahu, controlled by the money paid to them by Israeli propaganda companies. They are repeating the Israeli narrative, the narrative of the occupier who bombs everything and has so far killed 15,000 children and women, a mass massacre.

Mkhtar Sahara
Of course, they appeared to have a “ cordial goodbye” in front of propaganda cameras in Gaza, while their captors hold rifles at their side, and while these hostages know that unless they do what they were told when they were being released, that their captors ARE STILL HOLDING some of their husbands, fathers, brothers, uncles , teenage sisters, and grandparents hostage, and they fear reprisals against those in their families still held. The stories they’ve told the press, now at home, are quite different and harrowing.
And yet these captors that you label as “ chivalrous “, took 240 babies, children ( 40 of them under age the age of nine….) women , elderly, foreign workers, teens at a music festival… TO BEGIN WITH!
They’re already there 54 days, held in dark underground tunnels… many bereft of parents.
They were free , in their homes, up to October 6. And there had been a truce in place!
Sure….chivalry, indeed…

The fighters are the masters of the field, the spokesperson after the bottle, the backpack, the laptop and a water well what to do? So kneeling down since they said they are going to destroy the Hamas fighters and free the hostages reminds me of another story from another war where the counter-offensive began almost a year ago and then one day we heard that hardly started between the president and his general (Ukraine) 2 days ago 2 senior military officers of the Tsahel were sent home the cause: they openly said that no military achievements have been achieved and that Hamas fighters are still in control Gaza and other Tsahel soldiers critics will soon follow

أكرم السعيدي
You should read the history. The Palestinians were offered a state in 1936, 47, 67, 2000 and 2008. They always rejected it. Why? Because they wanted the whole land, from the river to the see only for them, and to kill/expel all jews. Israel also withdrew completely from Gaza in 2005. So the injustice is in the Palestinian side, and if you think that murdering young people in a peaceful music festival, raping girls before abusing them and killing them, beheading babies, putting a baby in the oven (!!) in front of this parents, torture them and then killing them all - is justified, then your moral compass points to zero.

For anyone who denounces the Palestinian resistance’s capture of Israeli civilians on October 7, I call on him to look carefully at the Palestinian prisoners who are currently being released...and the dozens of children under the age of ten and fourteen who are imprisoned... Count carefully the number of those who were released and those who are still in prison to understand why the Palestinians attacked the settlements and took civilian prisoners...and leave the answer to your conscience.. October 7 is a response to the crimes of the occupation that the Palestinians suffer daily, and no matter how brutal Israel commits, it will not prevent the Palestinian from repeating this act until the occupation’s prisons are whitewashed first and they stop arresting and torturing the Palestinian people simply because they object to the theft of their land. Peace in Palestine will not be achieved by holding the victims responsible.

Amera Ramadan Gaza and the West Bank were Jordan and Egypt, not Palestine, On 22 November 1967, the Security Council adopted Resolution 242, the "land for peace" formula, which called for the establishment of a just and lasting peace based on Israeli withdrawal from territories occupied in 1967 in return for the end of all states of belligerency, respect for the sovereignty of all states in the area, and the right to live in peace within secure, recognized boundaries. The resolution was accepted by both sides, though with different interpretations, and has been the basis of all subsequent peace negotiations.

The child, “Ahmed Manasra,” was arrested when he was 13 years old, and Israel charged him with a false accusation that he had stabbed an Israeli. However, the truth is that the Israeli was the one who assaulted him. When Ahmed was fleeing from the settler, the occupation forces arrested him and took him for interrogation in front of a dirty investigator who shouted at him to force him to confess to a crime he did not commit.
He went crazy because of their cruel and inhuman treatment
This is the dark truth of the Israeli organization
His childhood was unjustly taken from him
He has been in prison for nearly 9 years

Why does CNN is continuously covering ONLY the Israeli releases of Hostages? Where is your coverage of the Palestinian Hostages? Why they don't matter to you? Don't matter their coverage? The world need to know how were they treated? Some children have been in captivity up to 8 Years, how about showing that? And where will they receive care? This video by Veterans for Peace show the BRUTALITY by the Settlers, stealing Palestinians homes, attacking & humiliating them in the process, and the sick part is backed by the BRUTAL Israeli army whom backed them up!!! The hostage were Settlers!! Those very settlers who then put the Palestinians in the open air Prisons, the CONCENTRATION CAMPS!! It why OCT 7, 2023. This has been the REALITY of the Concentrations camps

This first video shows that Al-Qassam fighters treated the captive children and women with great kindness when detaining them and when liberating them. This explains their good health condition

This is a statement by an Israeli prisoner that proves the good treatment carried out by Al-Qassam fighters

The second video shows occupation police attacks on Palestinians in Jerusalem
Assaulting children in the West Bank and unjustly arresting them with all brutality

These two videos prove that Zionist forces stormed the homes of liberated Palestinian children and prevented and threatened their families not to rejoice or celebrate their children’s freedom.

In this video of a Palestinian prisoner in a very bad condition who was freed, it proves the extent of the suffering of Palestinian prisoners inside Zionist prisons.

Watch to know the difference between humans and animals and to know who the terrorists really are

10ºI HATE ISRAEL, but I love my Jewish friends.
I am black and I love my Jewish friends; they are the nicest people in the world. They love me too, but just like me, they don’t love Blacks who are criminals who go around shooting and killing innocent people. Smash and Grab hoodlums that attack our stores and cause them to move out of our neighborhood due to the high crime.
Every Jewish person that I have met, I liked, and my Jewish friends agree with me that hating Israel for killing innocent little children is not ANTI-SEMITIC! The racist media can call us whatever they like. I call us Godly people who love children. People who are not afraid to speak out about the horrible killings, the genocide, the apartheid, the neo-colonialism prison concentration camps. All that led to the horrendous Jewish and Palestine killings in the first place.
I will always stand with God against any wrongness against anybody no matter what color, ethnic background, or religion they may be. That is why I hate Israel and those in the White House and Congress who remain silent during this atrocity that is taking place in Palestine.
Anyone can say that they believe in God. Yet, one can only easily tell if they do, not by their words, but by their actions. If you truly believe in God and suffer little children, come unto me. Then you cannot be silent, your voice must ring out from every mountaintop to every valley below.
Our government may not believe in God and see nothing wrong with this GENOCIDE. Just like it saw nothing wrong for nearly 300 years during Slavery. Yet, it is up to us, God’s people like John Brown and Nat Turner who revolted against Slavery. Those like Martin Luther King, Jesse Jackson, and Stokley Carmichael took on segregation and Jim Crow. We, God’s people must be the ones to save God’s children now!