Why older voters have stuck with Biden more than younger generations | CNN Politics

"The silver lining in the generation gap confronting the nation’s oldest president ever may be, well, silver," writes Ron Brownstein | Analysis



I've watch Joe give numerous speeches. He stops sometimes for a second because he thinks before he blurts out no nonsense statements unlike you know who. I think he doing a good job considering all the negative forces against. Inflation which was the result of post covid supply and demand that last two months is .3.2 percent from 9 percent months ago. You must look around the world to see many countries have an inflation rate well over 25 percent. It's a world wide thing. The stock market at an all time . Unemployment down to around three percent. Wages haved climbed their highest in years. I will not respond to ignorant insults that some of will do

Well, trump went after the young and also the weak by using Facebook to attract people to his cult.
I get it, some people fall to peer pressure. But this is a very dangerous person that you think is your God.
Think about how hot headed he is, and you want to give him ultimate power again.
He just wants to retaliate against anyone that went again him. That would also be people that worked for and under him as potus. Because they flipped on him and gave the government testimony against trump.

Why? Because He stole the Generals top secret docs?

Tricia Howard first of all... I'm an atheist. Secondly..cnn is the one that reported that 40%of the dems think Biden is doing a good job. Which means 60% don't.
Which means one of a few things.
1. They want a different person to be president.
2. They're looking at RFK Jr (who splits bidens vote)
3 they're entertaining the idea of voting Trump.
You think abortion is the sole issue on the table for the left?
Also..you think the Christian women don't vote? Regardless of how they live (please don't throw stones..we all see the lefts values or lack there of)
But in the end..the left had a problem with Joe Biden. And time is running out..meanwhile..Trump keeps going up in the polls

And young people are considering voting for Trump than Biden? I'd rather have the slightly older Biden than a Hitler wannabe. Do they not remember how jacked up things were when young people were marching in the streets all of 2020? If young people thought things were f'd up then, they haven't seen anything yet. Trump has already told us that there is more to come. The polls say young Americans feel Biden hasn't done enough about climate change. Trump doesn't even believe in climate change . They complain that Biden hasn't forgiven all student loans--Trump's minions are the ones who blocked Biden's actions in court. One thing I have learned is that you cannot make things make sense to the 35 yrs and younger crew. They will have to suffer even worse circumstances than Biden would ever make and lose their rights in order to learn. Unfortunately, the rest of us will have to suffer with them.

Biden and Democrats have more accomplishments in just nearly 3 Years that the GQP can only dream of.
For our Veterans-The Pact Act
Rebuilding our Infrastructure 40,000 projects (expanding the internet, replacing lead pipes, roads, bridges )
RECORD High Stock Market
14 MILLION jobs
IRS has already collected $38 MILLION from Rich Tax dodgers, Revenue!
Hearing aides now available over the counter
Unemployment 53 year LOW
750,000 mfg jobs created
Monthly Insulin cap $35
Record number of Americans have healthcare plans.
Chips and Science Act (Made in America)
Major Gun Safety legislation finally after THREE decades
Strengthened our GLOBAL ALLIANCE
Pulled NATO together in support of Ukraine
The most aggressive climate action in history
We want the IRS to continue to go after the billionaire tax cheats!

John O'Neill - It doesn't mean that at all. It means "historians rank tRump near the bottom of US presidents." Four grand jury indictments in four separate states, collectively for ninety-one felony counts. tRump has already been found responsible for raping a woman in civil court. He was found responsible for stealing charitable donations from the Trump Foundation. Now he's NOT allowed to be involved in charity drives. The only place he's going is to prison. He's a twice impeached one term loser. An insurrectionist who refused to cooperate with the peaceful transfer of power. A traitor who pledged his allegiance to Vladimir Putin. #RUSSIA_FIRST

Cheryl Terwilliger Hall

“Just another hideous Republican move - judge shopping for a judge also trying to destroy the ACA for no good reason. Imagine all the people who will avoid preventative services, and be much sicker when they need medical attention. This will cause health care costs to skyrocket!
Dumb move and I hope President Biden’s appeal will cancel this decision. But you have to be scared if it gets to the SCOTUS these days - they are bought and sold by the Federalist Society and a hell of a lot of dark money, AND they have no ethics code
Citizens have to start paying attention!” Thanks Mary Catherine Laverty Erdman”

It's because the older generation knows what a president can, and can't do, and that there is no instant gratification in politics. The fact is that Biden is doing whatthe voters said they wanted back in 2020. Like him or hate him, he has the knowledge and abilities this country still needs and he has assembled some of the countriy's best and brightest brains to help and advise him, and he listens to them , unlike the loyalists his predecessor employed. The younger folks want a rock star, not a politician. The problem is , a rock star knows nothing about governing, it's all for show!!!

The people of the world are now observed the hypocrisy of the USA and their evil allies.

The USA shows hypocrisy aganist humanity and Justice in Palestaine.
Israel is an terroist state.
Israel violets all types of international laws and norms.
Where are Justice and human rights?
The USA and their allies nurse and patron Israeli terrorism.
What a hypocrisy and double game!!!
The history always blame to the USA.
Israeli occupying forces are war criminal.
Israel brutality attacks on Palestaine's people and runs genocide.
The occupying Israeli forces and their evil allies use propaganda, falsehood and blame game to justify genocide on Palestaine's civilians.
Israel is the butcher of the Middle East.
Israel demolishes Palestaine people’s houses and territory and kills innocent people of Palestaine.
The freedom fighters groups of Palestaine are not terrorists.
The freedom fighters of Palestaine's people have the right to save and protect their life and land.

10ºThe riots were antifa and blm...suppoeted by liberal influence..
and the mayor's of those large cities refused assistance to stop it. Instead choosing to allow their cities like Portland and Seattle to burn needlessly

Dead bodies from covid was a global phenomenon...not limited to any US only actions or causes and still exists today

But yes much better

First time in 40 years the USA was not involved in a new war overseas....since then Biden made up for it getting us into 3.

Worst illegal immigration of all time and growing.

Lost our energy independence
Lost the improved trade balance

Highest inflation since the 1970s

Urban crime breaking all time records levels...people fleeing liberal states like California and New York directly due to the devastation caused by leadership under that flawed progressive ideology

Instead of returning to us shores as they did under Trump, us corporations are moving out of USA under Biden at higher levels

Yes in the big scope...the USA as a country and the average family was doing much better in the Trump years compared to today

You are certainly entitled to your own opinion
But you are not entities to your own "facts".
