Drones vs. warships: How US military hardware is combatting Houthi attacks on maritime shipping | CNN

US warships in the Red Sea have been battling a growing number of weapons fired by Houthi forces in Yemen over the past several weeks, including 17 drones and missiles during a 10-hour period on Tuesday alone



These military rebel's should be advised that they do no favor in international relations by their actions in reference to Iran, the free world is already in dismay with Irans nuclear program, their record on human rights toward their nations people and this finding and encouraging to a continue attacks to the global trade by means of piracy only seals the much reason why we must remain vigilant with continued security in the middle east to maintain stability in the region and globe,why we must refrain Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon for it will be the result a global conflict where neither they or anyone else will ever return to what we call life on earth

You show them videos Hamas filmed slaughtering Jews Oct 7th and they deny it. You show them evidence Hamas leaders are Billionaires that oppress and rob the Palestinians, they deny it. You show them archeological evidence and artifacts that Jews lived in Judea / Israel and maintained a presence thousands of years till today , they deny it. The British give them a state in 1948 plus the entire country of Jordan , they denied it , and wage a war on Israel that lasted 15 months and caused their so called “Nakba”. In 1967 they attempt again to exterminate the Jews with 5 Arab Armies (they lose in 6-days) as result Jordan loses West Bank and Egypt Gaza plus Sinai, and they deny they had any fault for the result of this occupation. But the new and best one .. “Jesus was a Jew” , they now deny that as well I can go on, on .. PEOPLE DIG DEEPER AND MAY THE TRUTH SET YOU ALL FREE!

No one should ever forget: May 2, 2011. Osama Bin Laden has been located. In the situation room Pres. Obama and about 10 of his advisors and cabinet are there including Sec. of State Hillary Clinton, CIA Director Leon Panetta, and VP Joe Biden. They are briefed on the Bin Laden situation. After the briefing evidence is given, Obama polls everyone in the room, "Do we take him out or not. Everyone votes yes on going in after him except one person. VP Joe Biden votes no, saying we should wait until we have even more proof that he is there. This was perhaps the first important national security decision he was asked and he proved himself to be a vacillating, lily-livered, weak-kneed, nutless tower of jello. Don't expect him to act until they sink one of our ships.

Iris Rothschild Gold
Firstly I appreciate your shock from your IDF failure from 7/10
Secondly I also appreciate that you have informed that Israel and Hitler and Russia invaded others lands by throwing flowers and so the palastinian and the allies and Ukrainians should resist the occupation by returning these flowers

Thirdly it's about facts and people's rights not about your feelings or shock. It's irrefutable Israeli occupation since 1967
Fourthly therefore according to the international law the Palestinians have the legal right to resist that occupation

The USA department of justice stated that Israel has been established by Jewish terrorists which later became the official IDF and Israeli prime minister begin and shemon Peres were terrorists in these organisations


Amera Ramadan I think at this point, Israel needs to refuse a two state solution, at this point and it’s not true that they’ve been refusing it. They’ve offered very good options on the table. But you know when you start a war, and you lose the war the rewards for the winner, if you keep what you earned Israel did not start the 1967 war and there is no reason for Israel to return any part of it. There are 22 Muslim countries. Let the Palestinians live in one of them. The problem is that nobody wants to take the Palestinian countries from all the 22 Arab countries. Israel is a sliver of a piece of land.

Tom Pike
Do you know that Nilson Mandola was labelled as a terrorist when he was resisting apartheid and after his victory he became a hero and awarded noble prize
All Occupiers labelle the resistant as terrorists even Russia labels Ukrainians as terrorists
But finally they are legally resisting the illegal Occupiers Even by armed struggles
The condition in Gasa is lawful palastinian resistance against illegal Israeli occupation from 1967
If you have opposite evidence please provide it

The war law stated clearly that palastinians have the right to free their lands even by armed struggles and condemn Israel for not providing them independence

2. Reaffirms the legitimacy of the struggle of peoples for their independence, territorial integrity, national unity and liberation from colonial domination, apartheid and foreign occupation by all available means, including armed struggle;

3. Reaffirms the inalienable right of the Namibian people, the Palestinian people and all peoples under foreign and colonial domination to self-determination, national unity and sovereignty without foreign interference;

4. Strongly condemns those Governments that do not recognize the right to self-determination and independence of all peoples still under colonial domination and alien subjugation, notably the peoples of Africa and the Palestinian people;


Amera Ramadan the UN is filled with Arab league delegates and anything that is passed in the UN is only against Israel. Nothing was done against Syria when it killed 300,000 of its own people it is an agency that works for the Arabs.  What was done for the Kurds genocide by the Turks , who have been killed And UNRHWA helps HAMAS thank goodness Israel has one country that stands by it the US why are you so angry about that you have a lot of countries supporting the Palestinians. Because I told you before 49 muslim countries. A little unbalanced, one Jewish country and 49 Muslim countries. So it’s very good that we have one democratic country that’s stands with us and vetoes these unbelievably biased resolutions. Go back in history and you will see how many times Israel was willing to sacrifice land. Why do you think they have peace with a Egypt and Jordan. Israel gave back all of the beautiful Sinai. And the only part Egypt didnt what was Gaza? Why because Egypt doesn’t care about the Palestinians. And Jordan didn’t want Judea Samaria. Because it didn’t want more Palestinians, . An anecdote that said is the Palestinians are the Jews of the Arab world nobody wants them.
