Mariah Carey: Bryan Tanaka confirms ‘amicable separation’ after seven years with singer | CNN

All Mariah Carey wanted for Christmas this year, apparently, did not include Bryan Tanaka


When Something Is For You!
️When something is for you, you won't feel the need to beg, convince, or force. Things will feel easeful, grounded, and safe.
️When something is for you, it will not make you question or second guess your worth.
️ Instead, it will remind you how worthy and loved you truly are.
️When something is for you, it will feel healthy and supportive-not toxic or destructive.
️When something is for you, it will not run or hide or avoid being yours. You do not have to chase after anything or anyone.
️When something is for you, it will bring clarity and alignment to your life, not chaos and confusions.
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