Three US passengers stopped from bringing loaded guns onto festive flights | CNN

The three were caught during the busy holiday travel period by TSA officers in separate incidents across the East Coast


Jerry Edmond oh, you ain't black if you don't play spades, can't dance, and really like mayonnaise but not hot sauce. See how colloquialisms in the black community work? Good. A candidate who once claimed my education was inferior, my neighborhood was a war zone, and that I was low-income also asked "What the hell do you have to lose?" He was insulting. Joe Biden saying "if you don't vote for me, you ain't black" was not insulting because of the colloquialisms I've already mentioned. I'm not happy with his performance, which is why I pay attention to the Republican debates and town halls so I can decide who will get my vote. Thanks for pointing out my income is more than the median household income of all the groups you mentioned! I must have made some good decisions to get this far in life.

Daryn Mougeot Would you like to give examples of why you think he is a failure? The economy? Are you upset, because you have no excuse for not getting a job now, since there are job openings everywhere. Prices are coming down now that we are getting past the pandemic. And, I don't know if you live in the United States, but here our president isn't all powerful. He can only do so much about immigration. That's up to Congress. He can't cut your taxes. That's up to Congress. He is not a dictator, like maybe where you live. And, yes, his son did do drugs. How is that Biden's fault? His son at least served our country in the military, which probably led him to do drugs. What have you ever done for our country. I think they should bring back the draft, and make people like you serve.


Merry Christmas To All!

Here is "truth"

"Know the truth and the truth shall set you free"-Jesus of Nazareth

Every person who continues to knowingly lie, especially those who lie/deceive in concert with other men/humans, "lie with another man/human" for self gratification will soon parish by means of spontaneous combustion. Their bodies will actually combust slowly for a very long time. Human bodies are made/built with carbon12 atom's. Carbon12 atom's have "6 protons 6 electrons 6 neutrons"
Carbon 12 is the fuel that makes things combustible, ie: gasoline, wood, etc.

"For it is the mark of man(humans), therefore its number is six threescore six(666)."-John the Divine.

John wasn't about to try and explain "atoms" to people 2000+ years ago. They would have chopped his head off immediately for being a heretic.

"It is finished"


GOSPEL'S CORNER – HOLY FAMILY – December 31, 2023
#cristiani #cattolici #chiesa#fede #dio #religione #cristianesimo #preghiera #bibbia #vangelo #amore #gesu #chiesacattolica #umanismo #agnostico #umanisti #vangelodelgiorno #religionecristiana #ateismo #ateo #atei #preghiere #paroladidio #cristo #pace #vangelodioggi #diffondilaparola
=============================== IT'S VERY NICE TO RECEIVE AND SPREAD THE LORD'S WORD!- Don't be ashamed to spread it to relatives, friends, colleagues - Spread the Word of God too: it is important and urgent! - The world is continually in need of spiritual values. - Christian values improve the world. - Know the Word to live according to the Gospel. - The true Christian is the one who lives the Gospel.

Jerry Edmond it doesn't seem like you're a conservative because you talk about too many issues important to blacks that Republicans don't like. Republicans killed police reform, and there's no way they are ever going to consider reparations. More and more blacks are voting for candidates that align with them on the issues instead of voting for just one party. To say that we "put our collective fates and faiths in the democratic party's hands" now is misleading because all of us don't. Conservatives could actually win more black voters if they stop dismissing issues important to blacks that democrats aren't delivering on. In short, the problem isn't completely the mindset of black voters. Republicans need to fix their messaging to blacks so blacks will pay attention to them. Blacks who don't like democratic candidates sometimes just don't vote. Republicans don't seem interested in even trying to appeal to that segment of potential black voters. There is little to no investment in Republican messaging in the black community, so there is little to no return.
