Confederate statues removed from Jacksonville park | CNN

A pair of statues honoring the Confederacy in Jacksonville’s Springfield Park were taken down Wednesday by order of the Florida city’s mayor


Kymberly Hartfield Let's do this. I will tell you what I proudly stand for and believe in and then you will have the opportunity to do the same. That is if you are not a Russian BOT account.

I believe in freedoms and liberties, especially from government overreach. People do not need the government to tell them how to run their lives or raise their kids. I also believe that working people should be allowed to keep most of their money and not give exorbitant amount of taxes to a government that typically just throws it down the political toilet.

I also believe in the equality of opportunity. Don't let that confuse you with what the Democrats are pushing for. They push for equality of outcome. Those are two different things. If a person works hard, studies hard, and sets goals to be successful in something, that is where equality of opportunity should be Paramount.

I believe that elections should be fair and most importantly transparent. The Voice of the voters should absolutely be heard. I also believe the administrative State needs to lose most or all of their authorities. They are non-elected people making rules that are mostly unconstitutional and overreach on your rights.

I believe that any educational Institution should focus on education only. Indoctrination is not acceptable and is a practice only done by nation's ruled by dictators. A Young Person's developing mind and personality should only be influenced by family and Friends. Not educators.

Your turn.......

I have to ask this here, I see no other place to put my comment/question. Why are you continually giving trump free air-time?? Every single time I turn CNN on, trump's vile face is on the screen or you anchors are talking about him. And...I just watched you air trump's latest ad bashing Joe Biden-Why are you continually doing this?? You people have to step up and help to stop trump from getting back into our WH. You know that's true! And....I'll ask again, would you all stop calling trump president?? He's not our president and hopefully he never will be again.

John Lyall incorrect... Where do you all get your information from? The

While the Democrats did control the Sente only half of them voted in favor while 82% of Repeat black cans voted in favor. The Senate held it up for 74 days because Democrat Robert Byrd (you know the only very open KKK member, that the Bidens and Clintons made touching comments about at his funeral.) Tried to stop it from going through with a fillabuster. And it barely passed...

The house was the same 80% of Republicans voted yes and the Democrats split their votes again.

If Everett Dirksen (R) wasn't pushing it so hard it wouldn't have gone through at all.

As much as you try to change and deny history, you can't and just look foolish.

Eric Darensburg What culture failure? You mean African Americans can never be white people so they don’t try? Italian people can’t be Anglos. Jews can’t be Christians. Irish can’t be Germans. None of those people try either. The failings of white America, like most things, is the end of enslavement had no exit strategy.

By ending enslavement it showed that white people weren’t really as smart as they pretended to be when they created moving millions of people to a new continent to build a new country for themselves and had no way to rid the country of the labor force they took from a distant continent.

And their ancestors, white ancestors are still angry about that stupidity to this very day.

Eric Darensburg “Assimilated” into a culture that includes African Americans.

White people didn’t create hip hop, jazz, or the blues which is all “American culture”, and it it definitely didn’t originate in Europe, Russia, Germany, Poland, Ireland and France.

90% of Southern cooking came from African Americans, who were enslaved in the Southern region for over two hundred years before America became a nation.

Just because white people monetized the cultural aspects of African American music and cuisine, doesn’t mean white people “invented” said “cultural aspects of American culture”.

From jump swing to rock and roll, Big Joe Turner created “Shake Rattle and Roll”, not Elvis.

And when you turn on your TV set or watch a movie, white people have “assimilated” to African American culture by way of musical scores and soundtracks.

White people don’t own American culture. They just claim all of it, but a lot of it isn’t theirs to claim.

BREAKING NEWS: president Trump's first impeachment has now been overturned. All of the evidence that has come out during the current House investigation has proven that the Democrats have been colluding with Ukraine amongst other indiscretions. That means president Trump's curiosity and inquiry into Ukraine at that time was absolutely legitimate.
What is that you liberal left and extremists are saying? There was no court hearing that decided that President Trump's first impeachment was invalid? Yet you were okay that the Colorado Supreme Court denied president Trump his due process and say he did not qualify to be on their state ballot for president in 2024?
Seems kind of hypocritical that you're okay with President Trump not getting due process from Colorado. Since that is the new standard, new process is not needed to invalidate president Trump's first impeachment. Any other questions?
The Biden crime family strikes again. Hunter refuses to honor a congressional subpoena.
I'm old enough to remember when President Trump's children were subpoenaed and they all showed up and testified.
December 2023. Now we're hearing that Joe Biden's daughter, ashley, owes thousands in unpaid taxes as well. The Internal Revenue Service has had to file a motion against her to collect because she refuses to pay.
Dividing family are sure a bunch of Misfits and very dysfunctional. Joe Biden says he loves his son. Apparently he doesn't love his daughter enough to give her a measly $5,000 to pay her tax bill? Out of the millions of dollars he's been given by China and Ukraine and other foreign governments, he can't bear 5,000 for his daughter. Joe Biden is a horrible father.
So Joe Biden approves hiring 87,000 more IRS agents. I'm curious if any of these new agents will be assigned to collecting the taxes from his daughter, his son, people like Al Sharpton who still owe Millions to the government?
What a mess to Biden family is. Crack addict Hunter for starters. They obviously have something to hide or they would cooperate. It's just that simple
After all of the investigations to president Trump and his family and they showing up to the required subpoena requests, no criminal actions were found at all.
Remember the two IRS employee whistleblowers that testified under oath. One of them is a gay democrat. That means you have to believe in.
New information is now coming out about a fighting scandal from 1998. The New York Times actually reported on this. Who you left wing nut jobs, the New York Times is your Bible and you believe everything they write.
This scandal had to do with one of Joe's brothers opening a consulting firm and getting $100,000 in order to influence joe, who was a Senator at the time, to change his vote on a particular issue.
I'm old enough to remember all the scandals during Obama when he was in the white house. This Joe Biden crime syndicate makes Obama look like an angel.

Stephanie Bebermeyer Lee what I mean is that Italian, Jewish, German, Polsh, French and Irish immigrants, etc. all assimilated into the American culture.
While blacks once strived for the "equality" that racist Democrats denied them, today the idea of "equality" is not good enough. Instead of embracing and living the American way and trying to be part of an America that was founded as a white, Christian nation, blacks demand that whiteness and white privilege be eradicated from our society. Can you imagine if white people in Nigeria (99% black) demanded that Nigeria become more white? How about China? You think there's people there who claim that the problem with China is that it's too Chinese? But America is too white, right?
Blacks don't want anything to do with whiteness, even claiming that speaking proper English and math and science are tools and vestiges of "white supremacy."
And while "equality" was achieved long ago, blacks still blame every day...for the failures of blacks to be collectively more successful. And this is despite all the racial quotas in hiring and all the special educational considerations.
Really, the push for "diversity" is nothing more than overt and racist attempts to make everything less white. As if that's better.
But the worst part is that fascist white Democrats, who once pushed hate against blacks, now openly push hate against whites, as if it is a virtue. And blacks are more than happy to help them. They have created a culture in which blaming whites for everything is acceptable and absolving blacks of responsibility for their failures and violence today is reflexively blamed on history and slavery.
When can we move past that?
The exit strategy for slavery was the same as it was for all people who emigrated to America or who were brought's just that all other people, including the Chinese and Hispanics, knew the way to equality was to be Americans.
But none of that matters TODAY. And, going forward, blacks will have to stop blaming whites and white supremacy if they really want to realize the American dream.
