How long does it take to form a habit? | CNN

Unfortunately, our recent research shows that no magic number exists


Hajos Armando, wisdom demands that, people who are in need of these things will seek them.

I don't believe in anything as whatever name you call it or not, but if I Mark Dada Flomo were interested in any of those things you are talking about, I think, I would have read about it long time before now...!

My religious beliefs is Christianity and I have never read any other books related to any religion besides the Bible.

I read other books , not related to religion; okay!!!

All about me is, "God Did!!!"






Theres no book like teh Bible! The bible is not a book, is gods living word, it give sus strenght, guidance wisdom, ! Is Gods main chane for the siner aswel as prayers,! That book is uegst you is 100% bible based, has nothing in conytradition, it helps somone who knows Bible, to know it more profund, and also teh ine who dint know anythung, to be familiar with teh Bible! The person who wrote it, was indeed blessed by God, she wrote many helping materias, her anme is Ellen White, like i said i sugets you read te Great controversy is truly agem of a book! Il leave you a clipbord saving i have wich i use, to comnt with, its a bit long, but insightful on what are bigets satns decives he uses, every stamnt being bible based(as everything should like you sayed)! God bless youa nd yiour eloved ones!
