Foreign conflicts are taking up a lot of Biden’s time as he fights for his political future at home | CNN Politics

White House officials acknowledge it will be difficult to predict exactly how much of Biden’s time will be spent contending with foreign conflicts as the year develops, and point out the president’s schedule is always a careful balance.


President Biden isn't their President, so he can only recommend and offer his services. He focused on getting our Americans out of a hostage situation. They had a cease fire until our citizens were released, or from what the deal was that the leaders made. To me, that is all President Biden team was expected to do. Hamas made it dangerous by cowardly hiding himself and his army and his armour behind innocent children's backs. He used them as shields just as Japan strapped bombs on children. Or Trump jailed children and used them to solve a war with immigrants. Hamas is the evil one there to blame. He is the Bully. He needs to be caught and tried and killed for his evil leadership. I'd rather a senile old man run our country than Evil leaders like Hamas, Bin Ladin, Putin and Trump. When they use and hurt women and children to do their dirty works, then to me they fall into the evil category, and need to have their freedoms taken away

Ladonna Crampton don’t presume to know me or where I get my news from especially since we are obviously debating on a cnn post . We have also already determined that the mass media only tells us what they want us to hear. Have you spoken to people about how good they’re financially doing? Or do you just get your info from your favorite sources? Trump is not president, but thank you for illustrating the truth about how people still want to blame Trump for all the chaos that Biden has caused. Again, the economy, the border and our international situation were not glaring problems under Trump. But have been since Biden began. If you wanna only focus on “the deceptions going on in trumps life” but ignore the very disconcerting deceptions in Bidens political past including during his vp role, then that’s your hypocrisy to embrace. But you believe what you want. It doesn’t make you right.

Ladonna Crampton you do know right now, that illegals coming across are given a $5000 credit card, and a place to stay for a few days a long with healthcare and whatever else, right? Trump has the border under control more then anyone. Biden has the catch and release at the borders. His first day in office he did that as well as the remain in Mexico policy. Where have you been? If Biden really wanted to do something about the border, he don't need Congress to put the remain in Mexico and catch and release back in order. But he hasn't answered won. Why not? I mean you have razor wire over prison walls right to keep prisoners from escaping right? What other country just allows people just to freely walk into their countries?
And I almost spit my water out you saying that our reputation was harmed by Trump with other countries. Other countries knew Trump meant business. That's why you didn't see N.Korea or China or other countries take on Trump the way they are with Biden.
Man, you need to wake up. You're not awake or you would see what's happening. I'm done with you..have a good day

Joyce Smith-Gonzalez I'm awake, I just don't know the solutions. We have seen one side stay within the rules and try to handle the influx, and we tried Trump's way with the wall, and using the children to scare them into submitting, but nobody knows the answers. They can't get both sides to work together on the immigration issue. Trump's way sounds possible, but people proved the wall was penetrated and useless. Texas used wire rolls that harmed or killed immigrants. We've had border patrol but it encouraged employees to profit from the immigrants. We used to have a sponsor responsible for the immigrants while here. A lot were given green cards, but so many wouldn't honor the program. We can't put that weight on one person's shoulders if many parties have failed to control the immigration issue. Our reputation was harmed with our allies, and we lost our place as a well respected Country. Trump turned our allies against us, and made us untrustworthy. Then he empowered Russia and the taliban and they attacked our allies. So yes, The Biden administration has to restore another issue. So far, there has been a lot of progress in a lot of areas that are bringing us back to where we were. I'm betting another four years with this administration will continue the growth. You are putting a lot of effort into hating the progress, but it is being done within legal means. That's what counts for me.

That's where we depend on a TEAM to keep the whole system running smoothly. All the teams report to the President and they all decide what's best. Unlike Trump, President Biden doesn't choose to be a dictator. President Biden knows how to delegate his responsibilities. That's how America's system is supposed to work. That's how a person or company can succeed by everyone doing the job they were given and being trusted to do their best. Trump was all out for show, like an actor, trying to portray that he was the best, and he made all the decisions, and wanted to have photo ops to make himself look Great, like a God. He wanted all the glory and wanted everyone to praise him everyday. He didn't trust the system to do their jobs. Actually he didn't have a lot of the positions filled. He filled his positions against the rules with a lot of family members. He rewarded positions to those who donated money to him...He basically acted like a dictator would. To this day the Republican party lives in chaos. They are lost without his control. Or they refuse to be loyal to our country by doing their job honestly without Trump. This is why I know our Country is in good hands with President Biden and his administration. His team isn't worshipping President Biden. They are working in Unity. He just has to battle the extremist who is still causing so much contention. We have that in every system to the extent that it's good when they debate, or cooperate, or compromise....but this extremist party doesn't give in and compromised and only does what Trump wants. They can't think for themselves and do their jobs, because they only want to work for Trump. They shouldn't be allowed to do our jobs if they can't work for us.

Joyce Smith-Gonzalez wires over the prison walls are usually to keep very bad people in from harming us. Trump tried to convince people that all immigrants are druggies, or rapers, or killers , or thieves. From what I saw most of the immigrants had more integrity than Trump does. I'm curious what your solution would be? It seems as if legally we could just send them back, over and over if necessary, and hope they'd give up. But ethically if they made it on our land, we'd have to care for their lives and help them get to a safe place. Other countries should unite with us and find safe locations for them. We shouldn't have to bear all the responsibility. It doesn't feel fair to see them get a headstart, when our own country has people starving and needing help. Even the children who were jailed were given more than what some of our children get. They didn't have the freedom of our children to leave and be with their parents, and hug them. So, I'm pleased that they are treated with respect and given a chance to have a comfortable life. Hopefully this will help them stay within the Law. Who knows. They must be willing to take hard risk to have what you and I have, and that is freedom. Money will only go so far, but our freedom is more valuable.

Ladonna Crampton he knows how to delegate??? He says nothing on his own. He is literally told what to say and where to stand. He’s got a team alright. They are called his puppeteers. He and his team have weak policies, knee jerk reactions and weak responses to bullies and terrorists which is why the world is in the state it’s in. Trump was no nonsense, strong in convictions and decisive. He was hated bc he couldn’t fall into line. That’s the only reason. Mean tweets, nasty comments and no filter were his only faults. No matter what “expert” opines on the good things Biden has done, anyone with eyes and ears can see, although maybe not admit, that since he took office we have been in a constant state of chaos.

Ladonna Crampton man give it a rest.. and why don't you take some of those into your home? And you do know that there is many illegals that who do commit murders and kill people right? I and my granddaughter were hit by an illegal drunk driver who had been deported three times and it was his fourth DUI. Fortunately for my granddaughter and I we survived it but he didn't. He did injure people that were in the truck in front of us and his wife as well. So please don't tell me that I need to respect these illegals. You have many gang members coming across that border you have many coming across with children that don't even belong to them. Are you kidding me? Whatever man. You should take a lot of these illegals in and support them yourself and not leave it up to us taxpayers who don't want to do it

Lance Hansen Atleast he is using the system. Again Kamilla is the head of a Team, and they work out plans to deal with the issue. Trump's plan didn't work with the wall, Trump's plan didn't work with jailing their children in hopes to deter them. The parents are willing to give the children any chance to be raised here. We used to have sponsors who took families in through legal channels. That fell apart. Other countries should have to step up and take a percentage of immigrants. That would take a load off America's back. All of the countries can't say they don't have room, because Covid wiped out millions of citizens in all the countries. There's room out there. No matter the decisions, it has to stay within our Laws. Everything is easier if we go outside the boundaries of the Law, and proof shows Trump and his team did go outside the law. The only Thing Trump taught his supporters or our citizens, especially the new generation is that things come easy and fast if you go outside the boundaries and take illegal risks. But it catches up sooner or later.

10ºMarcie Myerow I guess you live in a different Country than I do, because the data is showing that our Country is doing very well. Not perfect, but President Biden and his team has restored much peace and our economy is growing. You are only believing in the news you are watching....which is fox's new etc , and only seeing what their press is reporting or filming. From what I've seen they look for the bad in the Presidents administration and report on President Biden's speech, or falls, or health and play on that, but they don't report on Trump's speech, or falls, or health, or scandals, etc. I can sit back and observe both sides, and I trust in the facts. I trust the system. If the evidence and facts are proving the system is working that's what I put my trust in. The evidence and facts are proving that there were a lot of dishonorable deceptions going on in Trump's life and in his Presidency and with his administration. Since President Biden has taken over we only see the Republican side causing the constant chaos. Because they are being led by Trump.
