These twins don’t share a birthday, or a birth year | CNN

A New Jersey family has welcomed twins who were born not only on different days, but in different years.


Rich Wojtczak Clinton is thought to like young people, probably because He has regularly interacted with young people and focused on their needs and issues throughout his political career. He has pushed for the adoption of a range of policies to improve the situation of young people in terms of education, employment and health benefits. In addition, Clinton has actively supported young people's participation in political and civic activities, encouraging them to speak out and contribute to society. These initiatives have led to his widespread support and recognition among young people. Overall, Clinton is considered a politician who cares about and supports young people.

Eric Warth For the 2023 tax exemptions, it may be a governmental decision policy and not directly related to their age gap. However, the presence of a leap year may have an impact on their birthdays. For example, if someone is born on February 29th, they will only really have a birthday in a leap year, whereas in a non-leap year they will need to choose another date for their birthday. In this case, the difference in their age may increase slightly by one day. For other cases, however, leap years do not directly lead to an increase in the age gap.
