Second round of Jeffrey Epstein documents unsealed | CNN Business

Nineteen unsealed documents from a lawsuit connected to Jeffrey Epstein, the convicted pedophile who died in jail before he could face trial on federal sex-trafficking charges, were publicly released.


 It is funny as hell to watch democratic liberals going out of their minds trying to find ways to make Trump part of this. The reality is is if they had anything on Donald Trump this list would’ve been released a long long long time ago.
 The only things they can come up with is that he was seen in pictures talking to Epstein. They failed to mention that when he figured out the kind of guy, Epstein was, he threw him out of his club, because Epstein hit on a very young waitress.
 But you know what is funny all the card caring  Trump hating Democratic liberals  that are on these lists and have been accused of different. Things are unbelievable they are so sick and disgusting. They couldn’t even help themselves. There is no doubt that Epstein was paid to catch powerful people from Hollywood politics and compromising positions to be used against them  by the enemies of America. Nobody knew how he got all his money it’s pretty obvious now he was paid to get all these people and compromising positions and you know who fell for it just about every democratic liberal leftist because they all love little kids and little girls I want you disgusting pigs.

Cameron Walker You're so wrong Cameron. Trumpers are not worried at all. We already know about the relationship between Trump and Epstein and how it ended in the late 90's when Trump caught him trying to hustle a young daughter of one of Trump's guests. We already saw the interview by two of the girl's atty who said of all the names on the flight log Trump is the only one who picked up the phone and said he'd love to talk to the atty about Epstein. You can wish and hope till you are blue in the face and you ain't going to get dirt on Trump.

Fale Andrew Lesā Hello dear friend I have never seen anyone so handsome like you , I must say that you have that tremendous attraction in your handsome profile . I'm new on this page , a friend of mine introduce me on Facebook couple months ago , your post are wonderful but I don't think we are friend here on Facebook , I actually send you a request but eventually it didn't go through , pl ... send me an friend request so we can know more about each other please I pray you understand , I have never seen anyone so beautiful like you , I must say that you have that tremendous attraction in your handsome profile . I'm new on this page , a friend of mine introduce me on Facebook couple months ago , your post are wonderful but I don't think we are friend here on Facebook , I actually send you a request but eventually it didn't go through , pl ... send me an friend request so we can know more about each other please I pray you understand

Michael Gooch aweee better luck next time hahahahahaha

Prosecutor: Did you ever see Donald Trump at Jeffery Epstein’s home?

V: not that I can remember.

Prosecutor: on his island?

V: no, not that I can remember.

Prosecutor: In New Mexico?

V: no, not that I can remember.

Prosecutor: In New York?

V: no.

Prosecutor: Ms. Menninger did you ever massage Donald Trump?

V: no.

There’s every mention of Donald Trump in yesterday’s released files.

Now you know why it hasn’t been released and it took Republicans to to do so.
Because if Donald Trump had been implementing in wrong doing this would have been revealed before the 2020 election.
You know it, and I know it.

Jesse Fajardo Jr. better luck next time hahahahahaha

Prosecutor: Did you ever see Donald Trump at Jeffery Epstein’s home?

V: not that I can remember.

Prosecutor: on his island?

V: no, not that I can remember.

Prosecutor: In New Mexico?

V: no, not that I can remember.

Prosecutor: In New York?

V: no.

Prosecutor: Ms. Menninger did you ever massage Donald Trump?

V: no.

There’s every mention of Donald Trump in yesterday’s released files.

Now you know why it hasn’t been released and it took Republicans to to do so.
Because if Donald Trump had been implementing in wrong doing this would have been revealed before the 2020 election.
You know it, and I know it.

Cameron Walker better luck next time
Prosecutor: Did you ever see Donald Trump at Jeffery Epstein’s home?

V: not that I can remember.

Prosecutor: on his island?

V: no, not that I can remember.

Prosecutor: In New Mexico?

V: no, not that I can remember.

Prosecutor: In New York?

V: no.

Prosecutor: Ms. Menninger did you ever massage Donald Trump?

V: no.

There’s every mention of Donald Trump in yesterday’s released files.

Now you know why it hasn’t been released and it took Republicans to to do so.
Because if Donald Trump had been implementing in wrong doing this would have been revealed before the 2020 election.
You know it, and I know it.

Lisa Ashland how’s this feel
Better luck next time hahahahahaha

Prosecutor: Did you ever see Donald Trump at Jeffery Epstein’s home?

V: not that I can remember.

Prosecutor: on his island?

V: no, not that I can remember.

Prosecutor: In New Mexico?

V: no, not that I can remember.

Prosecutor: In New York?

V: no.

Prosecutor: Ms. Menninger did you ever massage Donald Trump?

V: no.

There’s every mention of Donald Trump in yesterday’s released files.

Now you know why it hasn’t been released and it took Republicans to to do so.
Because if Donald Trump had been implementing in wrong doing this would have been revealed before the 2020 election.
You know it, and I know it.