US Navy shoots down barrage of Houthi missiles and drones launched from Yemen over Red Sea, US Central Command says | CNN Politics

The US Navy shot down 21 Houthi missiles and drones launched from Yemen, according to a statement from US Central Command, in one of the largest Houthi attacks to take place in the Red Sea in recent months.


Ahmed Ssalah you watch al jazzira fake reality news
Yes the nazi-Hamas are holding citizens hostages inside booby traps tunnels fighting like rats.
Mean time screaming ceasefire because they know we are close.
Gaza is demolished and Gazans people will hate Hamas them for this nukba. (they know who is to blame)
Next time they will think about attacking us they will remember what happened to their city.
All Hamas leaders days are numbered, we will find them anywhere in the world.
And all of you who suffer because Israel is ours and Jerusalem is ours, can keep whining on Facebook
Yalla ya zbala, kul kalb bij yom..

The Iranian regime for sure , it's an easy question, have you heard about Syria? It used to be a place before iran , do you want to start talking about achwaz - the arabic area of iran that is under occupation, or baluchistan, or south Azerbaijan, that's the people iran oppress in iran , after the destroyed Lebanon Yemen, are you joking , go back to taqyyia ( telling lies to the infidels in order to promote jihad) school right now , it's a very bad question for a jihadist to ask, the regime in iran oppresses it's own people

Who is the most dangerous threat to America?

By far, itself. Americans are very narrow-minded, they are politically probably one of the most homogeneous countries on the planet. The Overton window of what is considered “acceptable politics” is incredibly, incredibly narrow, and most agree on pretty much everything except some minor deviations around some social issues, and that’s about it.
Yet, Americans are very exceptionalist and think their politics are the only politics that matter, so they don’t bother to learn other points of view, and in fact tend to assume anyone who disagrees with typical American politics must be some sort of paid actor working for another government, constantly accusing people of being “Russian bots” or whatever whenever they’re criticized.
Because Americans are so exceptionalist about their politics, they never once consider they might be wrong, they never once question their own propaganda, they never once listen to an outside idea. They see the entire world’s “reasonable” political spectrum as either the Republicans on one end, or the Democrats on the other, despite this “spectrum” being two nearly identical parties that agree on almost every issue, and each disagreement between the two being almost imperceptibly small

Carlos Nevarez Negron f-35 has killed more pilots than the "enemy".
The patriot system failed in Saudi's Aramco against houti missiles, failed against Iranian missiles in iraq and is failing in Ukraine. Same goes for THAAD and whatever else you threw at Russia and they took care of without a sweat leaving you bankrupt and isolated, and Russia hadn't even declared war yet
You use S African grenade launchers, mrap tech, Austrian handguns cos your own forces don't even trust your own crap.
Your tomahawk cruise missiles failed in Syria and fell out of the sky with Syrian kids flooding social media with selfies with the downed missiles.
The world already has a lot of Intel on your over hyped crap. All your space launches have been a disaster since Russia stopped giving you a lift on their rockets. The Boeing is a plane that that doesn't wanna fly, if its not crashing it strips itself midflight.
And you're fighting to protect a genocide you are funding and arming. I'd keep quite if I were you

Shawn Edwards No. I didn't.

When only one side, Israel, wants peace and the other side, Hamas, wants genocide in Israel, what would be the solution?

IDF fights terrorism. Hamas are the terrorist. Is the solution achievable by negotiations?

Negotiate what? Hamas wants to destroy Israel, Israel does not want to be destroyed. What is the middle ground here?
A return to the borders of 1967?

Hamas could start by respecting the border between Israel and Gaza, which, believe it or not, is part of the so-called "pre-1967 border." The proposal to "return to the -67 border" is not a two-state peace offer. It is clear that Hamas would accept the - 67 border.. .for now, but will not give up anything and will continue to fight for everything until they have "liberated" every inch as they wish. Then Israel will no longer exist.

Hamas demands that they be given everything they want and they will agree to consider not attacking Israel. This is not peace. The demand for peace cannot be "you give us everything, but we can promise nothing".

This is what the American government supports, killing civilians and children and stealing homes for decades. A mother crosses the road and raises the white flag with her child. The Zionist rat army kills her. But in front of the Palestinian resistance men, they flee like rats. When this child grows up, what do we expect him to become? Of course, he is a member of the Palestinian resistance and will avenge his mother... Palestine and its people will be victorious, and all shame and defeat will be for the American government and every extremist and terrorist who supports the Zionists. ️

Kenn Howe
It is true that the Yemenis do not own the Red Sea, but they are trying to help Palestinian civilians in Gaza by imposing a sort of siege on Israel, while the world stands idly by, unable to do anything. Either, It is also true that Israel also does not own the occupied Palestinian territories, ignores all United Nations laws aimed at ending the occupation and continues to colonize, besiege, humiliate and kill Palestinians since decades. And yet Western countries allow him to continue his occupation and deploy military fleets to protect his campaign to besiege, starve and kill Palestinians

Mohamed Sabry what are you talking about? We stayed in Afghanistan for 20+ years, and left on our own. Yes, we dropped the ball on the way we left. But the taliban didn't force us out. We fought for 20 years to give that country a chance at democracy. Finally realized it will never happen, because the people will never stand up and fight for themselves. They caved the moment we left. We could go into Afghanistan tomorrow and retake the country if we wanted to. Not a thing the taliban can do about it. We could turn their country into a parking lot by a simple push of the button. How they going to stop that? You honestly think the taliban are a threat to the United States?
The Vietnamese put up a really good fight. Same thing with them. We could turn their country into a parking lot tomorrow. We could sit back off the coast and bomb them till they surrender if we wanted to. How would they stop that? They couldn't.

Ahmed Ssalah The Philstines had been an ancient enemy of the Jewish people, from. some believe, Greece or an area close to Greece. It eventually died out by this time. But when Rome conquered Judah & Samaria, they tried to break the will of the people who stubbornly clung to their worship & refused to worship multiple gods. So as an insult the Romans renamed the area Syria/Palaestina.

Before mid-'60's, no Arab identified as a "PALESTINIAN", as everyone identified the British mandated Palestinians Arafat was an Egyptian.. When you see most of the names of Arabs there indicate they came from elsewhere: El-Masri, =the Egyptian; Barghouti= Khamis"= Bahrain "Salem Hanna Khamis" "al-Faruqi"= Mosul, Iraq
"al-Araj" = Morocco, a member of the Saadi Dynasty "Hussein al-Araj"
"al Lubnani" = the Lebanese
"al-Mughrabi" = the Moroccan (Maghreb" – meaning "West" in Arabic, and usually referring to North Africa or specifically to Morocco)
"al-Djazair" = the Algerian
"al-Yamani" = the Yemeni "Issam Al Yamani"
"al-Afghani" = the Afghan
"al-Hindi" = the Indian "Amin al-Hindi"
"Iraqi" = from Iraq.
"halabi" = from Aleppo, Syria
"El Baghdadi" = from Baghdad Iraq.
"Tarabulsi"= Tarabulus-Tripoli, Lebanon.
"Hourani" = Houran Syria.
"al-Husayni" = Saudi Arabia.
"Saudi" = Saudi Arabia.
"Metzarwah"= Egypt.
"Barda---wil" = "Salah Bardawil" HAMAS legislator in Gaza; Egypt,
Bardawil Lake area.
"Nashashibi" = Syria.
"Bushnak" = Bosnia
"zoabi"= from Iraq: "Haneen Zoabi".
"Turki" = Turkey "Daud Turki"
"al-Kurd" = Kurdistan.
"Haddadins" = YEMEN descended

10ºBiden will keep us safe from global wars unlikely the Chucky doll that caused Jan 6 most likely will do the same to somebody else Capitol that can start a global war. If trump is in the office say goodnight for the rest of our life . Don't forget a candidate slogan for his or her campaign is the total opposite of what they're saying or will do for a country's hypocrisy will make people follow them , trump will only win by white supremacists cause all I hear from trump is bigotry and selfishness just like his people takes a president to be there for everyone to make it great , just like a box that with an item to put together if you use few parts cause you feel like you got nothing to do with the rest of the tools the item won't look like the picture on the box or stand correctly that about that next time you vote I hope you know science and never think that cause trump is white will benefit you might be the opposite of what Obama did when he ignored black victims of police brutality as a real America I'm so glad the military is patrolling and they see the same as i do so we can sleep in america we might not get to sleep in 2025 if trump is elected we might help military on the soil.
