US carries out airstrikes against Iran-backed Houthis in Yemen | CNN Politics

The US has carried out airstrikes against Iran-backed Houthis in Yemen, a sign of the growing international alarm over the threat to critical waterways.


If someone goes up to a wild bear and smacks it across the face and just stands there, would anyone be surprised when the bear attacks back? When Israel was attacked, why then would you be surprised when it retaliated against those whom paraded the bodies of their dead in the streets and cheered? Now terrorist groups are attacking ships in the red sea and how is it a suprise the terrorists are being bombed. Every action has an opposing reaction, but in life it is not always equal. In other words don't start something and you won't get something...

As usual, toooo little to late, after over 100 strikes against us, how about getting a set, and do some real damage against Iran, who backs all this terrorist crap. And of course give those billions back to them just a2 months ago and this is what u get from a terrorist regime, spit in our faces. Why was Obama and now biden so afraid of Iran. Don't want to widen the war in the middle east is a sorry and weak excuse for showing the world who is a stronger with biden its not us. Therefore, the global nations are seriously doubting the strength and security of a democratic nation or becoming one cause biden and Co. Can't even control the Hooties....and the blowfish....haha

Luke Maines
China don't have to March over land ,it's about drones these days
China control the economy of the whole world , Russians have outsource military groups ,vagner if i write the name right
Eventually US will win ,no doubt
But not before the world goes mad and every body loses something
Go step back,Yemen did this to cease fire on civilians in Palestine
So,US won't go to the origin of that and work it out
No , they wanted a war
The whole history of USA was about wars under any excuse ,this time to stop Yemen
Last time over the WMDs in Iraq which was a 1000.000 citizens war cost over a lie

These air strikes were imminent And overdue!! The United States cannot, Must Not back down and we must be in the highest alert status going forward!! We gave
The Houthis fair warning and they would not stop, our maritime was suffering, we Had To take action and it should have been much sooner!! How do people not understand that this is not just an anti-terror action? This is an all-out war against a Real Enemy!
I must admit that I am very concerned about the global ramifications to this latest development, it’s no time to slumber or show any kind of weakness.

Gerald Brown Jr. Aha.. You still support this propaganda?? It is an old matter because of which you occupied many countries and killed millions with this poorly organized propaganda.. How many died in this incident?? How many did you kill in Muslim countries? How much oil and gold have you stolen, tortured Muslims, and spread Islamophobia? I would not be surprised by this talk from countries that support genocide in every circumstance and war.. I do not I support Iran and I certainly do not support you.. Has the whole world become wrong and your army deployed in it is right and supports peace?????






The trip wire for Iran is their chess piece of cannon fodder of the Houthis.

U.S. attacks

Iran unleashes Hezbollah other assets as to sleeper cells in the U.S.

China and Russia benefits

Egypt has already sent military to border to keep out Palestinians to resettle in the Sinai to prevent mix of militant cells to destabilize the country.

that’s just a brief.

Mario Flores I’ve just stated twice now why the RS route is being interrupted, for a ceasefire to be forced upon the willing genocidal participant: Isreal, if you’re having difficulty understanding who I’m referring to.
Now if again, you’re going to tell me “but other countries use that route too”, well, they then can force their (Western) governments to advocate for a ceasefire. Why are you having difficulty understanding this? And again, if you’re going to ask me “why, in particular, interrupt the Red Sea route?”, I presume a lil ole’ developing country like Yemen won’t be taken seriously-so it’s had to take severe action. Get it? Got it?

"Renowned Israeli historian, Ilan Pappe's groundbreaking book revisits the formation of the State of Israel. Between 1947 and 1949, over 400 Palestinian villages were deliberately destroyed, civilians were massacred and around a million men, women, and children were expelled from their homes at gunpoint. Denied for almost six decades, had it happened today it could only have been called "ethnic cleansing". Decisively debunking the myth that the Palestinian population left of their own accord in the course of this war, Ilan Pappe offers impressive archival evidence to demonstrate that, from its very inception, a central plank in Israel’s founding ideology was the forcible removal of the indigenous population." https://www.simonandschus...e/9781851685554

Scott Long Where do you get all these ideas? I ask anyone from Gaza. The West is the one who wants to displace them, and they want to live in their homes. When they refused to leave with tempting offers, the terrorist West worked to destroy their property, including homes and hospitals, cut off water, electricity, and even communication, prevent them from receiving medications, and make life impossible. And you come and... The Arabs say, yes, the Arabs let them down, but the peoples will not let them down, and they will revolt, especially after the war against Yemen, and you will see

10ºWithout a parliamentary mandate from the representatives of the American and British peoples, without international approval, and without exposing the United States and the United Kingdom to attacks on their lands, the “pirates of the free world” are attacking Yemen, with all colonial arrogance and an orgy of power….. American planes, warships, and British submarines with missiles. Thomas Hook, in order for the shipping ships to reach Israel, as the Yemeni army did not put any pressure in the Red Sea except on Israeli shipping, standing with #Gaza against genocide, displacement and siege... This is a war that expands for the sake of Benjamin Netanyahu only.
