Takeaways from the closing arguments in the $370 million Donald Trump civil fraud trial | CNN Politics

Donald Trump launched into a monologue at his $370 million New York civil fraud trial, underscoring that the case is a threat to his business and brand. Here are key takeaways.



Everyone of Trumps court cases is linked to Joe Biden! The DA’s have been to The White House in the past to link up with Biden, SCHIFF, and corruption scandals to scheme all these FALSE DA’S CASES to try to prevent him from winning! Try to keep Trump in court. But we the PEOPLE Won’t let this happen. We stand behind President Trump, because when they attack him, they attack US and we The AMERICAN PEOPLE won’t let the EVIL SWAMP PEOPLE LET THEM TAKE AWAY OUR FREEDOM AND COUNTRY. Trump and Us will SAVE our Country. We have COURAGE, and we will win.

Corey Johnson You obviously have a problem with comprehension. ONCE AGAIN, I never said he did or did not commit fraud. This was the first sentence in each of my posts. I have only heard a small portion of it, so I'm not qualified to say one way or the other and I don't think I would understand it since i have no knowledge of real estate, the legal documents or the laws. You said you've seen and/or heard most of the evidence, which means NOT all of it. And again, unless one has seen AND heard ALL of the evidence and understands ALL of it, legal documents, the law, etc., then one cannot make a factual statement that fraud was or was not committed. My posts were in plain English and since you didn't comprehend either one, I doubt you would comprehend all of the information, legal documents, and laws in the case.

What I do not understand is that if the banks involved in this court action all stated that they were all paid back in time and considered President Trump a "Grade A' borrower and that no one was frauded out of anything and that they would gladly loan him money again. Where is the crime? Also, how could the judge appraise the Mara Lago property at only $18,000,000 when every real estate agent and developer in Florida has stated that the value is way out of the actual value of the property and is over $100,000,000 in reality? Is the judge a real estate jurist? And james who thinks she looks beautiful sitting in the front row each day lol decides to raise the penalty from $250,000,000 to $370,000,000 based on what?

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CJ Hohn I believe he would utilize the trial as a platform where Deutsche Bank, the alleged "victim," affirmed that he did not receive preferential rates based on real estate value and repaid all loans with interest. The bank also expressed intentions to maintain ongoing business relations with the Trump Organization. There might be an appeal based on the District Attorney's prior statement of intending to sue him, making it seemingly politically motivated. Understanding these evident facts shouldn't require exceptional intelligence. If you seek further insight, I encourage you to explore information across various platforms. This will enable you to shape your own perspective instead of echoing exclusively left-leaning talking points....buttercup.

Stephen Presseau Trump never won over the kind of loyalty needed within the military or police forces to stage a coup by force - instead he attracts an assortment of no account nuts and lunatics like QAnon, Proud Boys, and NeoNazis- the kind of people barred from military service due to mental instability, drug addiction or criminal records.

That remains the core MAGA enthusiast- men who don’t like women, whites who hate blacks, heterosexuals who want to drive trans people to suicide and so forth.

Negative attitudes- misanthropes

Not the traditional small business owners, church members, pillars of the community that a big tent GOP used to attract

ShannonandKenny Armstrong No they know. They figure Trump uses the legal system endlessly to delay accountability, they say what the heck let's go full throttle. Why not?
Anyway although New York is all as mindlessly liberal as other states are conservative, it's over.
Not long to go now. Almost gone. "The polls, the polls!" go his zombie followers as if 2020 "rigged", 2022 silent la la la fingers in ears, even 2023 likewise never happened. Or all this the nutcase.

Swallowed the big lie hook.line and sinker! Learned something? Nope!
Declared over and over the Arizona audit was going to prove everything, reinstate Trump. Learned something? Nope
Said here comes the led midterm wave! Learn anything? Nope.

Seen anything dumber? Nope!

Barry L Browder Let's see.. He's been so successful .... 91 criminal charges
6 bankruptcies
4 indictments
2 impeachments
1 convicted company
1 fake charity shut down
1 fake university shut down
26 sexual assault allegations
$25 million fraud settlement
$5 million sexual abuse verdict
$52 million charity abuse judgment
Multiple business bankruptcies:
Trump Steaks, Go Trump, Trump Airlines, Trump Vodka, Trump Mortgage, Trump: The Game, Trump Magazine, Trump University, Trump Ice, The New Jersey Generals, Tour de Trump, Trump Network, Trumped! Trump Taj Mahal, Trump’s Castle, Trump Plaza Casinos, Trump Plaza Hotel, Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts, Trump Entertainment Resorts

no trial needed for this president time is running out in this case where is representative left no choice for a high justice court to dismissed that case what fraud has to do whit elections votes is he the next president or the re-elected president in this nominee argument where a supreme judge have to decide if the republican party did well on their debates or the democrat party has more work to accomplished in 2024 before our economy collapse like in 2001 before our great depression energy crisis is a state of emergency not a fail court justice system. Objection of first amendment right..️

10ºAccusing a man of a crime for a bank that openly admits that he did not commit a crime while at the same time not only did they admit that he did not commit a crime but he paid them over $100 million dollars in interest for the loan that they gave him in the allotted amount of time he had to pay the loan back. So the same person that has been loaning him money for 30 years loaned him the money with interest and he paid all of it back in the correct amount of time and everybody's happy except for this prosecutor and judge so they have went out of their way to charge him with a crime that everyone associated with this case says has not happened
