Analysis: China, debt and Disney: Three economic themes that will dominate the Republican primaries | CNN Business

As ​​Haley and DeSantis duked it out in Iowa, some clear economic themes began to emerge that will likely have a big influence on the upcoming Republican primaries and beyond. | Analysis


Kevin James Tomei
Trump and GOP Corruption:
Inciting insurrection, sedition, conspiracy, obstruction of justice, suborning perjury, racketeering, witness tampering, witness retaliation, sabotage (USPS), violation of Oath of Office, mishandling classified documents, campaign finance violations, interference with Congressional investigations, false statements, self-dealing, money laundering, extortion, tax fraud, insurance fraud, bank fraud, election fraud, negligent manslaughter (Jan. 6)
Also, here's a reminder of many OTHER unconscionable Trump actions:
* Monumental FAILURE in response to COVID-19, resulting in HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of avoidable deaths and 2.6 MILLIONS jobs lost.
* Ripped refugee children from parents resulting in lifelong TRAUMA.
* Minimal help for Puerto Rico, contributing to THOUSANDS of American deaths related to hurricane.
* Pardoned 4 Blackwater THUGS who, without provocation, MURDERED 14 Iraqi CIVILIANS (men, women, CHILDREN), and WOUNDED 17 others.
* Tried to KILL Obamacare, and make deep cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security.
* Tear-gassed peaceful protesters to make way for photo-op, using church and bible as props.
* Actively insulted our own allies, and BETRAYED Kurds in Syria.
* VETOED War Powers Resolution that halted support for Saudi war in Yemen.
* Nearly provoked war with Iran.
* Endorsed war crimes.
* Tried to expel young foreigners with serious, rare diseases that are treatable ONLY in U.S.
* Stole money from charitable funds meant for VETERANS and CHILDREN with CANCER.
* Stole power from Congress AND money from our military by declaring fake "emergencies".
* Severely CUT nutrition assistance for poor.
* Tried to CUT disability benefits.
* WRECKED Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and CRIPPLED Planned Parenthood.
* Left Paris climate accord. America only country not signed.
* Left Iran nuclear deal that was working. Iran began enriching uranium.
* Left World Health Organization in middle of coronavirus pandemic.
* Left Open Skies Treaty that supplied U.S. and allies with invaluable surveillance data on Russia, AND destroyed the specialized planes that gathered that intel.
* PROMOTES Russian propaganda.
* Sought foreign interference in our elections for HIS benefit.
* Disrespects our military & intelligence communities.
* Calls ALL criticism of himself "fake news" and threatens critics.
* Installed HIGHLY UNQUALIFIED judges to LIFETIME positions in our federal courts.
* Replaced HUNDREDS of competent, experienced government officials with his own subservient lackeys.
* Shut down government for record length of time, wasting TENS of BILLIONS.
* IMPOSED foolish/harmful tariffs.
* ROLLED BACK environmental protections.
* PERSONALLY PROFITS off presidency.
* Promotes racism.
* Encourages violence.
* Endangers national security.
* Undermines Free Press.
* Destroys faith in our OWN institutions.
* Erodes rule-of-law and checks & balances.
* 91 criminal charges
