More US pharmacists can now prescribe birth control and soon, prescriptions won’t be needed at all for some | CNN

These 29 states and the District of Columbia have passed laws allowing pharmacists to prescribe or provide contraception without a doctor’s prescription.


Tom Biggert I’m sure that’s what it is- because my comment in no way could be a direct response to not only this comment made by “The Big Guy” but previous ones made through out these comment sections in which he has demonstrated he is in fact a prime example of every point I made. But still- you have no issue with a “sweeping generalization” made about women in which he insinuates that women are too lazy to take a pill daily and would rather risk pregnancy so they can make an appointment with a doctor, go to that doctor, and have a medical procedure performed inside of their body that can lead to a number of emotional, mental, and physical side effects. Because that is less dumb than me saying men don’t want to wear condoms (which you agreed with to some extent), that men want to regulate women’s bodies (which with 22 states banning or nearly fully banning abortions and the majority of those legislators being men proves there are enough for the generalization to bear some truth), and that when women don’t do what the man wants they are stigmatized- well I think the original comment proves that women are almost always stigmatized. But thanks for playing Tom- I’m sure you’re not bias at all against women.
