Iran launches missile strikes in northern Iraq and Syria, claims to destroy Israeli spy base | CNN

The strikes were the latest escalation of hostilities that further risk spiraling into a wider regional conflict


100% Bidens fault with his weak lead from behind policy.

Joe has allowed thousands of US troops to be injured by Iran proxies, US commercial and Military ships to be attacked, and one US flagged ship to be hijacked by iran.... and all he's done is a few minor strikes that did not take out terrorist capabilities to continue their attacks.

And Biden released BILLIONS to Iran to help fund these terror attacks. Joe also took the Iran based Houthi terrorist OFF the terrorist designation list......and has not put them back on yet despite their attacks. Joe has removed several sanctions on Iran allowing them to make BILLIONS in oil sales.

Biden green lighted this action by his inactiin.

I understand how it feels to lose the one person you truly love cause i have experience the pain, my lover left me after 4 years of marriage just because of another woman, this was the worst moment of my life, I was depressed for months until I found Dr Harrison great kind man who help me restored my marriage, now my husband is back, forgiven and love me like never before,am extremely glad and greatful to you doc. You can reach him for any kind of problem you are facing now
I understand how it feels to lose the one person you truly love cause i have experience the pain, my lover left me after 4 years of marriage just because of another woman, this was the worst moment of my life, I was depressed for months until I found Dr Harrison great kind man who help me restored my marriage, now my husband is back, forgiven and love me like never before,am extremely glad and greatful to you doc. You can reach him for any kind of problem you are facing now

Trabelsi Islem

The US Cole attackers were Muslims.
‎‏ The Bali nightclub attackers were Muslims.
‎‏ The London Underground attackers were Muslims.
‎‏ The Moscow Theater attackers were Muslims.
‎‏ The Boston Marathon bombers were Muslims.
‎‏ The Pan-Am flight attackers were Muslims.
‎‏ The Air France - Entebbe - Uganda hijackers were Muslims.
‎‏ The seizure of the US embassy in Iran was carried out by Muslims.
‎‏ The attackers at the US Embassy in Beirut were Muslims.
‎‏ The attack on the US Embassy in Iran was carried out by Muslims.
‎‏ The suicide bombers in Buenos Aires were Muslims.
‎‏ The attackers at the Munich Olympics were Muslims.
‎‏ The attackers at the US Embassy in Kenya were Muslims.
‎‏ The attackers of the Saudi Khobar Towers were Muslims.
‎‏ The attackers at the Navy barracks in Beirut were Muslims.
‎‏ The attackers of the Russian children in Besian were Muslims.
‎‏ The World Trade Center attackers were Muslims.
‎‏ Bombay's attackers in India were Muslims.
‎‏ The attackers on Madrid's suburban trains were Muslims.
‎‏ The hijackers of the Achille Lauro ship were Muslims.
‎‏ The killers at the Paris Kosher market were Muslims.
‎‏ The Charlie Hebdo killers in Paris were Muslims.
‎‏ The attacker at the Stade de France, in Paris, was Muslim.
‎‏ The killers at the Bataclan theater in Paris were Muslims.
‎‏ The Orlando nightclub killer was Muslim.
‎‏ The Nice truck killer was Muslim.
‎‏ The Brussels airport killers were Muslims
