Senate passes short-term funding extension as Congress races to avert government shutdown | CNN Politics

Congress has passed a short-term funding extension Thursday, averting a partial government shutdown at the end of the week after lawmakers raced the clock ahead of a key Friday deadline.


If you had to vote for a candidate based on their accomplishments. Well, this is the Biden and Harris administration accomplishments.

1. Biden omics = FAILURE
2. The Border = FAILURE
3. Gas Prices = FAILURE
4. Crime = FAILURE
5. Food Prices = FAILURE
6. Bringing the country together = FAILURE
7 Foreign policy, Afghanistan, Venezuela, China. Haiti, Taiwan, Iran, and Mexico = TOTAL FAILURE
8. Talking and walking = FAILURE
9. Telling the American people the truth. FAILURE
10. Education = TOTAL FAILURE

What all of this means is that Democrats are full of . They are using race for everything in an attempt to divide this country. Sexualizing our children at a young age instead of the PRIORITIZING READING & MATH. Our educational system is a disaster since Biden took office. They talk about infrastructure and going green but Biden allocated billions of dollars and not one charging station has been built yet and gas prices are still at a record high. IT'S ALL A SCAM! Biden and his family has enriched themselves. They talk about everybody should pay their fair share in taxes. But Biden and his son has had problems paying their taxes Not to mention Biden being compromised with all that Chinese money that he denied him and his son received from China. America found out that was a total lie! The only card he got left in his playbook is to bribe the American people, especially black Americans. My life was better before Biden came in office.

TRUMP 2024

"The president has always put America and Americans first" You can't be taking about Blundering Stumbling Biden?" Not for the 18 killed in Afghanistan - not for the taxpayers who paid for the equipment left behind there- not for the thousands kills each year from drugs, crime, and poverty. Not for the 10 million new illegals who have entered that tax payers are responsible for, Not for the two wars we are paying for today. Not for the inflation we live with today and higher prices. We aren't safer our military can't make recrutement number we're in two wars and were 34 trillion in debt. THEY borrowed more money at higher interest rates to fund us until March of 2024. That's not an achievement in my eyes. Has anyone read the bill to confirm what it is for?

When will CNN report on the ramifications of the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023?
(Sec. 102) This section requires the discretionary spending limits to be revised if a continuing resolution (CR) is in effect at the beginning of the calendar year.

Specifically, if a CR for FY2024 or FY2025 is in effect on or after January 1 of 2024 or 2025 for any discretionary budget account, the discretionary spending limits for that fiscal year must be revised to specified levels. CBO has estimated that the revised limits will be lower for defense spending and higher for nondefense spending compared to the original limits.

If all of the regular appropriations bills for the fiscal year are enacted before April 30, the revised limits revert to the original limits. If a CR is in effect on April 30 of 2024 or 2025, a final sequestration order must be issued based on the revised limits.

Rose Fulleylove Funding the border is only part of the border issue. Had the wall been completed by any presdient since Clinton began the wall, I believe. it could have been Bush 1, - we wouldn't have the issue TODAY of paying for 10 million new illegals since Biden took office and CHANGED Trumps policy of illegals staying in Mexico. Biden scrapped material to build the wall. WE can pay for all the security we want. We've gone backwards from what WE had since Biden took office. IF Biden allowed Ukraine and didn't BLOCK other NATO countries from sending the weapons, they have asked for and they need to beat Russia - the war would end. IF the UN stood up and told Russia to end the war it might. So, it appears you're voting for Trump in 2024 because he tried to build the wal while Democrats kicked and cried at every turn. Trump also had a remain in Mexico ESTABLISHED POLICY and it worked.. Biden ended all of that so please don't blame Speaker Johnson. And I hope after hearing Bidens State of the Nation HE stands and rips the current presidents speach up. This will show strength on his part.

Hi!Excuse me a little
2024-01-19: #PalestinianRefugees #AustralianSpecialZone #Accepted

US State Department calls Israel's strong statements that it will "rule Gaza forever" and "build Jewish settlements" "irresponsible." However, America "just says"!

The US State Department issued a statement condemning the series of strong statements made by Netanyahu's top officials as the humanitarian situation in Gaza worsens, calling them ``inflammatory and irresponsible.'' However, America "just says"!

President Macron asked, ``What would the total destruction of Hamas mean? Is there anyone who thinks this is possible?'' ``If that were the case, the war would last 10 years.'' I think it's probably forever.

National Security Minister Itamar Bengbir, who heads the far-right Jewish Power par-ty, called on the 1st to ``develop a plan'' to relocate Palestinian residents of Gaza to other countries.

No country accepts Palestinian refugees. That's why they are in Gaza.

Will the US accept Palestinian refugees? Will France accept it? Will Britain accept it? The answer is "NO" in all countries.

That's why I keep saying that we should be ``accepted'' in ``Australia's special zone.'' A ``Special Zone of Australia'' should now be built.

Britain and Australia should work together to create a "special zone" in Australia. This special zone should become one of the world's "three major special zones," along with the "Mexico border and Algeria."

The ``special zone'' will accept the world's ``refugees and poor people'' and be-come the ``world's factory zone'' that can compete with China. Rather than exclud-ing China from the market, the West should create a "manufacturing factory fleet" that can compete with China.

The ``special zone'' will become a place of employment for ``the world's poor and refugees.'' They can escape from poverty. For developed countries, it is important to protect their citizens from illegal immigration. And cheap labor can be obtained.

Britain should relocate Palestinian refugees to Australia because of their "past histo-ry." Palestinian refugees should give up their land in Palestine and start a "new life" in a "new land."

My goal is not to ``drive out'' the ``Palestinian refugees'' from ``Gaza.'' Developed countries ``scream'' about ``human rights,'' but they only ``speak.'' Palestinian refugees should be allowed to live as human beings.

Now, let's all hold a ``meeting'' to relocate ``Palestinian applicants'' to ``Austral-ia's special zone'' as temporary immigrants. Let's give Palestinian youth a human dream!

Thank you, if you read the full page "yasuhiro nagano" and agree,I want to be more happy
#CNN   Please do your best ............

