Kfir Bibas: Family marks first birthday of the youngest hostage in Gaza | CNN

His face has become instantly recognizable around the world: A red-haired baby boy holding a pink elephant toy, looking directly into the camera with a toothless smile.



Peter Chisholm But the Palestinians were a disenfranchised people before Hamas was formed in 1988. And they had just suffered a similar genocidal slaughter that killed 20,000 people in a few months in West Beirut in the 1982. And after Hamas was formed, Palestinians started negotiating for peace and won limited autonomy. Meanwhile, Hamas doesn’t exist in the West Bank, and the colonization of their lands has sped up dramatically in recent years, while the control over their lives has become totalitarian.

Perhaps you could lay out a clearer timeline of where Hamas has taken root and they have experienced chaos?

Rachel Tal Adv a crash course on your 'history' despite all the gobbledegook you present.

There was no Israel no European colonial settlers on that land that was called PALESTINE.

Just because western history omits or fails to recognise Palestine that did in fact exist with the indigenous Palestinan ppl descendants of the Cannanites does not mean that they did not exist.

50 million plus indigenous Indians were wiped off the planet so much so it changed the carbon foot print of the planet. The 'discovery' of America is based on the same insane settler colonial mentality.

You're obviously a racist and a anti semite.

Yona Shemesh
Stop whining
Obey the international law and leave the occupied lands to rescue this failed coward IDF

Israelis are Occupiers according to the international law. Period!
Israelis are in complete failure since 7/10
Stop this occupation and release all the Palestinian(1000) and Israeli hostages

Palastinians treat hostages kindly unlike Israel
And watch this released hostages testimony and follow the Islamic rules in wars
Allah says in the Qur'an
(وَيُطْعِمُونَ الطَّعَامَ عَلَىٰ حُبِّهِ مِسْكِينًا وَيَتِيمًا وَأَسِيرًا﴾
[ الإنسان: 8]

Sahih International - صحيح انترناشونال
And they give food in spite of love for it to the needy, the orphan, and the captive,)


Rob Granner are you blind? Do you trust the information hamas is providing? Some of their footage has been proven to be from other disasters, such as Syria. There are videos proving they fake injuries and deaths. At a funeral that was recorded, a rocket was launched, the siren blared and suddenly the dead guy ran off to take cover. A man in a hospital with bloody bandages was suddenly cured when his mother came rushing over with concern. Have you not seen where the Palestinians are calling Hamas dogs or pleading with the IDF to continue what they’re doing so they can be saved from Hamas? How they’re saying that barely any supplies are reaching them because Hamas is taking whatever they want? How is it that they have so much money to build these tunnels and for rockets but not enough to provide necessities for Gazans? Are you also going to justify what they did on October 7? There is confirmation that hamas murdered a hostage then tried to sell his severed head for $10,000. Do you not have a problem with that? Or how they’re refusing to release the young female hostages? I wonder why?

Hassan Johansen - So (sadly typically) disgusting.

As I have often written - throughout history antisemites have always pushed dangerous sophistry.

That’s why, for the Israel-haters, every Israeli killed - even a baby or an elderly Holocaust survivor - is a "soldier," while every Palestinian Arab killed - even a 25 year old w/ gun in 1 hand & a Hamas flag & an RPG in the other - is a "civilian."

And it’s why you can respond so callously to the FACT of #HamasworsethanISIS terrorists kidnapping an 8 month old BABY.

Because it’s a Jewish baby kidnapped by misogynist, gay-murdering, Islamist Supremacist, FASCISTS who want to destroy the one Jewish state in the Jewish people’s indigenous homeland.

So for a vicious Jew-hater like you, anything that hurts Israelis is A-OK.

Roberto Elías Calles really? So the people of Gaza could come and go as they pleased had control over what came in and went out of their areas weren't being bombed like in 2014 2021 2022 and numerous other times? Israel didn't have the power to turn off their food water and heat as well as their electricity? What an absolute joke Zionist Nazis and their propaganda are when they think anyone believes those lies and speaking of October 7th I don't hear you crying or complaining about the over 400 that were murdered by Israel under their Hannibal directive with Apache helicopters and tanks when they attacked their own human shields and then tried to play victim as always But you do agree that Gaza is a concentration camp now right? You said before October 7th. So you're defending the fact that Israel has turned it into a concentration camp murdering children and displacing millions while starving them right

Theo Horesh

No. Taking babies and toddlers to get murderers out of Israeli jails was not the primary objective of Hamas' invasion on October 7.

Hamas believed, and maybe still believes, that the barbaric attack on Israeli civilians, the gang rapes, the beheadings, the taking of hostages, would set in motion a regional war to bring about the destruction of Israel.

Hamas is not just barbaric. It is not simply cruel. Hamas is an exestential threat to the existence of the state of Israel. A threat to the life of every Israeli citizen.

Hamas won't be appeased or accommodated by any sort of agreement. The exestential threat of Hamas can only be removed one way. By complete and total annihilation of Hamas. At all costs.

Dvir Shiber The photograph of the little baby with his pink elephant is very moving and I wish him the best and hope that he has not been killed but will return safely home to his family. But he is no more precious than the ten thousand slaughtered little ones of Gaza and I can live with myself thinking of them and as Bev Krell writes the decomposing babies found in Gaza's hospitals. Furthermore Israel was murdering Palestinian babies long before the 7th October. I still remember the four boys playing football on the beach who were murdered by the IDF and I remember 18-month-old Ali Dawabsheh who was burned alive in 2015.

Urgent | Deputy Executive Director of UNICEF:
The Gaza Strip is the most dangerous place for children in the world, and its situation has gone from catastrophic to almost collapsed.
- This is a war on children, and thousands of them suffer from malnutrition and disease.
- If this situation continues, the death toll may rise due to disease and hunger.
- 70% of those killed in war are women and children, and the killing of children must stop immediately.
- Northern residents and displaced people do not have access to clean water and there is hardly any food available.

10ºYassmine Khiter Palestinians have no heritage in the Holy Land but zero 0% by all DNA testing.
The ancient philistines are 100% purely Europeans the Cretes and others Europeans that settled in Gaza by all their DNA testings

The Palestinians were brought there by their sultans ESPECIALLY TURKEY OTTOMAN EMPIRE AFTER JERUSALEM DESTRUCTION

Stop writing utter jargons on the internet bcoz assuming the evil Romans did not DESTROY Jerusalem in AD 70 then Israel would have been the first Nation in the world

Israeli and the Jews have an identity for about 2000 years in the Holy Land with others ancient Nations still sitting down rigidly in their Homeland

