How Aaron Rodgers became a divisive figure – while barely playing | CNN

Rodgers has had quite the year.


Mary Scharmach Strassel lol, lady you are living in Fantasy Land! I am neither a Dem nor a Republican and am totally and blissfully political independent. That affords me a much more objective view of issues and people than you will ever have. As far as I'm concerned neither Biden nor Trump has any business running for POTUS, and the fact that they are shows me how pathetically leaderless this country is at the moment. You are a classic example of a mentality that I would find amusing ordinarily, but no longer at least not after J6. I'd love to be around when the day comes and you realize how duped you have been and you start to wonder what in the hell was I thinking back then.

Lanny Hoskins the fact that you think Jan 6th was the saddest day in American history shows how completely brainwashed you are by the media. Besides the fact it was a set up by Pelosi and co, you put that before events like Pearl Harbor or 911 tells me everything about you. I guess you also were sleeping the 4 straight years that the Democrat leaders encouraged the left to loot, beat, kill and burn down cities causing billions in damage including trying to burn down a capital building with people in it! Or the fact the fake media pushed a Russian Collusion hoax for three years only to be proven that Hillary, Obama and Biden invented it to try and remove a sitting president as in the real threat to our democracy . You are so typical of someone that’s been indoctrinated and can’t use critical thinking even with all the evidence in front of your face. I can only imagine how hard they are laughing at people like you.

The sallow hateful
active shooter
rapefetus forced
into life
at gunpoint
a dogdickdixie gangrape
Is becoming
an endangered species
even in
the doublewide squalor hollers who
begat this inbred
red tide

The Elongated sphincter likes
proudboy meattrains
of prolapse pounding poopterrorists mating with Dixie gals by force
they aren't voraciously stretching out
his assmeat

When Susan Swift stank hits a post
it's like a mass grave got opened up
and the decomposition is weaponized
Is there
an older more putrid seditionist wet spot
on the planet
turning humanities gorge into dry heaves?

January Sixth Choir
Twitler imprisoned
for two decades
to raise money
for the defense
of his pedestrian
crime spree
Have called
their new single

Despicable Dixie

the pot
with lies
incest proudboy
traitors fight
Trump says
they despise
For the
*uncle Thomas
The womb squatter
Approves of
This message️

Chenel Maria what specifically?? You should read the article and make your own inferences. I’m not here to tell anyone how or what to think.

In general tho I think it’s dangerous and irresponsible to characterize any deviation in opinion as “divisive” or “radical” which is what I feel this article did. Also I’m not impressed or moved by the fact that media intentionally went around asking people’s vaccine status after deciding there was only one right answer and then simultaneously attempting to crucify those same people for responses that in all actuality was none of their or anyone else’s business.

Lastly it is absolutely hypocritical and disingenuous to support a woman’s right to choose when it comes to her body but not applying that to every person in regard to their own body regardless of situation.

Aaron Metzger Would you like a room with Trumpy? You seem like soulmates. Lol. All you must do is dress like a woman and he'll grab you where you like it. Then the tiny mushroom may make an appearance. You'd be so proud of yourself making America great again. That's all Dumpy is good for. Sexual assaults of women, raping children, misogyny, racism, xenophobia, anti-immigrant extremism, homophobia, stupidity, and lies. He crashed a good economy and used covid to cover it up causing the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans. He is as dumb as dirt and you support that. Gross.

was a Red slave State white power Apartheid Confederate fascist Boogaloo incest coup
a mob of forcefingering
Hooligan coup coups
to pull a train on our first closeted Vice President

Is there anything more ridiculous
than a wordless historyless Red
slave State white
power Apartheid Confederate fascist incest Boogaloo
Who is simultaneously a depraved and sadistic gay basher
And a manass famished closet bottom
hiding his thirst for a prolapse grapple
at the MMA cage match orgy where
men watch
two men try to breach his opponent's orifice
While the audience is pairing off to play
hide the sausage
