
Jim Irsay, the owner of the Indianapolis Colts, was found unresponsive and cold to the touch in December in what a police report describes as an overdose.


Matt Hart oh, I guess that makes it better? Kudos to you for mocking an almost dead, tragedy. You're completely exonerated. I stick by my original statement:
You're a fu@king real estate agent with a P.O Box for an address. Lol. You should not be mocking a tragedy like this. Instead, you should be living up to the impression you give others on social media.
You're the worst kind of American. The kind we're all embarrassed by in public or in foreign countries, when you demand they speak your language.
Essentially, a waste of space.
You keep grinding out those low cost homes, and we'll monitor your attitude on social media. Someday, you'll be humbled, my friend. It's coming for people like you.

How's that, dummy?
