Biden signs short-term funding extension, averting government shutdown

JUST IN: President Biden signs into law a short-term funding extension to avert a partial government shutdown, though major challenges remain


I've decidded in 2024 not to worry so much about America borrowing money to spend it and being in debt. THIS practice began in 1776 and continues today. The only difference being there was no INFLATION in 1776 but there has been since then. Because of that America is now over 34 trillion dollors in debt. Even with our modest 3.2% SS increase WE will continue to pay off our debt month as we have done for the last 56 years of marriage. Proving while perhaps being Radical, Racist, MAGA, and Republican we are willing to do our little part. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN!

Countries around the world have urged the International Criminal Court in the Hague to investigate Israel's violence in Gaza, as Netanyahu claims he would not permit a Palestinian state to be created under his watch, and contemplates not only continuing genocide, but attacking Iran. Saddest of all, Washington continues to support Netanyahu, saying they have seen "NO evidence of Israel's war crimes committed in Gaza", or that "we don't have any indications that the Israeli military has committed war crimes." Turkish President Erdogan said, "Netanyahu is the modern Hitler." He said, "there is no more trust towards the Western countries that have failed Gaza, their fascist faces have been exposed, and have not take a single step to prevent violence."

Paul Llewellyn aaand the government brought in more money in taxes every year under those guys than any year prior. Deficit increases align with who controls the senate, historically. Doesn’t matter who is the WH. The government brought in almost twice as much money at the end of Reagan’s admin than it was bringing in at the end of Carter’s. The government has a spending problem not a revenue problem. The government spend pre pandemic (2019) was 4.4 trillion. Trump signed off on two trillion, plus in Covid relief spending for 2020. That two trillion extra spending has never gone away. In fact, this admin wanted to increase the spend to 6.9+ trillion for 2024. Total receipts for the federal government in 1980 were 517 billion. Total receipts in 1988 were 910 billion (almost double what they were in Carter’s last year -1980)

Hazza Abdulla you think that this country is weak it's always been like that you go back to September 11th we may have been divided for when those planes hit the tower We Stand Together so for me to you I'll tell you that you know nothing about true Americans we may spitter and fight like family members like you do with your brother but in the end we are all family and if we get attacked we all attack back remember guns are legal in this country most households in America owns at least four guns it used to be two guns but the new stats have came out that most homes in America owns four to six guns

Hazza Abdulla I stopped reading halfway through because what you are doing is you're trying to create two narratives America has always been divided my friend it is always treated people of color bands but people of color have always stood for this country because what other people don't realize is we love this country too we consider this our country too they f*** it up and then they ask us to help fight their Wars is it wrong yes the things that America has done is bad yes but just like you support your country I support my country but once again you were trying to play too narratives we don't sit on the fence

Paul Ross when did we get into our deficit mess? It started with Ronald Reagan, then George W Bush and then Trump. Somehow before Ronald Reagan we managed to send men to the moon and not have deficits that reach the heavens as they do now. Under Clinton we ran a balanced budget. So it appears to me like it can be done. I understand unrealized income, but there is also realized income coming from capital gains. And people like Jeff Bezos obviously has realized gains that are enormous since he lives in several mansions and owns a massive yacht. These properties all combined are worth about a billion dollars. So he must be using large amounts of cash at some point too for his lifestyle.

Jmr Jared You obviously have no idea what is REALLY happening in Ukraine. First of all, did you know Ukraine commanders ordered their troops to roll down their sleeves in the summer because so many of them had Nazi tattoos. Just prior to the invasion, Ukraine was considered (by the US) the most corrupt country in Eastern Europe. Then there's the fact that Ukraine has already lost this war and suffered so many male casualties that they are kidnapping any male and conscripting them to fight. Stop getting your "news" from these propaganda sites. Finding facts these days is very difficult but try getting news from out of Country.

The hope of the people of God is never in political power. Let me say that again. Our greatest power is not political and the minute you believe that your greatest power is political, your greatest power is political influence, you will compromise the gospel. It always happens. You see, our power is the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ because the gospel of the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ has the power to do what politics could never, ever do; and that is rescue and transform the heart of a person. America Bless God Again!!!% Deus Lo Vult ️️

Fale Andrew Lesā people like you are so Un-American to talk to a president that way and call for his death and his demise you do this for privilege because if that was President Obama you had the National Guard out if he did anything like Trump did people would say they scared if Obama rallied a bunch of black people like that you always be shaken in your f***** boots but since you all do it it seems to be okay never have I ever seen this much hypocrisy and idioticy in the United States the same people that talk about the Second Amendment and my gun and my gun are the same people that thinks that there's only two amendments but now wants to change the Constitution because of the 14th Amendment you can't pick and choose both so if you want your gun to have rights then that President and what he did should not be president per your second amendment rules that you like to follow I'm sick and tired of Republicans only claiming one Amendment and then claiming that they are American FOH

10ºBenĵamin Netanŷahu was able to guarantee his political future with his brutal personal war on G@za and to ride on Joe Biden’s back and eliminate his political and electoral future. Joe Biden has become a laughing stock.. and not only will he be a laughing stock, but he will find himself accused and involved in committing war crimes and crimes against humanity and Joe Biden and his government will enter history from the dirtiest of doors . I thought the criminal Donald Trump was the only pimp to Israel but After the war on Gaza it was confirmed that Joe Biden is also criminal and big pimp to Israel.
