Kyte Baby in controversy after Marissa Hughes’ remote work request was denied, CEO apologizes | CNN Business

The CEO of Texas-based baby clothing company Kyte Baby has issued two apologies after denying a remote work request by an employee whose baby was admitted into a neonatal intensive care unit.


This company and its CEO are hypocrites !!!
Yes we can talk about the need for required maternity leave etc. and all of that is true.
But this company KYTE BABY bases their company pitch and advertising as supporting mothers in their time of need. They have ads that show employees bringing their children to work, expressing their excitement at having more children. Says right in there ads that they support new Moms in all they do!! This woman had an infant in NICU and not only could she not take off, they refused to allow her to work remotely and fired her. The company says they give 2 weeks maternity leave payed, but you have to sign a contract that after those two weeks you will immediately return and work a minimum of 6 months. Who supposedly supports Mom’s and then demands if you want a lousy 2 weeks pay you come back 2 weeks after delivery. Especially if your baby is in NICU!!! When this woman’s sister posted this crap on line suddenly the CEO, who had made the decision in the first place, issued an apology ONLINE!! She never calls the woman, she never reaches out to the woman personally. For publicity I am sure, she apologizes online. Then there is a backlash that the apology doesn’t sound sincere, that she is just trying to save face, so she admits it was scripted and tries to be sincere and does another apology, still just online. This company Kyte Baby is a joke. It does NOT support women!! I personally will never buy from this company!!

In my opinion, all employers need to take a deep breath & develop very specific policies on how to make use of maternity/paternity leave & bridge to family leave from maternity/paternity leaves when needed. We also need to think about small business companies and how to help them afford this expensive leave. Perhaps it’s where we begin the Federal assistance part of the discussion. Advocacy for our employees is imperative. We have gotten SO much better at the Family Leave arrangements & we can do even better.
My pregnancy leave was 2 weeks. I was grateful but returning to week after a 4th degree laceration was impossible for bedside care. I was accommodated for admin duties til I was more healed. At the time I thought it was forward thinking & generous! My what a distance we have come!️

Look I feel for the mom I do. If I was in her position I'd be livid. But let's be honest here. Your problems are your problems. A business has to run with or without you. Productivity has dropped significantly since remote work was normalized. Any issues you have are not issues the company has. This CEO apologizing is only doing so to avoid the damage done by leftist cancel culture. It's a shame, but the CEO has nothing to apologize for, and the mom needs to understand that what happens at home has little to do with what's happening at work. This is why everyone should be their own boss.

Hello sir madam How you are doing so well, thank God in his immense love My name is NOUTIN KOUDRATE EDOU, a 24-year-old Beninese resident in the economic capital of the country. I am a Christian and I have the fear of God . And I am looking for a serious foreign relationship and we will exchange our ideas major activity projects together, I am ready to travel to any country since my professional objective is to exchange my know-how with foreigners and receive ideas from others, I really like to undertake and all my concern is to find a person of good morality and good faith who could help me in my vision

Story after story on the comment section. Our country hates women, obviously. We, here in the U.S. are one of the worst places for women's health. In comparison to other equal "industrialized nations" the U.S. fails in every aspect.

Too bad we can't use the 11.6 billion in foreign aid we sent annually to other counties to shore up their programs on women in the U.S. We could use it for SO many things. Oh and it's not a Dem or Repub thing because that money's been going out for decades. Our country just hates women. Why voting is important.

If the USA wants a healthy economy it had better up its game and become “family friendly”. Parental Leave of 6 weeks minimum, single payer healthcare, free college or trade school for all who qualify, and every employer had better allow for remote work where it makes since. Because unless we as a nation maintain a minimum family size of 2.2 kids (population replacement rate) we could face demographic and then economic collapse like Japan, Russia, China, etc. If parents aren’t supported in the lifelong commitment that is parenting then why become a parent?? As I know from experience— It takes 20+ years, hundreds of thousands of dollars, a huge sacrifice of time, and stress for each kid to be done right.

Judith Matheny isn't it the worst feeling in the world! I know it broke my heart every time I had to leave my lil one after each visit from the NICU to pick up my other young child from school and explain that the baby is not ready to come home yet. And if Daddy couldn't come for a visit to the NICU because he was deployed overseas it would sting. Even though my lil one was born over a month early ( but stayed longer than 2 weeks). I'm happy he wasn't born 22 weeks gastation and under 2 pounds. Like this momma is going through. How brave of her not complaining and keeping her faith. And making the decision to not return to work.

Clearly, all about image in the moment, nothing heart felt about the apologies. As CEO, she's trying to squirm out of bad press, especially being a baby brand. So you'd think that family would be at the forefront of the company, just sadly, it isn't.

Just image and profit, that's all this CEO is concerned about. I'm glad it has come back to bight her, and maybe she'll think before she makes a bad judgement, bad canned apology, and groveling session in the future. It is good to see a company get egg on it's face from time to time.

Gena Costello my Catholic mom always used to say this! She was always pro choice and able to distinguish her personal beliefs from the rights of other citizens to follow their own paths…
She belonged to a Catholic women’s group that would periodically hold “showers” for young women who “chose life”. She’d come home so frustrated, knowing that these poor girls and their babies, in all likelihood, had a lifetime of struggle and hardship ahead of them that one baby shower was never going to lessen…but I guess it allowed some of the church ladies to sleep well at night.

10ºMichelle Michelle
Is unpaid time off. Some districts allow for paychecks to be cut to cover the months teachers are off work other districts don’t. Teachers then have to 1) budget their paychecks paid throughout the school year so that they cover living expenses for those unpaid months or 2) work a summer job while still keeping up with trainings, classroom planning, inservice days, etc. Teaches don’t have off as much time out of school as the students. Sometimes a stipend might be given depending on the district, but often times it’s just expected to get done without any compensation.
