FEMA overhauls disaster assistance program as climate crisis fuels more destructive extreme weather | CNN

The measures include giving wider access to an immediate $750 per person impacted by extreme weather, which can include storms, hurricanes, fires and tornadoes.



Gene Hosier -You're creating a strawman argument. No on ever denied past climate changes that were natural. The problem is that this current change isn't natural, and it is rapid. The science isn't in dispute. You keep talking about being in an ice age, but you're ignoring that climate changes for a reason, that the climate has been stable for thousands of years, and that rapid change isn't good. Like arguing that because forest fires of the past had natural causes, that that somehow means that people can't commit arson. Actual scientists say that rapid climate changes will have devastating effects on the earth, that will far outweigh any positives. Those effects include massive sea level rise that will devastate infrastructure, large losses of fresh water, loss of crop yields, possible mass extinctions, and more weather extremes. Don't know where you're getting your information from but it looks like you're cherry picking science. Try reading actual scientific sources and providing scientific sources that say tha tthere's no need to worry about rapid climate change as you claim.

Whether climate change is man made, or just a natural cycle of the planet that may destroy its inhabitants over time as it has done in history, the fact is yes, our climate is changing. Temperatures will become more extreme, for those who don't understand what climate change means. It doesn't mean an end to summer or winter; it means more extreme temperatures. What we have to do is be prepared to adapt to that changing climate. Those who want to ignore this, are simply fools. It isn't a hoax, it is evolution. The question is how our civilization can survive it if we are meant to survive it at all. There were once dinosaurs.

Joyce Junior now look up about the corporate money grab and how your fear is used to get tax dollars and those tax dollars pay lobbyist who works for corporations there’s a whole dark world you don’t know about out there then you can look up how NASA was given $2.6 million just to research global warming nothing more than research. I once had the stupidest dog in the world, and even it wouldn’t bite the hand that fed it.
And you can look up who people like Nancy Pelosi‘s, daughter and husband both work for
Then, maybe you can wake up 

Jay Corry and if it wasn’t for this short warming. Humankind would’ve not been able to flourish. Trust me it all goes away in about 50,000 years. Let’s enjoy it while last think snowball earth and then imagine living there.  if you go to your browser and google greenhouse, earth, and snow ball earth you find that there’s evidence that there have been at least five greenhouse events on earth, and at least two of the ice ages we have experienced have gone to total snowball no matter how much they try to sell it to you. Earth will never be a constant 72°. It never was meant to be 

Jay Corry we are in an ice age that will last another hundred million years at least, the ice is currently melting because we are interglacial. The world will freeze again, you can bank on it. There will be at least 10 or 15 more into glacial period where the earth will go from 1000 feet of ice above New York City, to almost greenhouse, it’s happened hundreds of times since the Earth was created it’ll happen 100 times more it is based on earth travel around the sun. We do not have a perfectly circular orbit. This is more affect on the climate of the Earth than the tiny creatures that live on it. Have we contributed to global warming sure but it was going to warm up anyway and it will freeze again no matter what we do to stop it 10,000 years from now they’ll be a money grabbing Washington for global cooling. 

Gene Hosier _You reference NASA, but NASA clearly explains that climate changes for a reason and that this current warming is rapid and man made. NASA-"Earth's climate has changed throughout history. Just in the last 800,000 years, there have been eight cycles of ice ages and warmer periods, with the end of the last ice age about 11,700 years ago marking the beginning of the modern climate era — and of human civilization. Most of these climate changes are attributed to very small variations in Earth’s orbit that change the amount of solar energy our planet receives. The current warming trend is different because it is clearly the result of human activities since the mid-1800s, and is proceeding at a rate not seen over many recent millennia. It is undeniable that human activities have produced the atmospheric gases that have trapped more of the Sun’s energy in the Earth system. This extra energy has warmed the atmosphere, ocean, and land, and widespread and rapid changes in the atmosphere, ocean, cryosphere, and biosphere have occurred." https://climate.nasa.gov/evidence/

Gene Hosier -It is about conspiracy theories and your politics. Instead of actual evidence, you resort to insinuating that the world's scientists are all in on a massive conspiracy to "steal money". Are you seriously trying to claim that there is a giant world wide conspiracy going on since the 1800s to lie to everybody about climate science, involving thousands of studies, tens of thousands of scientists from around the world, without a shred of evidence from you, and only the part about past ice ages and interglacials can be trusted? How ridiculous can one get? Your comment about interglacials and ice ages still ignores cause and effect, and is thus still irrelevant to what is causing this current warming. No sources means you can simply be dismissed as you lack evidence for anything.

Joyce Junior you don’t believe what you read or don’t understand? When it says we can expect no continental glaciers and little to no polar ice caps. When this has happened five times before in the history of the Earth, all five times human beings didn’t even exist. Had nothing to do with gas cars had nothing to do with jet airplanes had nothing to do with cow farts. It had everything to do with the earth orbit around the sun you now know as much as a fifth grader 
Cow farts are killing the planet some people are so gullible 

Stephen Gross so what specifically do you know that scientists and NASA do not?
1. Do you dispute the physics of greenhouse gases?
2. Do you dispute that CO2 content in the atmosphere is about 420 ppm vs the goldilocks concentration of about 280 ppm humans evolved with?
3. Do you dispute that CO2 content and warming is increasing at what appears to be an unprecedented rate?
4. Do you dispute that Methane, a far more potent greenhouse gas is also increasing?
5. Do you dispute that this is due to human activity?
6. Do you dispute that this will have harmful effects?
7. Do you dispute that due to many feedback loops that warming could be an exponential function?
Specifics please. Thanks.

10ºGene Hosier so what specifically do you know that scientists and NASA do not?
1. Do you dispute the physics of greenhouse gases?
2. Do you dispute that CO2 content in the atmosphere is about 420 ppm vs the goldilocks concentration of about 280 ppm humans evolved with?
3. Do you dispute that CO2 content and warming is increasing at what appears to be an unprecedented rate?
4. Do you dispute that Methane, a far more potent greenhouse gas is also increasing?
5. Do you dispute that this is due to human activity?
6. Do you dispute that this will have harmful effects?
7. Do you dispute that due to many feedback loops that warming could be an exponential function?
Specifics please. Thanks.
