Florida board bans use of state and federal funds on DEI programs at state universities | CNN

Florida’s Board of Governors voted to ban state spending on diversity, equity and inclusion programs across all public universities in the state – the latest move targeting higher education DEI spending in the United States.



Tiffany Amber is that what we do? Because for three generations now women have graduated college at a higher rate than men. Yet, look at the boardrooms of fortune 500 companies. We just got our first female VP. God forbid if we try to educate people about their biased in hopes that people start hiring people based on their skill. Your statement alone speaks to the fact that we need to better educate the American public because DEI has nothing to do with hiring based on gender or color. It's simply to educate people as to individuals differences and the bias that goes into the hiring process. It's actually illegal to hire somebody based on their color or gender. But Republicans love the poorly educated and tried to continue the narrative so that people misinterpret what diversity and hiring looks like.

Lawrence S. Lesser
Reading is fundamental to learning…
Florida’s Board of Governors voted Wednesday to ban state spending on diversity, equity and inclusion programs across all public universities in the state – the latest move targeting higher education DEI spending in the United States.

Scared politicians are telling Colleges and Universities what they can or can’t teach OR ELSE your funding will be pulled.

That’s a form of blackmail as well as straight up ridiculous.
People who are scared of diversity are banning it from being taught in Universities.

Telling students that slaves learned valuable job skills is required learning, BUT don’t you dare say that Blacks and Native Americans were exploited for free labor.

Politicians have no place dictating what schools should or shouldn’t be teaching.

CNN's Fareed Zakaria GPS, nailed it!
"American universities have been neglecting excellence in order to pursue a variety of agendas — many of them clustered around diversity and inclusion"
"universities have systematically downplayed the merit-based criteria for admissions in favor of racial quotas."
"hiring for new academic positions now appears to center on the race and gender of the applicant, as well as the subject matter, which needs to be about marginalized groups."
"Grade inflation in the humanities is rampant. At Yale College, the median grade is now an A. New subjects crop up that are really political agendas, not academic fields. You can now major in diversity, equity and inclusion"

Bennie Ray Watkins if skin color doesn't matter than why do we still have banks paying out multimillion dollar settlements because they charged black Americans a higher interest rate than their white counterparts? If race doesn't matter then how can we have delivery drivers that can't deliver to certain neighborhoods based on their race? It's so very privileged of you to think that the color of your skin doesn't matter in the United States in 2024. When in fact we know that people continue to discriminate based on the color of one's skin. Not to mention gender. Do you think all those racist segregationalists in the '70s and '80s just woke up one morning and decided to stop being racist?

Nola Geoff you will not be hired or get in the university if you do not meet the qualifications even if you are hired as a diversity student or employee. Nobody hires unqualified people period. It's bad for the company. You must meet the qualifications. This bs against diversity is not based in fact. Nobody goes to Harvard or any other school that is unqualified unless they are the child of someone wealthy. Nobody is hired for a job who is unqualified except those hired by nepotism. Veterans get preference on hiring,but I don't see any complaints about that. Just like diversity hires, veteran only get preference if they meet the qualifications. Anyone who works in HR or admissions knows unqualified people are not considered regardless of diversity. This uproar on DEI is mainly people who would never get admitted or hired in the first place or those who want political gain by catering to their Nazi sympathizers and white Supremacist who want to keep their White Dominance and preference.
