Some baby brands have a cult-like following. Kyte Baby’s went sour | CNN Business

"Momfluencers" sent children’s clothing brand Kyte Baby soaring. But now, after high-profile missteps around an employee seeking to work from home to care for a hospitalized baby and a botched CEO apology, these same passionate fans could bring the company back down to earth.


If the infant clothes are made in the United States, and you want to hurt American jobs. Maybe Kyte Baby’s should sue for trying to make the business look like a Wall Street Corporation. Main Street cannot be or act like Wall Street entities. Real birthing mother, wouldn’t face the same circumstances as an adoptive parent. No real mother would seek working arrangements, but would only focus on her baby. One is just waiting around to see if you liberals trying to bankrupt the company, or try to force the sell of the company. The sentiment, if anyone coming from another state wants to work for a Texas Main Street Business, they are there to destroy it.

Reena Geeran ohhhhh I see, I didn't realize the extent of your entitlement. You see, though a company MAY be able to pay for someone to not be at work and not do the job they were hired to do, that doesn't mean they have to. Thats like when you asked your parents for something when you were little (I'm sure you've never experienced this) and they say "no, we can't afford that", but they can, it's just not financially responsible. Do you understand what I'm saying? But let's ask why the employee couldn't agree to return to work for a minimum of 6mo after her leave was done? Had she chosen to return, her job would have been available to her. But since she wouldn't be there the company would have to hire another person to do the job and what? Pay two people for the same job that only one of them is doing?

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