Biden’s Gaza problems are deeper than just being interrupted in public | CNN Politics

The Biden administration appears to be struggling with finding Arab American and Muslim leaders who are willing to even meet with White House officials, and no Muslim or Arab American groups have endorsed Biden’s reelection bid.


America and Britain got involved bombing the houthis when no American or British ship or city was targeted by houthis .
They pulled themselves into a war only because it hurts the elites pockets.
They will now send average Americans to die because their donors pockets are being hit hard. China said they won't get themselves involved and drawn into a war like the United states did.

Also funding a genocidal regime won't go unnoticed. The younger generation is using the tool of information and technology and learning about the conflict and if one reads history there has only been one oppressor.i do not think biden is mentally capable of making decisions right now he is a meat suit that can barely make a sentence or know where he is going .it's the people in the back who are making decisions and biden is suffering for it.
How is it possible that biden got America into more wars and conflicts than trump and how is it that Trump is allowed to run for office again ? Aren't there any young fresh minds in America ? Both candidates are old they will die soon and I doubt thinking about the future is on their minds .

Biden is not Attacking nor is he the President in Any Country in the Middle East. Call Benny in Israel and the Arbs in Syria..

Many are so Sick of one side saying "IF". Do and pack.

Trump did release 4000 Taliban Terrorist. AND get 6.2 Billion from Prince MBS. What did he do with it???? .BUT , If you know how to STOP Hamas Terrorist,

Let the World know. Or wait for trump. WHO has said he will BAN All Muslim and Arab People. Unless you PAY HIM. Your new problem. Kicked Out and looking for a new Country.

Arabs descendants and immigrants are supporting Hamas militian forces against the west and Israel .
And because many of them are US citizenship or born in the US . Are bribing Biden into voting against him for not supporting Hamas in other ways . With Hamas excuse of ceasefire. So Hamas can comeback to north of Gaza and continue attacking Israel and the US along with Hezbollah and Yemen rebels ️️
It’s all a well plan to attack the western civilization and Israel into Islamic rule ️️
You continue supporting Hamas . You will see their double faces as you find out their real intentions ️️

Ryan BL your comments show nothing but ignorance. Do you not understand how much death and destruction the United States has caused in the Middle East? We took down the democratically elected government in Iran in the '50s. In 2023 the CIA said it was their most anti-democratic mission ever and apologized. We fund the Israeli government knowing that it cost innocent ethnic Palestinians their lives in both the West Bank and Gaza. The Israeli government has consistently disregarded the request by our presidents to pull back on illegal settlements and we still fund them. We now have Israeli military soldiers attending Ivy League schools for free on United States soil and attacking United States citizens for showing their support for Palestinians. This is the same government that verbally and financially back Hanas in the 2006 election. Regardless of the fact that the US warned against them doing so. So that they can continue to divide ethnic Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza. This is a nightmare of their own making. That Israeli government and Benjamin Netanyahu himself planned to have Hamas take over Gaza and now they want help in the genocide of ethnic Palestinians.

Jake Roberts well they kind of did but due to the many scandals of the Trump administration they were largely pushed to the back ground. What wad happening during the Trump administration is that he allowed Israeli settlements to expand and he allowed the Israeli government under Netanyahu to bring the hammer down on Gaza. What you are seeing now is a people pushed to the brink.

Not saying that Hamas was right about how they responded and the massive corruption in that organization has not helped the people of Gaza at all. But there is plenty of blame to go around and it's best we in the US understand that.

The world is changing and with it the interests of the US will change. At the moment the only thing in the middle east of value to the US is the Suez Canal and so far we support Egypt because the currently have the canal and we support Israel to insure the canal remains open. That is our only real interest in the middle east. How the Palestinians fit into that is unfortunate it they have to realize the geopolitical situation and adjust their strategy accordingly.

DL Booker no they don't but then the world is changing and they may not have any chance regardless of who is in the white house.

The quite bits out loud are basically that the only thing of value in the middle east to US and Chinese interests is the Suez Canal and we support Egypt because they have the canal and Israel because they are the insurance policy to keeping it open to the US and our allies.

Where the Palestinians fit into this is a left over part that is inconvenient for the geopolitical realities of the great powers of the world. That is what the Palestinians are up against and it may very well mean it doesn't matter who is in office as the geopolitical calculations don't change.

If that is indeed the case than things will get much worse before they start to get better and at the end of it you'll have millions of displaced Palestinians.

That may be what's going through the heads of the terrorists right now which if true means they don't think they have anything to lose and that's going to be a very bloody fight indeed.

Frankie Flanders I do, but war with Iran would not be like a war in Iraq or Afghanistan, Iran is the one supplying Russia with missiles and drones. Hezbollah also has 100's of thousands of missiles capable of overwhelming Israelis Iron Dome. I'd rather be involved in a small proxy war with the Houthis than a real war with a huge, well armed country like Iran where you'd need 500,000 to 1 million US combat troops to defeat it. And the financial cost would be trillions and trillions even if you do not consider 20,000 - 30,000 dead American soldiers.

Let's get serious, Arab Americans have every right to be upset but also understand the alternative is the man who's first action in 2016 was a "complete Muslim ban", moved the US embassy to Jerusalem and has vowed to attack Iran. Biden and the Dems are caught between the Jewish American donars who have more influence over politics than any other single group. Congressman Charlie Wilson from "Charlie's War" famously said he was one of "Israelis guys", when asked how many Jews he had in his district in East Texas he said "5, but voters don't decide elections, money does" and his support came from Jews in New York, Florida and California.

Ray Sahelian they wouldn't. Our deterrent is still the most potent by far, and we would defend Israel, as long as we deemed their strike justified. Which we absolutely would in a full scale assault like you describe. But we wouldn't have to. The other powers would stay out. Nobody can react like we can. The Soviets could.... back when they were a thing, but the Russian's can hardly maintain a tiny deterrant patrol. Not enough to play big boy games anymore. India and Packistan aren't wasting their nukes on Israel when they need them for each other. Europe would do what they do best, bide their time. China will change the equation some in the next decade. Until then. Sorry. Israel will be just fine.

10ºEddie Schneider so true. And now the genocide complicit are trying to deflect from their acts by starving the orphans their genocide created.

Sam Husseini
Francis Boyle states that with States (including US and UK govs) cutting off funding to UNRWA, it is "no longer the case of these States aiding and abetting Israeli Genocide against the Palestinians in violation of Genocide Convention article 3 (e) criminalizing 'complicity' in genocide. These States are now also directly violating Genocide Convention article 2(c) by themselves: 'Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part...'"
