FBI and Justice Department use court order to try to disrupt Chinese hacking targeting US infrastructure | CNN Politics

The FBI and Justice Department have used a court order to address vulnerabilities in thousands of internet-connected devices that are at the center of a Chinese hacking campaign targeting sensitive US critical infrastructure



Christopher Ryan That's because Biden has sold us out to the CCP. Gavin newsom was playing basketball with China just a few months ago and replaced American flags with CCP flags and San and replaced American flags with CCP flags when he was visiting. Biden is senile and not making his own decisions anymore plus half the time he doesn't know where he is. If we had a Republican in office none of these shenanigans will be happening around the world and Americans wouldn't feel the need to let China screw us over. America was woke for a few years but now the broke trend is ending and people are getting their common sense back now that they are suffering from failed policies.

Christopher Ryan it's hard for us to fix our problems when China is killing more Americans than car accidents. The same place where COVID came from is the same place where fentanyl precursors come from. Wuhan. So if we stop the China threat then we can focus on other things like fixing our economy. Having Beijing think of dangerous TikTok challenges for Americans exclusively is not very wise. This is why companies are pulling out of China. Nobody wants to do business with dictators who flood their own cities. I agree we should get rid of some of these corporations because they have been pandering or hijacked by the CCP. They do not have America's Best interest at heart. China does not allow the US to influence their citizens so it shouldn't be the other way around.

Christopher Ryan I'm blaming the Democrats who sold us out to China and have been protecting China while they've been screwing us over. This is why Biden is low in the poles. This is why Trump will probably win the next election. Americans are getting tired of suffering because politicians want to do deals with our enemies overseas. The Democrats have sold us out to China and Mexican cartels. I'm blaming Xi because when COVID broke out China stopped flights within their own country but then allowed international flights to leave China. They wanted the virus to spread on purpose so the world could be depended on them for a vaccine. But their plan backfired. Right now they're working on another COVID virus testing it on mice. In California they're finding warehouses with COVID anthrax and lab mice that's owned by China. Liberals are naive when it comes to the threats of the CCP. Stop blaming America every time America is attacked or subverted by people overseas. Are you going to blame New Yorkers for the 9/11 attacks and cover for Al-Qaeda?

Kristin Frost The pool of people is pretty small. We have likely encountered eachother before. My dog is laying right next to me. He is old now, that pic is old. :(
I am not being paid or "trolling". I am providing my honest opinion and counter arguments.
He is so funny. "The greatest, everyone says so" lolol.
Not sure why you think he hates people... you can literally go stay at his house...
Yes, he has been indicted. So has Putins opponent... Do you really think millions of us just dont care about the law? More likely that we see holes and underhanded motivations right?...
I have never donated to a campaign but I am going to buy a hat or something after this e jean farce. That is not how our system is supposed to work.
Honestly, what are the chances multiple billionaires have assaulted this woman?...
He probably does not have the amount of money he claims. But his money is "the best" money. Lol
You know like every Dictatorship ever has used the law to bankrupt and destroy their opponents right?...

Christopher Ryan yeah but China is suffering a lot worse right now. You probably didn't hear about that because they don't advertise that information to the world. They built ghost cities made out of tofu. They have uighur concentration camps that are running 24/7. They've been using TikTok to create dangerous challenges for American children to kill themselves. At the border there is tons of young Chinese men who were trying to sneak into America illegally to escape China. Not to mention lots of food over there has plastic in it that gives cancer. The CCP are the troublemakers of the world and they make trouble for America too. If we stop the CCP's influence lots of problems in this country would disappear overnight. We would also have less hacking and spying on our devices.

Christopher Ryan it's just the Democrats and liberals that are influenced by China Russia and Hamas. The rest of us understand that they are not our friends. Chinese fentanyl kills more Americans than guns car accidents or cancer. 95% of fentanyl comes from China through the open border which the Democrats want. If you tried to stop the fentanyl and close the border Democrats say it's racist. America is not to blame for October 7th or TikTok hacks. It all comes from China and it's part of Xis Wolf warrior tactics that he's always talking about. This is why nobody wants to invest in China anymore. We are sick of doing business with people who are trying to kill us just to improve their economic growth.

Gerald Vance Its funny because everything that Biden and his regime have said and done to Russia/Putin has had the reverse impact, to Russia and Putin.. Putin has always been America's boogyman.... They're not impacted by inflation....Their banks aren't collapsing.....They're not facing increased energy costs...They're not going around the world begging for tanks ammo fighter jets anti aircraft missle defense....the US EU sanctions have back fired....They have a better GDP than the EU according to the IMF.....They're not banning religion like Ukraine..... Putin has an 83% approval rating amongst his citizens...The opposite has happened to US EU they are broke! The world is leaving the US EU imperialist hegemony....Countries are turning their backs to the US and EU and joining BRICS.... NEO LIB NEO CON DAVOS WEF global world dominance is coming to an end for the imperialistic hegemony and now they're falling from their pirch.....SAY GOOD BYE TO THE WOLFOWITZ DOCTRINE

Christopher Ryan Even now as we speak the CCP is doing testing on a new COVID variant. They found that out a week ago. They also have secret warehouses across the country with COVID and other bio weapons in trailers. All they need is a call from Beijing to unleash that on the American public. There's no reason why we should make it easy for them or blame ourselves for that. Lots of an Americans thought they could do business with China because they we're selflessly chasing wealth. Now that pandering to China is no longer profitable people are calling out the CCP on humanitarian issues and COVID. Knowing China they probably created COVID for population control. They have a problem with not enough youth in too much of an elderly population. They probably wanted to thin out their own herd and it got out of control. These are not theories these are facts. The CCP does not like facts because it gets in the way of their propaganda which is why you don't think China should be blamed when they do something wrong.

Gerald Vance is that your problem or America's problem what china is doing in their own country? Is that any of your business or America's business? China's citizens gives THEIR OWN GOVERNMENT OF CHINA a 86% approval rating the citizens of China....They can run what ever kind of government China wants to run that's their country not ours....if China was as bad and tyrannical as you claim then what are they doing with their belt and road programs? why do they keep financing America's debt? Why are so many countries joining BRICS and not the G20 if China and Russia are so bad?

10ºChristopher Ryan 9/11 was not an inside job. Al-Qaeda try to destroy the building twice before 9/11. You have to stop getting your information from the CCP Iran and Hamas. They are lying to you. You're not going to convince any Americans in 2024 that the CCP are our friends. Covid came from Wuhan and 9/11 was done by Al-Qaeda and they tried to destroy the world trade center in the 1990s but failed. So stop spreading CCP propaganda. Like I said earlier. I hope the Chinese Communist party appreciates your efforts here. You are definitely working for them trying to spread their propaganda to the world. The world is no longer interested. The belt and road has failed. The ghost cities made out of tofu have failed. So perhaps China should worry about fixing their low birth rate and their citizens lying flat before they try to replace other countries in the world. Lots of Chinese younger unemployed and have no desire to work because they know the party dream is a lie.
