Cómo identificar (y neutralizar) a un narcisista

Un narcisista no siempre es visible o detectable a primera vista. Cuando eligen a una presa pueden hacerle mucho daño, ya sea una pareja, un amigo o un compañero de trabajo



Being married doesn't always feel like you.
I'm constantly confused and never know what version of my husband will come through the door at the end of the day. I never feel safe just being myself. One of the reasons why I'm so confused right now is that I thought I married the perfect man.
He embodied everything I ever wanted in a man and first introduced himself to be my biggest fan and supporter. He was charming, loving, passionate, and attentive to all my emotional and physical needs.
Until he's not there anymore. Until every now and then a side of his appeared that upset me, he started to doubt that he was protecting his phone so much that I met a hacker here who helped clone his phone and gave access to his text messages. and social networks without touching your phone. I wanted to be sure if my suspicions were true or false. I still cant believe what i saw today. He had affairs with several women I always knew but I had to make sure I knew this. Of course there are so many women in a similar situation and you deserve to know if you are cheating.
Here is the private detective information you can connect with on Instagram @ #mark_david6745