Most Black Americans say they feel successful

A majority of Black Americans feel at least somewhat successful, but nevertheless feel financial pressures, regardless of income.


The case heard by the Supreme Court is no laughing matter. Why not admit you are a communist news station. Censoring the leading Republican candidate. You are not the news. You run your news like China, Russia, Iran. Censoring anything YOU don’t like. People like you look down your noses at working class citizens then wondered why President Trump was voted in. I was a die hard Headline News watcher until 2016. On election night when Trump started winning in certain states I watched your mood change to one of a funeral mood. Then when he won - I thought it was a funeral on CNN. That is when I recognized something was off with your news. That is when I started researching for myself. Thanks for opening my eyes to fake journalism like you promote and real journalism by other outlets. I started watching foreign news because they are happy to report the truth about our country unlike CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS.
