Speaker Mike Johnson reverses course and will not endorse Matt Rosendale for Senate in Montana | CNN Politics

House Speaker Mike Johnson informed several Republicans that he will not endorse Rep. Matt Rosendale for a US Senate race in Montana after all, according to two sources familiar



Republicans are just like Trump pick the best people
Trump puppets and cronies. Lol.
Boy your going around like your head is cut off
Don't know what your doing and saying getting wishy washy and lying alot.
Your party of supporters should really be looking at what your party is doing .
They need to vote you Republicans out
Not only are you not doing your job for the American people and your just working for Trump
Your party can't govern its in chaos can't get nothing done and turning againist what is right to get done for our Country and for the American people
It's because you are refusing not to.
Stop screwing with us .
Do your job .
No one can trust your party now.
You sold your souls to that devil and your master Trump.

The concerns of non-citizen voting come as nearly 2.5 million illegal crossers were encountered by U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents at the southern border during fiscal year 2023, which broke the record of the previous year. The recommended reform reads,
“Most state constitutions grant voting rights to ‘every’ citizen, open-ended language that liberal activists argue permits localities to authorize non-citizen and even illegal alien voting. States should amend their constitutions to instead permit ‘only’ citizens may vote.

The second most-common way for non-citizens to get onto voter rolls is third-party registration drives by nonprofits, Adams said. He added that when non-citizens go to a Department of Motor Vehicles office, many of them "lie," saying they are U.S. citizens, and "get registered" to vote.


Ukraine: Seeks to integrate with the west, NATO, and the European Union.

Russia: Exists solely in opposition not only with NATO, the EU and the west but also the United States.

In its 33 years of independence UKRAINE has not once sought to destabilize the United States.

Russia has spent the last 9 years attempting to radicalize right wing institutions in the United States and has massively stepped up its destabilization campaign.

The United States is looked up to by democratic nations around the world and is a beacon of hope for those seeking freedom and justice

Russia is looked up to by dictatorships, authoritarian regimes and terrorists who not only seek to suppress the freedoms of their own people but also seek to destabilize and terrorize the world.

The truth is out there, you just need to look.
