Trump will pull US out of NATO if he wins election, ex-adviser warns

As US allies reel from Donald Trump’s comments encouraging Russia to attack European allies if they don’t meet NATO budget contribution goals, multiple former Trump advisers warn that the former president will seek to formally withdraw the US from the NATO alliance if he wins a second term.


Under the Trump administration, the United States saw a strong economy with record-low unemployment rates before the COVID-19 pandemic. Many businesses thrived during this period, and job opportunities expanded for Americans.

The Trump administration prioritized criminal justice reform, signing the First Step Act into law. This bipartisan legislation aimed to reduce recidivism rates and provide second chances to non-violent offenders, promoting rehabilitation and reintegrating individuals into society.

There was a focus on veterans' issues during Trump's presidency, with efforts made to improve healthcare services and streamline the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). The VA Mission Act was signed into law, offering more options for veterans to receive timely and quality care.

The Trump administration prioritized deregulation, aiming to reduce bureaucratic hurdles and promote innovation. This approach aimed to stimulate economic growth and incentivize business to create more jobs. Additionally, Trump's administration signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which aimed to lower taxes for businesses and individuals, thereby stimulating economic growth and potentially increasing wages for workers.

Moreover, Trump's administration implemented criminal justice reform, known as the First Step Act, which aimed to reduce recidivism rates, provide job training for inmates, and improve prison conditions. This reform has the potential to positively impact individuals and their communities.

Furthermore, under Trump's administration, the United States saw historically low unemployment rates, reduced regulations on businesses, increased military spending, and renegotiated trade deals such as the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA).

Dianne Sullivan so breaking the law is ok as long as you’re honest about it? Having classified documents in an unauthorized place is illegal. I say all 4 should be charged. It’s funny how special prosecutors investigated 3 people all 3 were found to be negligent with the handling of classified documents but only one was charged. Hmm could it be cause he is the only republican? The excuse they made for Clinton was we don’t wanna get involved and interfere with the election. With Biden I can actually believe he is not mentally fit to stand trial. That is what the special counsel stated and listening to him try and talk I can see he is mentally fit. Talk about a danger to the world Biden has everyone on the Brink of WW3. His weak foreign policies is giving confidence to our enemies to act like idiots. Not to mention the invasion he is letting happen on the Border.

Jeffrey Burney US can't win a war without allies. Track your history . Without the French you didn't gain your freedom,without guerilla warfare in Asia during WW2 you loss your access., without Russia, you can defeat German Nazis , You loss in Vietnam for there is no interventions from others. You cannot even protect your land from extremist terrorist, without the help of your allies.
Economically your 80% raw material in productions from food , etc. are coming from outside your country.
Imagine it ,the world will not recognized your money and five no value unto it, you'll be in poverty. How much is your debt by the way?
You will wage war ,to survive.
And look at your armed forces 80% of which are from your allies who become your citizen. Imagine if they will change cards. What happen to the US then. Your healthcare provider, industry workers, etc. All are foreign origin.
So don't be so arrogant by saying US can stand without allies.

Mike Vavak you do know more people have been stopped at the border under Biden than Trump? During Trump's time in office, he only "built" 104 miles of a 2,000 mile border and of those where work was actually done, about 70 were already in place (from previous administrations) and he just repaired them. Now that Republicans & Democrats have put forth a comprehensive Immigration Bill, Trump (who has not even read it) wants it to be rejected solely because he doesn't want Biden to get credit for it and wants to save it for himself. Guess all that Immigration crisis talk isn't nearly as important to him after all. Trump raised the debt ceiling THREE times, lost more jobs in his term than any President other than Hoover, removed emergency preparations already in place that directly affected covid response which along with his ignorance killed almost a million American needlessly. He left office with the largest deficit yet Biden posted record economic numbers in 2 of 3 years and absolutely no one can argue with the record-breaking economic numbers and non-farm job increases last month!
Trump bloviates endlessly about "fixing" so many things but has NO plan for anything and when pressed about a plan, he just says he will get it done. He hasn't and he won't.
Both candidates are old, white men and that needs to change. Biden mixes words up but usually realizes it and corrects himself. Trump has no clue and just keeps on talking. Have you not noticed the last few months Trump keeps talking about running against OBAMA instead of Biden? He has mixed up the names almost twenty times and has no clue. He has also warned us numerous times that Biden is going to get us into World War TWO, yes, two! Now, he's going on about needing tractors to build concrete columns! How bad does he have to get before you see it?
When are we going to stop arguing over Democrat or Republican and actually look at facts to make informed decisions that are good for our country?

I take John Bolton’s comments with a huge grain of salt. That said, given John Kelly’s military record, I trust what HE says.
I think Trump’s behavior is absolutely unhinged and I believe the man himself doesn’t have the first f****** clue of what is required of a President or what behavior patterns/decisions are beneficial to this country and which are not.
The people supporting him because of his bombastic style seem to live for the drama and not the real world, behind the scenes diplomacy and the diplomatic art.
Careful what you wish for, sooner or later you may get it in a way you totally didn’t anticipate

Mike Vavak you're. too. But, I digress. No one has a problem with following the laws. The problem is we need serious reform in the way they are processed. It is a broken system and forces people who are fleeing horrible lives to break the law in an attempt to take care of their families. How many of us wouldn't do the same for our families if we felt we had no other choice? With reform, we can start making the system work. Some will get in, many will be turned away and that is as it should be. The problem is all this fighting about this guy or that guy when, in reality, both of them are going to die and we'll start fighting about two others. Why? Where does this get us? As for Joe wanting more voters, illegals tend to hide not show up to register to vote and cant anyway if they are illegal. Historically, Latinos are very conservative and tend to vote Republican. If they weren't being attacked and were treated like the human beings they are, they still would.

Fale Andrew Lesā So if Russia bombs the US or China does. Who then will come to your aid?

All NATO is is an agreement that you attack one, you attack all. Kind of like the Musketeers "One for all, and all for one".

America must also remember although they dont spend as much on arms, they spend a lot on investments in the USA. The US dollar is $53 trillion in debt. If they drop the dollar as the currency for all trade and purchases then that $53 trillion must be repaid by the US economy. That and more.

Charles Swartout Neither are the best or brightest, but Biden is FAR ahead of Trump in the qualified category. As yet, I haven't seen an attack on congress in Biden's name, nor fake electors trying to be certified in Biden's name, nor a V.P. being threatened with hanging .. again, in Biden's name. Biden hasn't violently pushed back people in LaFayette square to take a photo. Biden has not told his supporters to punch that guy, I'll pay your legal bills and certainly, Biden has NEVER suggested anyone inject disinfectant into their bodies to fight a virus. I mean FFS, need I go on with the comparisons?!

USA dropped the atomic bomb to end WW2. It became designated Europe was not to have large armies to prevent another war of that level. With that type of power comes a large responsibility so we rebuilt Europe with the Marshall Plan and changed to a more fair economic warring that caused benefits in some cases and to complete destruction of a infrastructure that no longer was going to work. It worked. Europe is always a powder keg. It was a CHEAP price to pay as compared to having large wars. USA instead chose to concentrate on trade and economic growth and go to defensive position. It is absolute idiocy to get rid of NATO. The creation solved the problem of not having large national armies by country and instead created a more general cooperative military everyone participated in to take care of issues. It is NOT freeloading. It is the price the USA pays for dropping the Atomic bomb. We are the policeman of the world because of that and shall remain so. Do not think anyone here strong enough to stand to up to a GOD, JESUS,
ALLAH whatever directive for obliterating cities in an instance.

10ºMark Grimme America has chosen isolationism 4 times…guess what ? we gave it up every time. Last time was in 1948.
NATO has represented American interests by the sole fact that there hasn’t been a single war in Europe since WW2…which means trade with the US. Who got rich helping Europe rebuild ?
Ukraine? Yeah it’s in Europe…but if Russia attacked it’s because it’s not a member of NATO…just like Crimea….So since it’s obvious you haven’t majored in geo-politics maybe now’s the right time to consider going back to school and learn more about history so you don’t look like a fool when posting on FB. Believe me, school and books have more reliable info then whatever you’re getting.
