Spring homebuying and selling season just kicked off. Are you ready?

Super Bowl weekend is the unofficial start of peak home buying and selling season.



Sherry Elaine I didn't say that people who bought years ago didn't or couldn't eventually get a fair shake....I'm saying that they're making it harder for people in the market over the last few years to have anything...I know a person who paid half a million dollars for a condo that has done nothing more than fall apart at every turn....first the plumbing..then the roof...huge expenses....and in reality they bought an apartment....but they did it because it was "cheaper" than everything else they looked at....I dont' even know how the place passed an inspection....they're trying to price people out...to force them to rent....and banks...oh brother....they'll look at a family that's paying 3500 a month in rent and tell them they're not good risks for a 2000 a month mortgage...this is a corporate plan to keep people down.

Patrick Fitzgerald oh, so you just google. Not fact check. The fact is that the Biden administration saw the lowest interest rates, 2.7%, but you forget that. You also seem to forget that President’s don’t set home prices…sellers do. Just like with groceries. Buyers were willing to pay anything, so of course prices went up. Are you going to sell your house for something someone can afford? No. Pot, meet kettle. Most property taxes weren’t raised to match those rapid increases in sale prices until last year. So, whatever you are googling, fact check. Clearly, if the feds (again not something any President controls) had raised the interest rates earlier before housing prices went up, things might have been less crazy with sale prices, but we also had investors buying houses like crazy that paid cash, so debunks that. We bought our house in 2020, and it’s increased $135k. Also, debunking your claim that Biden had anything to do with that, prices were already getting out of control before he took office. You know who is really responsible for these record increases? Republicans in Congress. They could put limits, but they won’t. Just like they didn’t put limits on drug prices, or grocery increases. But, yeah, blame Biden. Did you ever blame Trump? Nope.

To those who are blaming Biden for high interest, let's face reality boys and girls let's speak the truth. And Biden is not the source of the reason of high prices and high interest rates. Shortly before the pandemic get rich strategies the Republicans enforced for their profit. Republicans enforced tariffs. And by enforcing tariffs deliberately forced America to pay higher prices so that their stocks profit more off of us. The first enforcement upon the tariffs was placed on Steel. One of the reasons Republicans were so aggressive to get the wall they made more expensive for their steel share profit. The next get rich scheme for the fake wall crisis was the Republicans putting immigrants in private prisons they had stock shares in and charging the American people three times more than the actual cost. And if you recall the truth that Donald Trump took another get rich strategy enforcement when he and his tantrum protest to get the funding for the wall he shut down America for 2 months. When you shut down the economy, it causes inflation. Inflation drives prices up again stops market strategy enforcement. That's why to this very day they're still using the same strategy for the fake border crisis but this time not only for a campaign smear, but it's an excuse the Republicans are using not to fund the wall by orders of Donald Trump, and excuse not to pass the budget so that they can shut down America again deepening inflation for their stocks profit. Now as far as the pandemic that they deliberately allowed to spread for their profit. Look it up even Ivanka Trump was exposed signing up a contract with China shortly before pandemic to make coffins. Every angle they could just screw us over for their own profit they had enforced and you had the stupidity to continue to support a corrupted terrorist coupe who was willing to project and insurrection to continue to screw us over. Beyond stupidity beyond mental illness beyond unbelievable that people think this is okay and they still support a coup that's screwing you over and by the way look up Republicans tax scam scam. When they enforce tariffs they have caused America to lose 2 point million jobs Harley-Davidson was one of them. the higher interest rates was to offset the recessions the Republicans once again were pushing us into like they did back in the Bush era. I challenge you to look up how many times the same corrupted treasonous Republicans have shut down America to cause inflation for their stocks profit.

Soy Blanche Gómez. Soy francés y tengo un tumor cerebral. Los resultados de algunos de mis exámenes médicos demostraron que mis días en la tierra están contados, ya que no tengo familia ni hijos que puedan beneficiarse de este dinero. Accetto il Padre de mi iglesia y guía espiritual que me pidió una donación para que el Señor perdonara mis pecados porque tuve que hacer tráfico ilegal en la zona de desembolso durante mi viaje. Por tanto, eres beneficiario de 580.000 €. Te lo ofrezco desde el fondo de mi corazón. Úsalo bien. Sólo les pido que oren para que mi cirugía salga muy bien.
Déjame un mensaje por WhatsApp para aceptar mi donación de dinero de 580.000 euros wa.me/22897744909
