‘America will bring her back to me,’ says boyfriend of US-Russian citizen arrested for treason

When dual US-Russian citizen Ksenia Karelina boarded a flight from Istanbul to Russia in January, the last thing on her mind was that she would find herself behind bars weeks later on treason charges, her boyfriend told CNN’s Brianna Keilar on Wednesday.



Sherry Johnson without negotiations Ukraine will be be down to the last man. And people like you will push him to an inevitable end. Smfh. It is literally the only way... If my comment was not clear, I am totally ok with strong arm negotiations. It would never come to US "boots on the ground". Putin know what we can do. In your propagandist narrative you already admit we will be fighting if they fail... so operation human shield? :(
What Biden is doing legitimately makes zero sense. Throw money and weapons at Ukraine to try and rebuild infrastructure while fighting an endless war?... Honestly the humanitarian effects of a population without men is going to be horrific. You people dont understand what you are saying.

Philip Borggren Levin I like Ukraine, I trust zelenzky 0%... I am American AF so I understand and respect the fight for independence, but the longer this goes on the further it spins out of control. Biden, as the leader of the "free world" should have prevented this. Zelensky, as the leader of Ukraine should have used the US to force negotiations... You can argue that they tried negotiating, but I know the capabilities of the US and obviously not enough pressure was applied.
"Make the position untenable"? What even is that? Best case scenario looks like Russia retreating but still firing ballistic missiles at your infrastructure and even more separatist guerrilla attacks for the next 50 years? The only way this ends is negotiations and the longer this conflict lasts the worse those negotiations are going to go...

Philip Borggren Levin then if you Ukrainian... Its time you call out your comedian...
When Russia attacked your country... I was one to call ot out but i know out of every war there is a reason behind it and you know Russia didn't attack Ukraine without a reason.. After 2014 coup what did Zelensky promise? Peace with Russia right what did he give you? War.
So I don't know how you are not in Frontline now. You either rich or got some connection cause I know there's forced conscription and most people in front line don't want to be there..
So i don't know why you think you need more money for this war..
At every front you losing and even if they fund you, you will never win this war... I feel sorry for innocent Ukrainian to be honest. I do from bottom of my heart but thinking USA and UK will save you thats abit dilusional. They are the ones who starts almost all wars in the past 2 decades and you trust them.. Scary.
Wish you good healthy by the way

Daniel Guard Jr. People like me ? That's rich. My husband served. My father served ,my Uncle served and is buried in France because he fought Nazi's Remember trump bashing the American military buried in France? He could not pay respects for our dead because it was raining. He said about POW John McCain " I like war hero's that didn't get captured" as he laid in his coffin and family was mourning. Trump bashed gold star families. The gop voted against funding Veterans Cancer Care. If your so dam patriotic why do you vote for the ones who take Russian $ and vote against America's best interest. Mike Johnson House speaker is funded w russian $.The gop is officially the putin party. trump praises putin and bashes our war dead.Anyone who votes that way is a freaking coward no matter how many guns they own. Looking at you coward.

Philip Borggren Levin I treat Ukraine propaganda the same as I treat Russian. I literally cannot prove motive or relevance of 100yr old events and I dont need to. I know that if you are in Ukraine you cannot speak out against them if you wanted to...

You can "beat them back" and make it a death sentence for Russian soldiers. That will not stop ballistic missiles to your infrastructure or terrorist attack by separatists... This is 2024.

Biden absolutely could have prevented this. We knew it was coming... He literally could have announce US Ukraine forces "training" together and therefore forced Russia to potentially attack US soldiers if they invaded... that would not even be unprecedented.

Call me a conspiracy theorist or whatever but I honestly believe biden/corrupt politicans want this conflict. Putin is not excluded from them.

Philip Borggren Levin not hiding.. Use this account for my gaming logs... And i stumbled on a stupid comment i guess..

So what i said about Ukraine losing their men and women for you is ludicrous and i should be ashamed for saying that for real... Do you know how many Ukrainians specifically men(soldiers) are dead or injured? You don't, prolly cause you sit and watch CNN or BBC or Aljeezela.
The numbers are some you wouldn't wanna hear.
Close to a million now and you saying lets fund Ukraine is more stupid.. A piece of paper signed and agreed upon will end these numbers from growing and this would have been prevented if USA nd UK never interfered. Not a single soldier would have died. And you here saying lets fund Ukraine. You stupid son of a bitch.. Grow up and run towards worlds peace and stop inheriting bad USA genes of war and destruction.

Philip Borggren Levin people think anyone who is pro Russia hates the Europe or Ukraine but that's not the case. Ukraine is also a victim of American's evil plan of taming Russia and China and at the same time destabilising Europe so Europe can depend even more on America. It's dangerous to be America's enemy, but it's much more dangerous being their friend. Europeans think America cares about them, all America cares about is not even American citizens, American parliament only serves the interests of the the military industrial complex and anyone who makes money from selling arms. Japan and Taiwan are going to find out about this the hard way like Ukraine did.

Adam Kasson
Firstly, I am a citizen of Denmark, so I am free to leave to country whenever I want. I am choosing to stay in my home here in Kyiv.
No-one in Ukraine wanted this war. It was forced on the nation because of Russias imperial ambitions. This is an all out war. Nothing like Iraq or Afghanistan. This war is more akin to World War 1. Russia is torturing, raping and murdering thousands of innocent civilians. They literally obliterate large cities. In Russian occupied territory, they will kill you if they think you support Ukrainian army. Surrender is really not an option. If the Russian army should ever reach the capital, they will kill us. I would be a bloodbath. The only possible option is to resist the Russian onslaught so long that Russias position in Ukraine becomes untenable. Unfortunately Russia is a much bigger military power than Ukraine. That is why Western aid is the lifeblood of the nation at the moment. Just imagine yourself in president Zelenskys shoes. What can he do? If Ukraine don't get weapons, his people will die. He has to ask the West for help for as long as it is needed. I think you would do the same.

Adam Kasson
"Make their position untenable" - I mean resist so much, and inflict so many enemy casualties that the Kremlin can't defend the war to their own people. Basically the same that happened to the Soviet army during their war in Afghanistan in the 80s. There was a point where Soviet citizens refused to go and die in a meaningless war. And the war in Ukraine is just as "meaningless".
Regarding negotiations. I don't know anyone who will agree to having part of the nation amputated. Russia simply must not be allowed to get away with this brutal and unprovoked war. Before the war Russia gave the West an impossible ultimatum. Putin wanted this war so much, and there was really nothing that could have stopped him. I think you are right that Russia saw weakness in Western leadership and weakness in Western cohesion. But I am not sure anything could have been done to prevent the war. Other than Ukraine could have become a NATO ally. You must understand that the war is because of very old Russian imperial ambitions. Even predating the USSR. Russia had always sought to dominate Ukraine. In history they have tried many times to crush and eradicate the Ukrainian language, culture and nationhood. Stalin starved millions of Ukrainians to death on purpose during Soviet times. And when Ukraine finally achieves true independence after the 2014 revolution, Putin invades Eastern Ukraine and Crimea. And no-one did anything about it. During this full scale invasion, Putin wanted to take all of Ukraine, remember. Fortunately his army was beaten back a few kilometer from the capital.
