Indicted ex-FBI informant’s lawyers may be trying to help him flee the US, judge says | CNN Politics

Alexander Smirnov was indicted for lying about President Biden’s family and their alleged dealings in Ukraine.


Charles Rackley you do know the Kushner’s have billions in real estate prior to being in office, you do know Ivanka had an apparel company worth 100m in licensed goods and apparel right?

You’re not that sophisticated. For god sakes your in a diaper or should be. You talk about things way above your pay grade.

You’re an old fool and a glutton for punishment.

I don’t care about you. I don’t care about trump. I want my interest rates back to 2.9%. I want my gas prices back to the way they were. I want my goods and services reduced the 45% to the prices that we experienced under Trump.

You should too. You apparently don’t. You sir!!!! Are the village idiot (maybe you’ll like it better if you hear it in the Ed McMahon voice.

International Men's Conference Here in America you just can’t arrest someone for no reason. It’s called evidence, that evidence goes to a grand jury and the grand jury makes the decision to indict or not. Biden is not like Trump—he treats each branch of the Government as independent unlike trump who wants to weaponize and did so when he was in power, the DOJ to go after people he didn’t care for. You page days Health and Beauty. Stick to that and leave your political opinions for your followers. “It is better to keep your mouth shut and let others think you are a fool than it is to open your mouth and remove all doubt.”

Jessica Juliet Jones yeah, I guess you missed: Cambridge Analytica, the Clinton funded dossier, documented spying on the Trump campaign but you didn’t miss: the Mayo or 3rds!!!
Maybe grab a bag of chips throw on Netflix and dill and watch “ The Big Hack”

But wait!!! There’s more!!!

You definitely forgot:
1. No wars- we are in 3
2. Interest rates from 2.9% to 7
3. 45% less for goods and services
4. your gas was 1/3 of the cost

You didn’t forget lunch or dessert

So it’s hard to take you serious when you vote against your best interest. I can’t blame you though; you’ve done it here and at the grocery.

A lttle fishy here. First there was Christopher Steel that we know about. HE was paid by the F.B.I. for over 10 years to provide valuable information to the F.B.I.. Then with the help of the F.B.I. he lied about Trump. Only to find HRC wrote and paid for the lies. She was never charged - HE - was exposed and fired. Now we have this lying clown, they say. Again paid by the F.B.I. for years as an informant to gather information. BUT this time the information was about the Biden family. President Biden's family. The family who got someone fired, no wait thqat was V.P. Biden, because they were investigating Hunter Bidan. A member of the Biden family who set up 20 fake LLC'S, while on drugs, and still provided the Biden family with millions and millions of dollars of money for doing what, for what? What is the value of a person who is on drugs - lies - and fails to report income like WE are expected to?

Charles Rackley you mean when the democrats closed NY and California claiming there was a bubonic plague to win an election?

We are a population of 350m

The 1m that died grandpa, 85% were the people over 70 with pre existing conditions or obese.

We have more ppl dying of heart attacks and obesity.

You seem to just forget that little nursing home scandal with Murphy and Cuomo.

You wanted Trump to do what? Grant you eternal life.

The FACT is: You’re a drain on the system, the country and you should be ashamed of yourself allowing us to be taxed this much under your boomer watch. Payroll taxes, income taxes, corporate taxes, sales taxes, death taxes, the list goes on and on.

Your answer: But Trump…

You don’t like him because he exposes you for what you are: a loser and a failure and you never hit big!!

Enjoy your news cycle.

Rahman ve Rahim olan Allah'ın adıyla
1. Elif, Lâm, Râ.(1) Bunlar hikmet dolu Kitab'ın âyetleridir.

(1) Bu harflerle ilgili olarak Bakara sûresinin ikinci âyetinin dipnotuna bakınız.
2. İçlerinden bir adama insanları uyar ve iman edenlere, Rableri katında kendileri için bir doğruluk makamı bulunduğunu müjdele diye vahyetmemiz, insanlar için şaşılacak bir şey mi oldu ki o kâfirler, "Bu elbette apaçık bir sihirbazdır" dediler?

3. Şüphesiz ki Rabbiniz, gökleri ve yeri altı gün içinde (altı evrede) yaratan, sonra da Arş'a(2) kurulup işleri yerli yerince düzene koyan Allah'tır. O´nun izni olmaksızın, hiç kimse şefaatçi olamaz. İşte O, Rabbiniz Allah'tır. O hâlde O´na kulluk edin. Hâlâ düşünmüyor musunuz?

(2) Arş, kudret ve hâkimiyet tahtı, sınırsız kudret makamı demektir.
4. Hepinizin dönüşü ancak O'nadır. Allah, bunu bir gerçek olarak va'detmiştir. Şüphesiz O, başlangıçta yaratmayı yapar, sonra, iman edip salih ameller işleyenleri adaletle mükâfatlandırmak için onu (yaratmayı) tekrar eder. Kâfirlere gelince, inkâr etmekte olduklarından dolayı, onlar için kaynar sudan bir içki ve elem dolu bir azap vardır.

5. O, güneşi bir ışık (kaynağı), ayı da (geceleyin) bir aydınlık (kaynağı) kılan, yılların sayısını ve hesabı bilmeniz için ona menziller takdir edendir. Allah, bunları (boş yere değil) ancak gerçek ile (hikmeti gereğince) yaratmıştır. O, âyetlerini, bilen bir topluma ayrı ayrı açıklamaktadır.

6. Şüphesiz gece ve gündüzün ard arda değişmesinde, Allah'ın göklerde ve yeryüzünde yarattığı şeylerde, Allah'a karşı gelmekten sakınan bir toplum için pek çok deliller vardır.

7,8. Şüphesiz bize kavuşacağını ummayan ve dünya hayatına razı olup onunla yetinerek tatmin olan kimseler ile âyetlerimizden gafil olanlar var ya; işte onların kazanmakta oldukları günahlar yüzünden, varacakları yer ateştir.

9. (Fakat) iman edip salih ameller işleyenlere gelince, Rableri onları imanları sebebiyle, hidayete erdirir. Nimetlerle dolu cennetlerde altlarından ırmaklar akar.

10. Bunların oradaki duaları, "Seni eksikliklerden uzak tutarız Allah'ım!", aralarındaki esenlik dilekleri, "selâm"; dualarının sonu ise, "Hamd âlemlerin Rabbi Allah'a mahsustur" sözleridir.
