What to know about South Carolina’s Republican primary | CNN Politics

Former President Donald Trump has a lead in the Republican presidential primary, but the process is far from over. | Analysis



Lisa Ann I can see what the establishment is doing, I can see that their cases are falling apart faster than the trial dates. But the biggest example of them abusing the justice system is what just happened in New York. It doesn't bother you that the only way to beat Trump is to bleed him dry with victimless persecution? Then you hear that Biden gets a free pass because he's too pathetic to prosecute, but they are still going through with prosecuting Trump for doing the same thing.
People can see that there's not a equal application of the law, and that's what makes America unique from the dictatorships around the globe.

Aldo Summer Thanking God under Trump, for no wars, no high inflation, food prices and gasoline were low so people could eat and fill there fas tanks. We did not have to buy oil from Venezuela. The Afghanistan dismal surrender under Biden where 13 young people were killed and others injured. We left military equipment worth millions of dollars for the taliban. Biden did not provide my health insurance, I paid for Medicare while working. I was a Democrat followed Biden for forty years while he was in Congress, he never did anything outstanding. Trump is not a Socialist like Biden. Trump recognizes his grandchildren. Biden does not recognize Hunters daughter. It is a long sad story about Biden, he was investigated and found to be a nice old man with memory problems, unable to go to court but he can be President. Get educated off the internet before you lose a country and our great Constitution

Joe Biden and the Secretary of State say that Israel has the right to defend itself while the Israeli army is killing civilian children and women. The Israeli army killed 12,000 children, 9,000 women, and more than 10,000 are still under the rubble. More than one and a half million people in Gaza suffer from famine, due to Israel preventing the entry of basic foodstuffs and humanitarian aid into Gaza. Human rights organizations and the United Nations say that the Israeli army strips women and rapes them. Isn’t this a war crime? Is this considered self-defense or genocide against the Palestinian people?

Jackie Sparks What Trump accomplished:
-He didn't get you that healthcare coverage
-He did not unite the USA, he divided it
-He didn't lower your prescription prices
-He didn't decrease the deficit
-He didn't end the war in Afghanistan
-He didn't revive the car industry
-He didn't make Mexico pay for the wall
-He added $2 Billion a month in tariff costs to the American consumer
-He has a net-negative jobs creations for his administration
-He decreased corporate taxes, passing the tax burden to the workers
-He added $ 7.8 Trillion to the deficit in one term!! Make what great again? What a Joke!!!
