Boeing fined $51 million for violating Arms Export Control Act | CNN Business

Boeing has agreed to pay $51 million for violating exports controls of military technology, including employees in China downloading sensitive data from numerous defense aircraft and missiles


Randy Barton appellate courts give deference to the finder of facts, in this case the judge, when it comes to assessing the credibility of witnesses. So, your flawed belief that the appellate court will overturn the verdict because the judge discounted testimony is flawed. Everything else that you cited in your BS post is irrelevant to this case.

The judge did not assess Trump’s cheap motel at $18 million, the tax assessor did. It is a lie that the judge assigned a value of $18 million to the motel. 

But in order to appeal, maggot 45 is going to have to come up with over $450 million and he’s already admitted he doesn’t have the money. That is an addition to the over $83 million. He hast to come up with by March 9 to appeal the Carroll case.

Maggot 45 is a fraudster, a rapist, and a failed businessman. 
