Two soldiers and Border Patrol agent killed after US military helicopter crashes near southern border | CNN Politics

A US military helicopter crashed Friday afternoon near the southern border killing two soldiers and a US Border Patrol agent, according to a statement from the military


Every Democrat is a traitor to America! Joe Biden is a perfect example of democrat policy. Namely, maliciousness hiding behind incompetence. Biden is the worst President in America ever installed. We will never forgive him for what he’s done to America and our economy. Democratic Party is Marxist and Socialist. It has become the party of activism, obstructionism and violence. It's easy to see why Communist Party USA “consistently” supports the Democrats. Most Dem voters are 3rd worlders. The Dems do know that the majority of Americans no longer buy what they are selling and that we see that they hate us, which is why they resort to importing millions of 3rd world immigrants, they need those people here to vote for them. Dems are corrupt, un-American. Democrats support illegal aliens and illegal immigration due to the political benefits they enjoy from counting illegal aliens in the census and consequently increasing overall numbers of Democrats in congress due to the counting of illegal aliens for congressional apportionment. Democrats also support illegal aliens and illegal immigration because Democrats tend to benefit from any distributed ballot or voter fraud committed by illegal aliens, ..and stand to enjoy a windfall of new legal supporters if and/ or when any "amnesty" is approved for the 20 to 30 million illegal aliens currently squatting inside the USA. Democrats are pushing anti-American, anti-Christian, and anti-white schemes to radically change America. It's driven by racial themes that challenge our traditional values and culture. They want to replace faith, family, and freedom with government guidance for everything. From masks to naming sports teams, they want everything to be controlled by government.
They want open borders, but closed schools. Barriers around the Capitol, but not the border. Strong gun control and weak law enforcement.
But look where they have control now, big Democrat cities are sinking in crime, violence, and poverty. Instead of seeing the failures, Democrats blame it all on white, Christian traditions. But across the white Christian countryside, things are secure and prosperous. Our traditions of faith, family, and freedom are the basis of our security and prosperity. We must not give them up! America First and Prosperity!.

Open borders will be the weakness of our nation. Biden does not check the status of these immigrants, nor their health or their past records. He is following Soros's instructions instead of common sense, and what is good for our nation. He could care less for Americans and our way of life. He needs to be "retired" along with his wife and son. They are all too money hungry, and status seeking to be of use as our leaders. The are all headed to doomsday, and they don't care if they take our citizens and nation with them. They are totally in some enchanted high, as if all of them are taking drugs!!!.

Kemet Osiris the Dems a pickle....they know Joe can't debate Trump without it being a complete collapse disaster for Joe, but they also know that refusing to debate is almost as bad for Biden, especially when Trump is daring him!

Watch for the Dems deception comming to create a "wag the dog" moment to interfere with the election cycle, and avoid a debate.

Personally, I think they should debate is a massive arena, and be face to face of a stage, no note, no teleprompter, no ear wigs. Half the stadium would be Trump supporters, and the other half Bidens, well as many as Joe can get there. And questions supplied alternating from Dem and GOP voters. And, a debate that last no shorter than 2 hours.

Scally Cowell So everyone has to share the same air waves rather it be cable or free over the air.. These so called joints are NOT airing any news outlets. Every Airport,e medical office I have been in has anything other than FOX on. I knew your mouth was going to flap like a ducks ass. The truth is viewers got tired of being fed false reporting, 1/2 truth reporting, outlets hiding news that goes against their agenda, has been sued multiple times for it. Yes FOX got sued but not of doing the bullshit other networks have. Viewers moved to one network that reports both sides. Try to find that on the others, you won't!
