Oklahoma LGBTQ suicide prevention line sees more than 230% increase in calls since Nex Benedict’s death | CNN

The Rainbow Youth Project USA, a national organization devoted to LGBTQ youth suicide prevention, saw a 238% increase in crisis calls from Oklahoma in the weeks since 16-year-old Nex Benedict died.



Nelson Peters You pretty much ignored all my talking points. First, I never even mentioned democrats or republicans in my responses. Second, as I mentioned in the first comment, most LGBT youth aren't even transgender, so your comment cannot explain depression or suicide among gay teens. Which is absolutely connected to things like family rejection, being disowned, losing friends etc. Many gay youth used to be forced into "conversion therapy" as well, which is literally saying "you're broken and need to be fixed". This all used to be worse in the past so blaming "wokeness" in the current day makes 0 sense. Even today, a disproportionate amount of homeless youth are LGBT because of family rejection.

If you want to focus on transgender people specifically and single them out, they aren't exactly a new phenomenon either. I will say that you do have to be careful with stuff like that because younger people that express discomfort with their gender are not always transgender. So in that case, I'll agree that making assumptions and labeling a kid transgender too early can also be an issue. However, there are actually people who end up transgender. It's often due to a mismatch between biological sex and their psychology and these people do exist. Treating them like garbage isn't helpful and solves nothing.

I'm always skeptical of people who claim care about children yet wholly reject them if they actually turn out to be LGBT. If people actually cared about others, they wouldn't default to putting them down and ostracizing them when they happen to end up being LGBT. It's a hypocritical stance and reveals their actual motivations lie elsewhere.

Scrumpy Arbuckle First they were not an abomination, they were a human being. Just because I corrected you doesn’t mean you can put words in my mouth. Both groups involved share some of the responsibility for the altercation in the bathroom. But the narrative being created by the media is hardly accurate. There is no indication that Nex’s death was a result of the fight. In fact, there were no signs of trauma to their body. If Nex was beaten unconscious, ultimately causing a fatal injury, don’t you think the Medical Examiner would’ve found some evidence after performing a complete autopsy? Or any evidence of a severe beating whatsoever?

I would NEVER suggest that anyone deserves to be beaten or killed simply for who they are, simply for existing. And I absolutely agree that a lot of the comments on here are sick and hateful, but I’m not trying to be one of those scumbags! I’m just pointing out the facts of the case, and the original comment was not “wrong”. I hate bullying of any kind, and believe me, I definitely suffered my fair share in school, almost to the point of having to change schools completely. I don’t mean to minimize the extent of bullying suffered by those in the LGBTQ+ community, but bullying has been a serious problem for many many decades, suffered by all walks of life. And if it played a role one way or another in Nex’s death, it’s horrible and tragic, and will hopefully bring bullying to the forefront, and bring change in how we handle these situations.

Daniel Davis You clearly did not read the article or just dismissed the reports that the girls she retaliated against were not the ones bullying her.
She started the fight according to the articles.
"Nex Benedict did not have a long and troubled history with the girls who fought with him the day before his death on February 8. According to his grandmother and adoptive guardian, Nex had drawn bullies and harassment since the start of his sophomore year at Owasso High School West in the fall. These girls, however, barely knew Nex." Is it possible she is a bully? Can trans people be bullies? Is it at all possible the incident in question was not a result of bullying?
She even lied in her text to a friend saying she got jumped when in fact she started it.
In fact friends refer to Nex as "fiery" and "adventurous".

Like I said, no matter what evidence you are given you will make it satisfy your narrative.
I'll wait for all the facts because I don't have a narrative that needs to be fed,.

SOTU 2024 speech by Joe. Doom and gloom, protect Ukraine borders but not our own, blame everybody else for the problems Joe has caused, without mention Laken Riley's name who was killed by an illegal alien, drastic mood changes by Joe which is an obvious sign of dementia, I could go on.
That numbnuts Joe would be late to his own funeral, unfortunately. He couldn't show up on time because there were Pro genocide supporters interfering with the motorcade route. These supporters want Joe to support the genocide of Jewish people.
When Margorie Taylor Greene so bravely confronted Joe about Lakin Riley's death, Joe's response was that it was not a big deal because thousands of people are killed by illegal aliens? Are you kidding me? Then he Rambles on about the money illegal aliens pay the cartels. What does that have to do with our citizens being killed by illegal aliens for crying out loud!!!! I have a feeling he dropped a turd in his diaper at that moment. Who's with me on that?
Boy after that crazy and unhinged address to the nation, you never trumpers are really wishing president Trump was back. He will be back in less than a year. Your lies will be much safer, you will be able to keep more of your money, your retirement accounts will start to go back to Growing instead of diminishing, tell me what I missed?
I'm just going to head off you people that hate America and have miserable unhappy lives. Don't waste your time with a stupid smiley-emoji. All that does is validate my words because you can not negate any of my opinions or facts with substantial and intellectual words. The rest of us ABSOLUTELY DO NOT CARE at all to share in your misery and your words of hatred.
Raise your hand you agree but the Democrats will use anything as a political talking point, especially it makes Mega supporters look bad. Now ask yourself why Cameleon Harris NEVER SPOKE about this bomb!!!! Now to anybody with two brain cells to rub together, that is what we call the clue.
Another interesting point. The person that found the bomb should be considered a hero because they saved Kamala Harris from getting hurt or killed, right? Somebody tell us why we don't know this person's name. Why would the government not let this person be interviewed on TV? Sounds to me like the government is hiding something.
Watch the video yourselves. It shows this object in Plain view on a bench. Once it shows the Secret Service and DC police are obviously aware of it, why didn't they lock off the street so people driving by would not be injured in case the device exploded? What what couple of brain cells you have left together and realize this is one of many clues that tell you this would never an operable explosive device.
Facts are now coming out that Kamala harris, who was going to be vice president in a matter of hours, was in that building the whole time. Why was she not evacuated from the building? Again, this is what we consider a clue in the real world.
Just to remind you uneducated socialist fools, there have been no changes, additions or removal of immigration laws since president Trump left office. Let me translate that for you. Joe Biden and the Communists are absolutely responsible for this invasion of illegal aliens into the United states.
2023 House Republicans presented a bill to reduce illegal aliens from coming to the United states. But the Senate majority and the oatmeal brains Joe refused sign in.
Joe is also is acting as a dictator By ignoring current law in regards to legal and illegal immigration. Please read the United States Constitution Article 4 section 4. The United States government is responsible for protecting States against invasion. Joe could have easily worked with Congress to increase the numbers of LEGAL immigrants coming into this country to assist with the labor force. He chose not to do that. He is the one acting like a dictator, a tyrant.
January 2024 we find out that Joe is suing taxes for exercising it's constitutional rights as a state to protect itself since the federal government is failing to do so. Joe is the true dictator. For you dummies out there, Supreme Court never ruled and said that Texas could not continue to protect itself.
We're now finding out that the Democrats deleted over 100 encrypted files related to the January 6th protest before the GOP took over the house of representatives. No matter what party you are affiliated with, you should be demanding TRANSPARENCY AND HONESTY from all of our government institutions. Do not do so for fear of Retribution from the government is how tyrannical governments form. Not only you, but your kids and grandkids will suffer the consequences of your inaction.
I will say that the Republican party is really horrible at this game. The Democrats are very good and planting evidence, and making up stories to make the opposition look bad. Of course these hoaxes always come to light and are proven false. There are way too many examples to cover. We do remember that Jesse Smollett story though.
Isn't this failing station going to cover the fact that Joe Biden is ignoring Supreme Court rulings? The Supreme Court ruled that title 42 was constitutional and cannot be rescinded. Yet Joe is not following it.
The Supreme Court also ruled that Joe Biden could not pay off student debts without Congressional approval. Yet Joe continues to do it anyways.
The Supreme Court also ruled against affirmative action saying that it was a racist policy. Yet the Liberals and newspapers like The Hill writes articles encouraging Joe Biden to defy the Supreme Court order. Would you like for example of job being a tyrant? Just ask me.
Since you asked, here's another one. An article in Politico not too long ago talks about ignoring the Supreme Court ruling on the abortion pill issue.
Is it this failing station going to report the obvious that Joe is being a dictator and defying the separation of government that is made America a great country?
Is it this failing station going to cover the information how the Democrats are trying to keep Robert Kennedy Jr from being on the ballot? Is it this station going to cover that that is an assault on our Democratic process?
One thing the Democrats always do is ignore laws, Court ruling, and the Constitution when it doesn't fit their agenda. Their agenda is to keep power over the people.
I wonder if there's any people left here that are realizing who the true dictators are. Taking the voice away from the people is not protecting democracy, it's actually destroying it.
Democrats that are intellectually smart, and the ones that have logic and Common Sense I've already left and went to the side of freedom and liberty. There is only you left now. The people that love freedom and liberty will not ridicule you for realizing that it is now so bad in this country you have no choice but to realize you have been lied to for a long time. We will absolutely ridicule you if you stay and vote for the tyranny that is going on now.
Once you come to the realization that the Democrats make stuff up and intentionally lie to you to put fear in you, it's time to reevaluate several of their agendas. We'll start with the climate change cult. D.I.E which is the acronym for diversity, inclusion, and equity. There's a reason why that spells die. It kills unity, it will kill people by putting less qualified people in Pilot seats, and behind a surgeon scalpel for example. And just like socialism and communism, it kills countries.
People, you are either part of the solution or the problem. I think it's fair to say that most people want to live their lives uninterrupted by intervention by others' ideas or any government.

Scally Cowell like it or not freedom of speech still exists. As long as people aren't calling for violence you can't do a damn thing about it. Those are the facts. You can sit there behind your sctren and complain all you like. You don't control others and how they feel. Worry about you and not others. Don't like what someone says online keep scrolling.

You're not going to win any battles on the internet with anyone. Your right to speech and expression doesn't trump the same rights of others.

In other words grow some thick skin and grow up and stop acting like a 5 year old that doesn't get her way. The world doesn't revolve one person.

Scrumpy Arbuckle it did align with the DSM IV when body dysmorphia was considered a "disorder." That label was taken off in the DSM V not because new evidence changed the findings, but, as noted in the DSM V to try to get away from bias and possible discrimination due to the label. In other words, the mentality did not change, the terminology was changed to shelter people. The associations you listed have not done a study on possible link between suicide and this community (though statistics show that the suicide rate in the community is dramatically high than in other populations) but the DSM V does not that body issues combined with depression and suicidal thoughts can be signals of a mental health issue.

Suicide has nothing to do with your orientation. Everyone is bullied at some point.

This will draw a ridiculous amount of criticism, but I don't care.

This stuff right here is the result of misusing, abusing, and taking out of context for political gain the "separation" clause of the first amendment. Since society has bought into the fallacy that "separation of church and state" is what the clause means, you no longer have a society who understands human value, worth, and purpose. The Bible gives us purpose for being. If there is no purpose, it's understandable why so many feel like there's no hope.

Leftists, this blood is on your hands.

Daniel Davis one of the attributes of God is "Rapha", as in Jehovah Rapha. Which means the God who heals.

But your point is moot. It has become a medical problem because of the societal neglect of the spiritual problem...thanks to the first amendment "separation" clause out of context and ramrodding the misapplied version that religion isn't welcome in public.

The very constitution we use is derived from concepts straight out of the Christian Bible. Even Public schools originally had the Christian Bible as its textbooks.

Why would that have happened if our framers meant to keep God and religion out of public?

The very clause so misused (the separation clause) isn't separation at all. It is a warning shot to Congress not to go creating a national religion or using government to force people into a religion.

How we went from "don't create a national religion" to "separation of church and state" is an absolute travesty. It was never meant to reduce religion to the privacy of one's home or church. The first amendment has nothing to do with that.

Daniel Davis never said Christianity WAS a part of the law. I said the Constitution has concepts out of the Christian Bible. That doesn't make the religion part of the law. What that means is our framers knew that biblical concepts made for a good moral standard for our laws. Accepting the religion is not the same thing.

Do you take a day off during the work week? If so, you are adhering to a biblical concept of Sabbath.

Do you call the police if someone breaks into your house and steals your belongings? You are adhering to a biblical concept.

Do you believe it's not right to cheat on your spouse? You adhere to a biblical concept.

There are biblical concepts that are reflective within our constitution. I never said anything about the religion being part of our law. This is why no one can stand to try to talk things out with you people. The left has totally lost the art of verbal communication.

10ºDaniel Davis Given how little we know about the situation, the fact that Nex started the physical altercation and that we still do not know the exact cause of her death, you have already reached a conclusion that aligns with your beliefs.
Do you not see how that makes your argument and assertions highly suspect?
And as much as you would like it to be like Matthew Shepard for dramatic effect and notoriety, the facts seem very different.
From the scant evidence we have it seems Nex was the aggressor. But that does not help your narrative that since she or he was trans it must be because of that.
Reality is you do not know.

And since I am not a lawyer I better call my loan providers and let them know I never went to law school.
