Man accused of killing Treat Williams in crash pleads guilty, avoids prison | CNN

A Vermont man accused of killing actor Treat Williams in a 2023 vehicle crash plead guilty Friday to a reduced charge of negligent driving with death resulting and will avoid prison time.


Timothy Healy Your family was never chattel slaves on these shores. A common lie told is that the Irish as indentured servants were slaves. There is a vast difference between being able to pay off your debt to travel to the this land( a condition of that payoff was to become slave catchers. Do you not understand why kilts are worn and bagpipes are played at police funerals or why the majority of cops for centuries were Irish?) vs. being slaves for centuries unable to ever pay for your freedom. Nice try at another lie. Like I said before you struggle with truth.

Darrell L. Monette I forgot where did he?How did he send them there?He was so gorgeously and make your voice.Heard you democrats sent people all over the country to burn of cities and the protest for Black Lives Matter and what happened to all that money?That's right.The black woman stole all that money and now she's being charged with that. On top of that, now, all the black people are stealing products from stores.Anger i'm getting away with that because democrats won't charge them. On top of that , at the , so called insurrection Less than a third had a gun so you can't have an insurrection without actual weapons to overthrow a government so that blows that out of the way the only person that was killed was an unarmed woman so you lose

Timothy Healy Whites never had to endure slavery(pds founded as slave catchers) Jim Crow, lyncings, rape brutality and a host of racist laws aimed at oppressing black folks on these shores. I know you like to pretend that documented history and facts is not a thing. Here you are defending Trump that has 91 felony counts as some innocent victim and the thug killed in the capitol. But was outraged that Kap kneeled silently( committing no crime) or defend murderers in uniform when they kill unarmed black folks. You are part of what’s wrong with America. Racism is innate to folks like you.
