Russia’s new guided bomb inflicts devastation and heavy casualties on the Ukrainian frontlines | CNN

Russia has begun using a powerful aerial bomb that has decimated Ukrainian defenses and tilted the balance on the front lines.


Kathy Morgan Hello friend! You look great with this beautiful smile, I must say with this kind of beauty you posses and the lovely smile, you can win it all in life. I enjoy what you shared on your profile, well i found your profile while reading through a post here and i pondered adding you as a friend but i tried sending you a friend request, it said i can only send request to people i know, you seem to be a nice woman and worth talking with. I will appreciate us being good friends and see what the future has for the both of us. I hope this text isn't an invasion to your privacy because we don't know each other yet. Stay safe and take care.

Donald Trumps and HIS Republicans Hero, Vlad Putin. When Putin invades Poland and the Free Nations, Trump will embrace it. Will Americans . VOTE BLUE to shut Trump up. A gift from that know him best.
John F. Kelly, the longest-serving chief of staff in President Donald Trump’s White House, watches Trump dominate the GOP primary with increasing despair

“What’s going on in the country that a single person thinks this guy would still be a good president when he’s said the things he’s said and done the things he’s done?” Kelly said in a recent interview. “It’s beyond my comprehension he has the support he has.” John Kelly says Donald Trump is Evil" Many do. ,....

You ppl don't report truth and it was seen all over the world with those undercover videos of you telling how you amped up covid and next will be climate change cause fear sells. Everyone also knows you are man handled by the elite to put out what they want. The whole narrative about Trump is ridiculous when we see how it is now compared to when he was in office. And lying about cloud seeding. It's full of toxic chemicals, testing of soil and water proves it. This is why you get dumped on, you don't report news, you report what they tell you to. Not real journalism

#EnglishLesson: That's white people for you to understand: #useless #vicious people: #WakeUpAfrica:#BlackHistoryMonth: After hearing a white man mercenary; making a call to white power people to fund and regular white population who are losing the illusion of becoming wealthy and are losing good pay income and losing social position, the mercenary is calling all whities to put an imperialism/colonizer hat again, like before, and re-colonize Africa and South America and build new wealth like, a new generational reset the "system" with new generation white settlers as we've seen in the centuries in the past and recently in 1948 in the middle east...: Let me send a msg to Africans in the continent because the Latin and Central America are sold out already they being breed and raised by Europeans thru slavery and rape, so they believe they are L.a.t.i.n.o.P.e.a.n.s White, so they think they are going to be speared by the new settlers, they are going to be partners, or that that is a joke, they do not think they are not going to be the new negros, they are lost in translation, they are swingers, can trust them, by Africans like Asians, still have their history and are in their land, so: Wake Up Africa! Africa is a very rich continent. Africans stop being naive! Africans should have a talk with kings and queens warriors: The African Americans. African Americans can teach you a thing or two about living in the mouth of the beast. Fighting the Beast from the inside. Only 15% of the population. Imagine that! African Americans made up 30% of the population during slavery. Now they are only 15% of the population. Do you follow...?! After the genocide of the natives and building the Dreamland for Europeans. Instead of being naturally integrated into society with honor. They were elected the enemy of the white society. Do you follow, what I am saying? Snowden, a white privileged guy, who committed treason against US. How many black person in US did that all these centuries!?!Imagine that!?! African Americans has been elected to be hated like they aren't Americans! Got It?! 15% of the population. Only 15%...?! Blacks are 15% and they are 30% of their population as soldiers in the US army force...and have a hard time finding jobs in other fields...Are you paying attention?! They have been considered a threat, only 30-15% of the population, after being economically exploited and socially deconstructed as Africans and reconstructed as Americans. African Erica's n vê conducted a terrorist attack against the USA. All the new white immigrants could be coming as spy and terrorist disguised as a refugee more likely to commit treason than African Americans, right?! Now, imagine in a continent where natives or Africans are the majority like in central and south america, for example, the same thing. So it doesn't matter more or less. Same treatment. Deny all rights, exploit, extract and kill. That is a lesson of white people for you. African Americans built the path of dreams of Europeans (all of them even the Jews, the Indians, the eurolatinos they pass as white people: , the eslavos and the Arabs) sending wealth to Europe, the matrix and the dreams of settlements were only possible because of the slave trade and slave plantations here in the colonies. To this day this small population is hated on an unbelievable level not only here in the colonies, but whites campaigned for black be hated everywhere even in Africa and among ourselves, do you follow me?! The very own people that are the original human beings who develop all knowledge and build the very own system they everybody lives in. Do you understand?! The population of the United States is 350,000,000 people. 50,000,000 today are African Americans. 300,000,000 hate to the last level 50,000,000 million that existed from the beginning. Who makes everyone's dream come true. 50,000,000 forgotten and denied by History of recognition, reparation, respect..., hated souls. Most of them are chained and traumatized in a system in many ways. Chained and traumatized mentally, financially, or physically in hell reality. Dreamland for 300,000,000 people, but hell for 50,000,000 people. Still find time to raise attention to others living injustice, when they can! So sad. So wake up Africa! Get your shit together, and face your enemies and kick them all out. Because they did it before( north central and south) america, also known by the extinct Tupi as Pindorama meaning Paradise, they did and still do in Australia and New Zealand and the Pacific Island and continent and they are still doing in countries like Namibia and others, they did and are going now in the Middle East and will do it again as soon as they get funded... White and society is about to sell the idea of being rich. Being rich in white society is about being a A.s.s.h.o.l.e that runs a business of exploitation, slavery, extracting resources, mass production and controlling the people's culture and supplies, empire and war. That is a disease culture that has been spread all over, I know. The thing is a white people's society's lifestyle like in the past has decreased in quality. White rich people cannot sell easily the lie for the average white person that he/she will be rich one day, will be the a.s.s.h.o.l.e one day anytime soon. The minimum wage is getting lower and the cost of Living is getting higher. Because white culture system is not about sharing. So white average people are getting angry. White wealthy know what happens when they get angry. It is like the others right?! Like in 1948 I'm the middle east, so white power soon are going to fund, average white middle and working class to go over seas and reset the colonization campaign again. For obvious (nuclear) reasons it seems some countries are going to have a better chance to defend themselves...


The war in Ukraine is based on lies — lies about how it started, how it’s going, and how it will end.

We are told that Ukraine is winning when in fact it is losing. We are told that the war makes NATO stronger when in fact it is depleting it. We are told that Ukraine’s biggest problem is a lack of funds from the U.S. Congress when in fact the West can’t produce enough ammunition — a problem that will take years to fix. We are told that Russia is suffering greater casualties when in fact Ukraine is running out of soldiers — another problem money can’t fix.

We are told that the world is with us when in fact the Global Majority believes U.S. policy is the height of folly. We are told that there is no opportunity to make peace when in fact we have rejected multiple opportunities for a negotiated settlement. We are told that if Ukraine keeps fighting, it will improve its negotiating position when in fact the terms will only get much worse than what was already available and rejected.

Nevertheless the lies will succeed in dragging out the war. Congress will appropriate more funds. Russia will take more territory. Ukraine will mobilize more young men and women to feed into the meat grinder. Discontent will mount. Eventually there will be a crisis in Kiev and the Zelensky government will be toppled.

And then, when the war is finally lost, when the whole country lays in smoldering ruins on a funeral pyre of their own making, the liars will say “well we tried.” Having prevented any alternative, having smeared anyone who told the truth as puppets for the enemy, the liars will say “We did our best. We stood up to Putin.”

In fact, they will claim, we would have succeeded but for the fifth column of Putin apologists who stabbed the Ukrainians in the back. Then, having shifted blame and patted themselves on the back, they will blithely move on to the next war, as they moved onto Ukraine after their disasters in Afghanistan and Iraq.

The lies are comprehensive — but they will work."
