One of the top donors to a pro-Biden dark-money group is a nonprofit run by a little-known AI investor | CNN Politics

A non-profit run by an early AI investor has emerged as one of the largest backers of a dark-money group boosting President Biden.


Jerri Kunzmann do you know blah blah what I got out of your rant?
You use the word democracy like it is something that has been prevalent in this administration. Far from it. There has been no democracy since that idiot took office. .. I think they could’ve used someone differently for the Republican response. I will admit that, but after the ranting and the yelling that that fool did in the state of the union address, a calm voice was much welcomed… He starts his state of the union address by saying the American people need to take care of Ukraine… State of the Union means how this country the United States is doing, not how we need to take care with billions more of other countries… Not once did he mentioned anything about his illegal invasion,his rising inflation, no, he just continued to yell and act like a fool, mentioning his predecessor about 15 times… He never ever said anything that was true, regarding the condition of our country at his hands… He is a liar, he is demented ,he’s mean..
And you were acting exactly like all of those fools on CNN and especially MSNBC by degrading and insulting American citizens and you call yourself a person who believes in democracy? Well I’ll say one thing are good for a laugh this morning.

And by the way, it’s DUMBING, not DUMMING… I love it when people try to insult other people and can’t even spell the words correct correctly ..

When people are asked "Why do you want to vote for Trump"... their answer is "I don't care".. This means they have not a whole lot going on in their lives, and the future is glum! So, we need to help those people care! We have to make them see that living under a Dictatorship and watching their lives get even worse.. will make them wish they had cared. These people need a life that is worth living... Maybe get groups together on mini shows, or groups you can help, therapy groups, for caring about life. Remember even if you don't care about yourself, please care about what happens to others. God bless you all.

Jerri Kunzmann what in the world is your obsession with Russia? Maybe you should go… The Biden administration has been corrupt ..they’ve lied for 3 1/2 years, they have put in almost 10,000,000 illegal criminals into our country. These criminals so far have raped children, and now killed an innocent 22-year-old… And Biden that fool cannot even say her name correctly… The fact that you are defending Biden, and his administration just shows what a delusional person you are..
This administration, and everyone that defends him gets their knickers in a twist over when they call illegals by their correct name and not “newcomers” or “undocumented” or “honored guest” as you people seem to want to call them. I called them criminals. We have corrupt ADA, corrupt judges, a president that chastises the Supreme Court for their decision to say it’s the right of Americans to vote for who they want . That states not have the power to take a person off of a ballot… The voters have always had that right to vote for the candidate they wished until 2020 ,and now all the rights seem to be taken away from Americans.Biden letting in all these illegal criminals is going to cause crime to escalate. possible terrorism ,diseases because they’re coming in from every country in the world… But people people like you were OK with this? Because of your hatred for one man you are allowing yourselves to defend everything that this administration has done to us in 3 1/2 years? You are laughable and you’re pathetic.

Lu-Ann Clenney 6 people died in a week in the Red state I live in, no one can remember their names. Give me a break! You cry and whine over one single death when hundreds die every week by the hands of America citzens holding guns. The Republicans puppet that gave her rebutted to the SOTU made an idiot of herself, forcing a fake tear for a child who was rapped while she supports a convicted rapist. What a joke and a hypocrite. I support Joe B8den because he's not a CROOK and a fascist, dictator wannabe. I value democracy and the consistution, unlike the MAGA cult who don't have an IQ about 35 among the entire bunch. Most can't even name the 3 branches of government and what they do. The Dumming down of America has worked well for the Repugnats.

Mary Ahern He will loose and Trump will be voted in . The bad thing is the democrat have plan a in place if that fails they have Harris . Lies led info states they will deny to confirmation . Democrats, if they take control of the House, could potentially have the votes to sustain an objection. Only a simple majority is required, and unlike when the House chooses a president under the Twelfth Amendment, they don’t vote by states. Unlike in 2016 or 2004, when they were in the minority, House Democrats could be playing with live ammunition.

If this happens you will see the next civil war break out .

Richard Weiler Dems said the border was secure for 3 1/2 years. Yet, now it’s not? Why Trump opposes the new ‘Biden’ border bill-
Puts catch & release into federal law
allows up to 5000 illegals per day (1.8 million per year)
Authorities Biden to grant asylum to an ‘unlimited’ number of illegal migrants
Grants millions of work permits for Biden’s illegal stealing jobs from American American citizens
provides taxpayer funding to fly & House illegal aliens
replaces immigration judges with asylum officers to rubberstamp fake asylum claims
provides taxpayer funded attorneys for illegal aliens

Claude is in open beta for unpaid users if there is room. Many of the smaller AI Data companies have been playing with Claude for premium experience. Government chatbots are good so are they Claude? Some are the older AI before chatGPT and some are university prototypes? Why pick on only one dark money group when so many exist in AI globally. Gemini does not know James McClave. I do not have enough information about that person to help with your request. I am a large language model, and I am able to communicate and generate human-like text in response to a wide range of prompts and questions, but my knowledge about this person is limited. Is there anything else I can do to help you with this request? Hmm a quiet one..... Plenty of other places know him so not exactly hidden.

Peter Schwarzenegger you know, when Trump was President and the Democrats “stoked” the fears of dark money funding the Republicans and had no interests in reforming campaign financing, when in fact they are the biggest beneficiaries of dark money donations. I figured you would not remember this. Democrats usually forget these issues when they are doing it themselves.
I’ll admit that there are bad and corrupt Republican politicians but there are also bad and corrupt Democrat politicians but yet not a single Democrat supporter will say anything against their own party. Always denying facts and blaming the other party.
This country would be a better place if democrats would hold their own accountable.

Wealthy donors on both sides of the aisle are using dark-money groups to shape American politics while staying under the radar. Biden has criticized dark money and pushed for reforms, but he's also a major beneficiary of the system. Millions flow through McClave and Berger's 'Future Forward' super PAC, and plan to run the largest political ad campaign ever (which remains to be seen), but they won't tell who's giving up that dark money until after the election, if at all…so they won't know who’s fueling the candidate and what special interests are playing a role. Maybe they're afraid to be shocked, or can they be...?

10ºKaren Abbott Funny how the left cries about the destruction of democracy yet they are the ones that want to take peoples choice away by control who’s on the ballot, wants to pack and expand the courts and even has the President condemn one of the branches of our government…the judicial branch…just because it doesn’t always agree with the wants of the left, any act to forcibly keep in power!
The left give billions of tax $$ to NGO’s to import and support illegals to keep their supporters and some of those tax $$ go right back into the coffers of the democrat party
