How worried should people be about the measles? An expert explains | CNN

Measles cases are increasing in the United States, with 45 infections reported in 17 states as of March 7, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That’s close to the total of 58 cases documented in the United States in all of 2023.


Facts, Accountability and Reflections:

While it was crucial that we all work together in these ongoing battles to save lives, we cannot merely move on without learning our history, or we will continue to make the same mistakes.

As Ronald Reagan said, “It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions.”

On February 25th, 2020 during his visit to India Donald Trump promised that a vaccine would be available soon. “Now they have it, they have studied it, they know very much, in fact, we’re very close to a vaccine,” In reality it wouldn’t be available for 10 more months.

On February 28th Trump said at a press conference that the coronavirus will “disappear” like a “miracle”. Also in February 2020 he speculated that warm weather would kill the virus and stop its spread.

On March 4th Trump told Fox viewers that based on a hunch the death rate was a “fraction of 1 percent”.

During that March 4th, 2020 call with Sean Hannity, Trump also compared coronavirus with the flu. He mentioned that the flu kills anywhere between 27,000 and 77,000 people every year, implying that coronavirus isn’t as serious of a threat to public health as Influenza. He also calls Covid-19 "corona flu". He suggested it was fine for people with Coronavirus to go to work, in sharp contrast to experts. He compared coronavirus to "the regular flu," not realizing they are quite different.

On March 7th, 2020 Trump said that anyone who wants a test for Covid-19 could get one. Many Americans including doctors and patients have proven this was definitely not the case.

On March 10th he told reporters on Capitol Hill that Coronavirus “will go away”, not implying months or years from now.

Also on March 10th, 2020 he said, "No, I think the U.S. has done a very good job on testing. We had to change things that were done, that were nobody's fault. Perhaps they wanted to do something a different way, but it was a much slower process from a previous administration. And we did change them. We made the changes. But the testing has gone very well. And when people need a test, they can get a test.” (was still a proven lie).

On March 15th, 2020 apparently he hadn’t learned by his previous misinformation and that day Trump again contradicted Anthony Fauci's and local health officials’ warnings throughout the U.S., at a White House briefing claiming:

“It's a very contagious virus, it's incredible, but it's something we have tremendous control of.” (Over 1 million Americans have died from Covid since then!)

In disclosed videos to Bob Woodward, Trump is shown admitting back in February 2020 that Covid was actually a serious threat and much more dangerous than the flu but he didn’t want to panic you and me. Do you appreciate such life and death information being withheld from you by Big Brother?

Throughout October of 2020 during most of his maskless campaign rallies he proclaimed we had “turned the corner” on the virus but within weeks the rates of the virus and hospitalizations skyrocketed in most states & the painful lonely deaths are continued with many hospitals close to capacity.

So I’m really confused. The GOP in the past has prided itself on holding people personally accountable for their words and actions, and supposedly being “pro-life”.

Fans say they love that Trump speaks his mind but these quotes are his EXACT words above and they have been proven highly inaccurate and knowingly contradictory, thus risking hundreds of thousands of American lives. If you want the most up to date accountability index on which States actually performed the best and worst in preventing deaths check this out:

While all of us are far from perfect, whether you are an Independent, Republican, Libertarian, Decline to State, Democrat, etc. how can you praise the GOP & its band of Senate & House enablers such as Aaron Rodgers, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Bobert, & Ron DeSantis, and look at yourself in the mirror each day?

Sheri Chin not the point. No body should have been forced to choose between work or a shot. No one should have been forced to wear a mask in public. It was a blatant violation of all of our constitutional rights and all members of government who directed it should be in prison. Everyone who was concerned about COVID had a choice to stay home not to dictate to others what to do in Thier lives. My kids weren't either and once the statue of limitations is up I'll tell you the rest about myself and my wife not that anyone should have to be put in that position of comply one way or another to survive.

Stan Chris The vaccine is the first COVID‑19 vaccine to be authorized by a stringent regulatory authority for emergency use[58][59] and the first cleared for regular use.[39] In December 2020, the United Kingdom was the first country to authorize its use on an emergency basis.[57] It is authorized for use at some level in the majority of countries.[60][61][62][63] On 23 August 2021, the Pfizer–BioNTech vaccine became the first COVID-19 vaccine to be approved in the United States by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).[27][30][64] Distribution and storage are logistical challenges because the vaccine needs to be stored at extremely low temperatures.[65]

The solution to Jim Crow Israel
Is the same as for Jim Crow Alabama

The solution to Dictatorship Hamas
Is the same as for Dictatorship Russia

Love thy neighbor as thyself with the UNALIENABLE RIGHT TO VOTE, Justice for All, binding the government from the mischief of injustice

Dictatorship Hamas and Jim Crow Israel are allies of voter disenfranchisement, injustice that breeds destruction

Matthew 23:15
"Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You travel over land and sea to win a single convert, and when he becomes one, you make him twice as much a son of hell as you are.

Ezekiel 16:49
“‘Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy.

Gaza has been denied Democracy and Humanity

Democracies police themselves with the rule of law

The root of all evil is the UNCONSENSUAL AQUISITION of wealth and power,
voter disenfranchisement

Ye are gods, said Jesus
(government Magistrates)

Ye are Voters
Your Vote is like a prayer

Voting is walking in Faith
In the Thin Blue Line


The Union Jack holds
the Stars together

Blue stands for Vigilance, Perseverance and Justice

Justice Requires
Justice for all


Democracy forms a more perfect Union when we have Faith by Voting for Truth, Love and Justice for All

Love thy neighbor as thyself with the UNALIENABLE RIGHT TO VOTE,
Justice for All

Dictatorships live and die by violence

The Truth is
We either choose the Justice of Democracy
or the Unjust Hell of War

Democracy is the PATH OF PEACE


Democracy is the scientific approach to government based on the search for truth in unity that sets us free

Truth's Rule on Earth
